Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 119 Departure! Enter the Valley of Heartlessness!

Although Hong Lingbo had been waiting, he was upset.

Hearing that the Master asked to wait, he had to continue to wait.


The two waited in place until late at night, but they still did not see Ye Ling and the others walking out of the inn.

"What the hell is this guy doing!

Seeing that the surrounding lights were already dim, only Ye Ling's room was still bright, obviously not planning to leave tonight.

Seeing that I can't wait, I can hear the sound of laughter from time to time in the room.

When Li Mochou frowned slightly, he was also a little curious.

"Let me see what's in there!"

After saying that, Li Mochou jumped up and climbed to the top of the big tree beside him.

Although it was late at night, Li Mochou's eyesight was not bad.

Looking from a distance, I saw Yingyingyanyan around Ye Ling in the room.

And Ye Ling is sitting in it, actually doing good deeds with the girls!

"Dengzizi! What a shameless thief!"

Seeing such a scene, Li Mochou couldn't help blushing, and when he cursed, he almost rolled down from the top of the tree.

Although she is a Taoist nun, and she hates men very much in her words.

But she was still a woman in her bones. Seeing such a scene, between shame and anger, her head suddenly felt a little hot.

Immediately, he didn't dare to look at it, and quickly jumped gently to the ground.

"Master, what are those 610 guys doing? Did you see anything?

Seeing the strange look on Li Mochou's expression, Hong Lingbo, who was beside him, was a little curious, so he asked Li Mochou.

"None of your business!"

"When you are young, don't ask questions casually! 99

How could Li Mochou say that, but when his eyes turned cold, he scolded and scolded his apprentice.

Hong Lingbo was already afraid of Li Mochou, but after being reprimanded, the little Taoist nun suddenly looked aggrieved, lowered her head, and did not dare to say a word.

In this way, the master and the apprentice were speechless all night, and they waited from the middle of the night until the next day.

It wasn't until three poles in the sun that Li Mochou, who was hiding not far from the inn, finally saw Ye Ling and the others who were about to get up and set off!

Calling Hong Lingbo, Li Mochou was ready to keep up with Ye Ling and others.

"Master! Are we worth it for a love flower? We still don't know if it's true or not?"

Waited from yesterday afternoon until the next morning.

At this moment, Hong Lingbo was already exhausted. Seeing that Li Mochou was still following Ye Ling, he couldn't help but complain again.

"what do you know!

Sensing the complaints in his apprentice's words, Li Mochou turned his head in a "fly", and those icy eyes glared at Hong Lingbo.

"Do you know who this man is?"

After being glared at by Li Mochou, Hong Lingbo suddenly woke up quite a bit, and quickly shook his head, expressing that he did not know him.


Li Mochou sighed lightly and swung Duster in his hand before continuing to speak.

"According to my observation, this person should be Ye Ling!"


Ye Ling!

The Ye Ling that was recently uploaded by Rivers and Lakes?!

Hearing this, Hong Lingbo was dumbfounded and his face was full of shock.

at the same time.

After taking the girls out of the inn.

Ye Ling took the lead and headed straight for the Valley of Love.

Along the way, Ye Ling talked and laughed with the girls.

However, it hasn't gotten very far.

Among the girls, Shangguan Haitang, who had the highest martial arts and the best ear, frowned.

As he continued to walk forward, he glanced towards the woods behind with some doubts.

Shangguan Haitang always felt that.

It seemed that someone was peeping this way.

"Ha ha!'

Seeing that Shangguan Haitang's face was a little strange, Ye Ling took Shangguan Haitang into her arms when she chuckled, and then said.

"What? You found out too?"

Seeing Ye Ling taking herself into her arms, Shangguan Haitang's face turned red.

Subconsciously, he wanted to break free from Ye Ling's arms.

But after struggling for a long time, Shangguan Haitang found that she couldn't break free, so she blushed and buried her head in Ye Ling's chest.

At this time, I heard Ye Ling's half-sentence that didn't match.

Dao (becf) Bai Feng, Ruan Xingzhu and the other daughters also stopped, looking at Ye Ling with a puzzled look at China.

Seeing this situation, Ye Ling's heart moved slightly.

Out of a dozen people, only one Shangguan Haitang noticed something strange.

It seemed that he had to take the time to pass on some skills to the girls to protect themselves.

"Haha! It's okay! It's okay!"

Although he already had an idea in his heart, Ye Ling didn't say it on the spot.

After laughing loudly, Ye Ling continued to embrace Shangguan Haitang and instructed the girls to continue.

At this moment, in the woods behind.

"Master, did they just discover us!"

Seeing that Ye Ling and the others stopped suddenly, and then continued to set off, Hong Lingbo sweated slightly and said to Li Mochou who was on the side with some worry.

Hearing this, Li Mochou shook his head, but he was not quite sure.

However, in order to get the legendary love flower, after some hesitation, Li Mochou decided to continue to follow behind Ye Ling and others.

Before long, it was getting late.

It took about half a day to walk in the direction of Tongguan.

However, there was a long and narrow valley that suddenly appeared in the surrounding mountains.

When the girls were surprised, Ye Ling walked into the valley road as if he was familiar with it.

Seeing this situation, although the girls had doubts, they could only follow Ye Ling and enter the valley together.

The valley road was extremely narrow and long, Ye Ling and the others walked for nearly a quarter of an hour before they came to an end.

But as soon as he walked out of the valley, the scene in front of him suddenly surprised the girls behind Ye Ling.

I saw in the valley, countless centuries-old trees towering into the sky, straight into the sky.

When Shrouding the Heavens is obscuring the sun, the scenery in the valley is very quiet.

At the bottom of the valley, a tortuous and hidden stream came slowly, and the clear spring stone sounded, which was quite elegant.

A stone bridge crossed the stream.

Looking at the bridgehead from a distance, dozens of simple and unpretentious stone houses are scattered, and the end is a paradise without competition.

However, Ye Ling just stopped here.

When the girls were puzzled, they raised their heads and looked into the distance.

Only then did I realize that, on the far side of the bridge, the two teams stopped and seemed to be talking.

I saw that among the two teams, the team on the side of the bridge was dressed in strange clothes, and it didn't look like a Central Plains Practitioner.

The one in the middle looked like a Mongolian monk.

He was wearing a yellow robe, but he was tall and thin, like a bamboo pole.

Its forehead is slightly sunken, and it is like a saucer buckled upside down around the neck, which looks a bit weird.

But behind the Mongolian monk, there were three men with different appearances, all of whom seemed to be the guards of the monk.

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