Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 120 Qiu Qianchi! Do you want revenge?!

These people are not ordinary people.

It was a monk from Fanbang from Mongolia, King Jinlun.

As well as the three Mongolian masters of Nemo Xing, Yin Kexi and Xiaoxiangzi, who are known as "Mongolian Three Heroes".

At this time, King Jinlun was taking a group of Mongolian masters to stop at the heartless Taniguchi, and he was talking very happily with the people on the opposite side.

In the opposite team, the leader was a middle-aged man-.

I saw this middle-aged man, who was estimated to be in his forties. He was wearing a royal blue satin robe, with a handsome face and a dashing demeanor.

There are a few strands of beard between the upper lip and the lower chin, which is not messy, and looks quite elegant.

This middle-aged man is none other than the incumbent owner of the Heartless Valley, Gongsun Zhi.

The two sides are talking and laughing at Yanyan along the bridge.

Therefore, when Ye Ling saw it from a distance, he did not startle the snake, but stopped temporarily.

However, Li Mochou and Hong Lingbo's master and apprentice at the rear did not know about this situation.

"Master? Why did they stop suddenly? Did they really find us?

After a short distance, seeing Ye Ling and the girls parked at the end of the valley, Hong Lingbo's eyes flashed, and he asked Li Mochou worriedly.

"Don't talk nonsense! Watch your mouth!"

Hearing this, Li Mochou came back and glared at his apprentice again in annoyance.

Being stared at by Li Mochou, Hong Lingbo trembled, how dare he ask questions.

He just lowered his head and looked for other entrances into the valley together with Li Mochou.

at the same time.

Seeing that King Jinlun, Gongsun Zhi and the others did not leave for a long time, A Zi also became impatient and asked Ye Ling who was on the side.

"Brother Ling, how long are they going to talk? Why don't we just go in?"


Kill in?

Hearing A Zi's words, Ye Ling couldn't help but chuckle, and then touched A Zi's little head.

"Don't worry, it's easy to kill them, but it's not the purpose of our trip!"

"Since we're getting impatient, let's go somewhere else to play!

After all, Ye Ling took A Zi's little hand and took the girls around the road.

Although Heartless Valley is very secretive, it does not have only one entrance.

Soon, Ye Ling led the girls into the Valley of Heartless Love from another entrance.

"Wow! The view here is so beautiful!

After entering into the valley of unrequited love, look at the colorful, quiet and profound scenery in the valley.

All the women were amazed and surprised.

"Haha! That's right!

"How can you not enjoy such a beautiful scenery?"

Ye Ling chuckled lightly and took Wang Yuyan and Madam Wang who were closest to her into her arms.

"You! What are you going to do?"

Wang Yuyan was caught off guard, and subconsciously wanted to break free from Ye Ling's arms.

And Mrs. Wang's reaction was not as violent as her daughter's, but instead it was a wave of smoke, which seemed to be expected.

"Ha ha?"

"The beautiful scenery is in front, and the beautiful woman is on the side. What else can you do? Of course, play with the moon and play with the moon, and enjoy it together! 35

Immediately, Ye Ling laughed again, and walked into the woods ahead with Wang Yuyan and Mrs. Wang's mother and daughter to enjoy the beauty of the valley.

The leaves rustled and fell rhythmically.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Ling spent an unforgettable day and night with all the girls in the Valley of Pity.

The next morning.

Sitting up beside Liu Shengpiaoxu, Ye Ling felt relaxed and refreshed.

Afterwards, Ye Ling looked at the rest of the girls and called everyone together.

At this time, except for Huang Rong, all the girls looked slightly haggard, as if they were too tired last night.

However, seeing this scene, Ye Ling's face did not have much self-blame.

After simply tidying up his clothes, Ye Ling spoke to the girls.

"Everyone cheer up, I'll take you to a good show!

After saying that, Ye Ling took the girls and started to head towards the depths of the Heartless Valley.

It turned out that yesterday Ye Ling was busy admiring the beautiful scenery and talking about life with the girls.

But at the same time, it is also intentional or unintentional to remember the locations, landmarks and crop distribution in the Valley of Heartless Love.

In this way, Ye Ling has figured out the details of most of the Heartless Valley.

When I lead the way again, I am not as confused as yesterday, but it is much clearer.

Not long after, Ye Ling led the girls to a deep pool.

The deep pool here is located in the innermost part of the Heartless Valley, but there are dozens of crocodiles entrenched under the pool, which looks quite dangerous. People in the valley call it the Crocodile Pool.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

However, when he arrived at the crocodile pool, A Zi who was beside Ye Ling suddenly flashed, his fingers down, and he exclaimed.

"Brother Ling, look! There seems to be someone under that pool!



Ye Ling hadn't said a word yet, but the girls behind her were startled, and hurriedly looked down at the crocodile pool at the same time.

But under the crocodile Tan, there was a figure that didn't move at all, looking like he didn't know his life or death!

"Don't worry, let's go and have a look first!

After saying that, Ye Ling took A Zi and jumped down towards the bottom of the pool.

The girls behind them also showed Qinggong, and followed Ye Ling to the bottom of the crocodile pool.

When they arrived at Tanxia, ​​the girls discovered that next to a jujube tree in Tanxia, ​​there was actually an old woman sitting with a hunched back.


I saw the old woman with her eyes closed, her hair sparse, and almost completely bald.

An old wrinkled face was pale, looking less like a man, more like a wolf woman in a lullaby.

"Huh! There are still such ugly women in the world?"

Seeing the old woman's appearance, Azi was very surprised and exclaimed again and again.

Unexpectedly, this exclamation directly woke up the old woman whose eyes were closed.

Although the old woman was a little weak, when she opened her eyes, two piercing eyes flashed out, and she didn't look very human.


Hearing what A Zi had just said, the old woman snorted coldly and was instantly provoked, and then she looked at A Zi opposite with anger on her face.

"Little girl! If you also meet a wolf-hearted husband in the future, I'm afraid you are ten times uglier than the old lady!

Ya! This man is still alive!

Seeing the old woman wake up suddenly, Azi screamed in surprise, and quickly hid behind Ye Ling, only daring to stick out a small head and look at the old woman in front of her.


At this moment, Ye Ling sighed softly, stood up, and looked at the old woman opposite.

Then, he asked.

"Qiu Qianchi!"

"Do you want revenge?! 35


Is her name Qiu Qianchi?

When the girls heard Ye Ling's words, they were instantly dumbfounded and froze in place.

At the same time, the old woman who was called Qiu Qianchi by Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and she looked over with a bit of curiosity.

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