Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 122 Buy One Get One Free! Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong!


Qiu Qianchi's eyes lit up, and when he nodded again and again, his body even began to tremble with excitement.

"it is good!

Hearing this, Ye Ling shouted loudly, as if he was running the Beiming Divine Art.

When he took a shot in the sky, he actually sucked Gongsun Zhi directly from the air!


Seeing that he hadn't even shot, he was already sucked away by Ye Ling.

Gongsun Zhi had never seen such a strange kung fu before, his expression changed immediately, and he cried out in shock.

At this time, Gongsun Zhi only reflected Ye Ling's misconduct.

However, it was already too late!

I saw Ye Ling sucking Gongsun Zhi beside him, and he didn't care about the hysterical struggle of this heartless valley owner.

Immediately after, Ye Ling placed a palm upside down on Gongsun Zhi's head, and immediately began to frantically absorb the Internal Energy from Gongsun Zhi's body!

"No! No!"

Feeling that the Internal Energy was draining wildly all over his body, Gongsun Zhi screamed again and again, but he couldn't move, so he could only watch Ye Ling suck all his own Internal Energy away!

In the blink of an eye, all the Internal Energy of Gongsun Zhi was drained by Ye Ling.

The Heartless Valley Master, who was still full of energy, was dying at this moment, like a 14-year-old dying person!


Seeing this, Gongsun Lvca, who was on the opposite side, immediately screamed in shock!

But Ye Ling turned a blind eye to this, seeing that Gongsun Zhi had become a cripple, Ye Ling raised his eyebrows and threw Gongsun Zhi to the side in front of Qiu Qianchi.

Afterwards, Ye Ling raised his head, looked at Li Mochou who was facing him, chuckled softly, and said.

"Why is Fairy Chi Lian so hostile to me?"

Hearing Ye Ling's question, Li Mochou didn't say a word, but those charming peach eyes suddenly glanced at the beauties behind Ye Ling with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that Li Mochou didn't look at him, he instead looked at the girls behind him with reproach.

Ye Ling chuckled lightly, seeming to understand a little bit of the Taoist nun's thoughts, so she laughed without saying a word.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!""

But at this moment, a terrifying scream broke out from Qiu Qianchi's side.

Everyone was shocked, and they all followed the sound and looked towards Qiu Qianchi.

At this moment, Qiu Qianchi actually used his teeth to tear off a piece of bloody human flesh from Gongsunzhi's chest!

"Don't! Let go of my dad!

Seeing this, Gongsun Lvcai on the other side almost fainted.

Xin Hao was supported by King Jinlun. This was the only way to stabilize his body. When he screamed and screamed, he wanted to stop Qiu Qianchi.

But he never thought that Gongsun Lvcai just took a few steps forward when Ye Ling stopped him.

Seeing Gongsun Lvqi walking forward anxiously, Qiu Qianchi sneered, but said to Gongsun Lvqi with a grim expression.

"Your father pushed me into this crocodile pool back then. For more than ten years, life is worse than death. You are also the flesh that fell from my body. Are you trying to stop me from taking revenge?


I am the flesh that fell from you?

When Gongsun Lvcai heard this, he was stunned on the spot, his eyes full of shock.

But after all, Gongsun Zhi was still being tortured by Qiu Qianchi at this time. Although Gongsun Lvcai was surprised, he couldn't help his father.

In a dilemma, Gongsun Lvca had to struggle in Ye Ling's arms.


Seeing this situation, Ye Ling couldn't help sighing softly, and then with a light palm, he reached out and stunned Gongsun Lvcai in his arms.

After that, Ye Ling looked around and looked helplessly at Li Mochou and the girls behind him.

"It's not my fault!

"I am really a good person!


Hearing this, all the women were disdainful.

However, Ye Ling made a joke with the girls.

But Qiu Qianchi's anger was not false.

The knife was bitten by the mouth, and after a while, Gongsun Zhi was tortured to death by Qiu Qianchi.

The dignified and unfeeling Valley Master, when he was about to die, he didn't even have a piece of good meat on his body!

His body was covered in blood, which made people feel cold behind their backs.

"That boy! You avenged me!"

"I'm not going to break my promise, ma'am, I'll tell you the position of the mother of love flowers!"

Killing an enemy with his hands, Qiu Qianchi was in a good mood, and even told Ye Ling the location of the mother of love flowers.

"I see!"

Ye Ling's eyes lit up when he learned the location of the mother of the flowers, as if he wanted to leave with the girls.

But never thought, at this moment.

A jujube nail was sent from Qiu Qianchi's mouth, and it shot straight towards Li Mochou!

It turned out that this Qiu Qianchi hated Gongsun Zhi extremely.

Just now, he heard that Gongsun Zhi wanted to marry Li Mochou as his wife.

Hate the house and Wuxia, Qiu Qianchi also hated Li Mochou because of this, and wanted to kill him and then hurry up!

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

Seeing that Qiu Qianchi dared to attack him, Li Mochou's eyes turned cold, and when his figure flickered, he also attacked Qiu Qianchi.

Seeing the situation in the crocodile lake suddenly became chaotic.

Ye Ling not only ignored Gu Li Mochou and Qiu Qianchi, but moved her mind slightly and set her eyes on the group of Falun Gong Jinlun who was on the opposite side.

"Haha! I didn't expect to be able to buy one get one free today! 99

Looking at Dharma King Jinlun and the three Mongolian heroes behind him, Ye Ling couldn't help but chuckle.

I am still worrying about the Heavenly Cultivation Technique here.

I never thought that there is a truth of "waiting for the rabbit" in this world, and there are actually people who are rushing to give it to you!

Thinking of this, Ye Ling suddenly attacked the Golden Wheel Falun Gong and his party!

"What! What do you want to do!"

Seeing Ye Ling attacking him, the Golden Wheel Dharma King was astonished, but the five golden wheels in his hand were thrown directly. Instantly, 610 turned into a cold blade, and also attacked Ye Ling!

Although King Jinlun's "Five Wheels Great Spin" is extremely ruthless, it is far worse than Ye Ling's Qingyi Wuying Gong.

When Ye Ling's afterimage swayed, it immediately appeared in front of the Golden Wheel Dharma King!

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

Seeing that Ye Ling had come to own in an instant, King Jinlun was horrified, and hurriedly wanted to use the dragon and elephant prajna to protect his body.

However, how could Ye Ling do what he wanted?

With a flash of eyes, Ye Ling raised his wrist lightly, and "Shrouding the Heavens with one hand" shot out!

"Not good! Hurry up and save the master!

Seeing Ye Ling's finger is quite strange.

Yin Kexi, Xiaoxiangzi and other Mongolian heroes behind King Jinlun were all shocked, and they all wanted to step forward and resist for a moment for King Jinlun.

But how can a few first-class masters resist Ye Ling's monstrous finger?


Just heard a loud bang!

The three Mongolian heroes were all kicked out by Ye Ling's finger.

Even though Dharma King Jinlun had already performed three or four Chenglong Elephant Prajna skills, he couldn't resist Ye Ling's monstrous finger at all.

One move, "Shrouding the Heavens with one hand", directly severely injured Dharma King Jinlun!

[I hope the brothers who think it's okay will support me, and vote for flowers and the like!].

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