Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 123 Picking the Mother Seeds of Love Flowers! Advancement is one step further!

Although Dragon Elephant Prajna is a first-class top body care Cultivation Technique.

But all of a sudden, even this kind of magic can't resist the full power of "Shrouding the Heavens with one hand".

"Pfft! 35

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Falun Dafa King Jinlun felt as if his internal organs were overturned.

When he was dizzy, his calf softened and he slumped directly on the muddy ground.

Seeing this situation, Ye Ling was not in a hurry, and with a flash, he was already in front of the Golden Wheel Dharma King.

Immediately following, Ye Ling stretched out his left hand and clasped it upside down on the head of King Jinlun.

When even running Beiming Shengong, he began to frantically absorb Internal Energy from the whole body of King Jinlun!

"Do not!!!"

Feeling that the Internal Energy, which had been practiced for decades, had been sucked out in the blink of an eye, King Jinlun's eyes were splitting, and he quickly struggled with a distorted expression.

But he had already been seriously injured by Ye Ling's instructions.

At this time, he was tightly sucked by Beiming Divine Art, unable to move at all.

I can only watch the Internal Energy that I have accumulated for decades, and in the blink of an eye, I was completely sucked by Ye Ling!

"Cough cough!"

Without the support of Internal Energy, Falun Dafa Jinlun's originally strong figure instantly slumped. He slumped on the ground, breathing rapidly, and it looked like his life was hanging by a thread!

"The old man and you have never known each other, you...why did you do this to me!"

Holding on to the last bit of strength, Falun Dafa King Jinlun asked Ye Ling angrily.

"Why so many questions?"

"Quick! Hand over the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Gong! 39

Ignoring Falun Dafa King Jinlun's resentment and questioning at all, Ye Ling's expression was still very calm.

"Don't think about it! 35

Hearing this, Dharma King Jinlun immediately closed his teeth, as if he was unwilling to tell Ye Ling what he was thinking.

"very good!"

Seeing King Jinlun's firm expression, Ye Ling chuckled lightly and pointed a finger in the air again, and in his breath, he had already clicked on more than a dozen acupuncture points around the body of King Jinlun.

As soon as the Chongguan acupoint was closed, Falun Dafa King Jinlun felt unbearable pain all over his body and howled in pain.

"I said! I said ""!

Under many tortures, how could Dharma King Jinlun be able to hold on, so he had to tell the mind of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong.

And at the same time that Ye Ling asked about the Dragon and Elephant Prajna.

At the other end of the Crocodile Pond, Qiu Qianchi and Li Mochou were equally divided.

Although Qiu Qianchi has a lot of experience, after all, the tendons of his hands and feet have been broken, and his body shape is quite cumbersome.

Under such circumstances, when Li Mochou dodged left and right, he successfully poisoned Qiu Qianchi at the bottom of the crocodile pool with his silver needle.

But he also suffered internal injuries because he forcibly used the Ice Soul Silver Needle, so he fainted beside Qiu Qianchi.

In this way, on the battlefield where they were still fighting fiercely, in an instant, only Ye Ling and the women were left intact.

Seeing Li Mochou fall unconscious, Qiu Qianchi has also died in Yellow Springs.

When Ye Ling's eyes flashed, he crushed the head of King Jinlun in front of him.

Then it was after the slaughter of the three Mongolian heroes and other minions.

Fang Cai took Li Mochou and Gongsun Lucai and left the Crocodile Pool Cave.

In the blink of an eye, it was already evening.

At this time, in the Valley of Love, in the room of the Gongsun family's house.

Ye Ling was sitting by the tea table in the center of the room.

On the bed on one side, there were three beautiful beauties, Hong Lingbo, Li Mochou, and Gongsun Lucai, lying side by side from left to right.

The three women's shirts had all taken off, and it seemed that Ye Ling had already done a simple treatment for the three women.

However, although the three girls were all unconscious.

But Ye Ling, who was beside him, regarded beauty as nothing, but instead listened to the system prompt in his ear.

【Congratulations to player Ye Ling for his successful Cultivation Technique - "Dragon and Elephant Prajna"!】

Hearing this, Ye Ling's heart moved slightly, and with a slight wave of his left hand, he directly opened the own property panel.

[Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong (Heaven-level low-grade body protection stunt): 1. Dragon Elephant Power: This stunt Realm is divided into thirteen layers. Each layer can increase the power of one dragon and one elephant. Basic attributes of physique and strength 2. Prajna is immeasurable: When this stunt is practiced to the thirteenth floor, there is a probability that it can grow into a heaven-level top-grade Cultivation Technique. 】

After reading the notes behind "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong", Ye Ling nodded slightly.

As a heaven-level low-level kung fu, the basic characteristics of "Dragon and Elephant Prajna Kung Fu" are still so-so.

Although the second feature provides additional growth for this Cultivation Technique, as far as Ye Ling knows, it is not an easy task to practice "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" to the thirteenth level.

Therefore, in general, the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" brought very limited benefits to Ye Ling in a short period of time.

However, when Ye Ling thought that it was a heaven-level Cultivation Technique anyway, he turned to open the task panel and looked at the [Tian Practitioner] career to achieve the task.

[Tian Practitioner (Hidden Unique) Occupation Achievement Mission: Collect 50 different Celestial Cultivation Techniques, Mission Progress: 48/50]

Previously, because Ye Ling successfully completed the seventy-two stunts of Shaolin, many of which are heaven-level Cultivation Techniques.

For example, the ".~ Yi Jin Jing" of the Tian-level middle-grade, and the "Golden Bell Cover", which is also a Tian-grade middle-grade, and so on.

Therefore, the progress of completing the tasks of the [Tian Practitioner] profession has also been greatly improved.

And after getting the Dragon Elephant Prajna, there are only the last two Cultivation Techniques left to complete the task!

"Ha ha!

Seeing that he was only one step away from his own second hidden profession 【天Practitioner】, Ye Ling couldn't help but be overjoyed, and laughed rather happily.

Just when Ye Ling was happy.

The system's second beep sounded again at this time.

[Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully obtaining the Mother Seed of Love Flowers, and the [Poison Immortal] promotion task goes further!]

Hearing this, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and he looked at the white jade (Wang De) box placed on the table, which contained the love flower mother seed Ye Ling had just picked.

[Poison Immortal] The promotion mission requires Ye Ling to access seven strange poisons in the world.

Until today, Ye Ling has successfully obtained Tianxiang cardamom, Kunlun ice silkworm, and the newly obtained love flower mother species.

And the rest are only missing the four poisons: Qixing Haitang, Tianyi Shenshui, Blood Rose and Jinbo Xunhua.

The entire promotion task is already half completed, and the moment of complete completion is just around the corner.

The system will naturally give you a certain reward for successfully obtaining the mother seed of love flowers.

However, judging from Ye Ling's current strength, these rewards are already far behind.

Therefore, Ye Ling didn't check it carefully, just put everything into the system warehouse, and turned around to study the newly acquired Dragon Elephant Prajna.

However, at this moment, there was a soft humming sound from the bed on the side...

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