Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 124 Xian Gu! You also want the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl, right?

Suddenly, a soft humming sound came from the bedside.

Ye Ling turned her head away.

However, Li Mochou, who was sleeping on the far left among the three people who were side by side on the bed, moved his eyelids slightly, as if he was waking up.

"woke up?"

Ye Ling smiled slightly, then put away the system panel, stood up, and walked towards Li Mochou's place.

After a while, Li Mochou woke up from the coma and slowly opened his eyes!

"Ah? How could it be this guy!

Opening his eyes, he saw Ye Ling sitting beside him.

Li Mochou was suddenly startled, and hurriedly sat up straight, followed by carefully examining his upper and lower body.

Seeing that although he was only wearing a thin shirt, there were no signs of being violated in several important places.

Li Mochou was secretly relieved.

"It's okay! It's okay! It turned out to be a false alarm!

After wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead, Li Mochou finally came to his senses.

When even his face turned cold, he stared at Ye Ling with a pair of charming peach eyes and looked straight at Ye Ling.

"Shameless! What the hell are you trying to do?!"

Li Mochou was embarrassed and angry, and directly shouted at Ye Ling and asked 610.

"Don't ask so many questions, just ask you one thing.

"Do you want to take revenge on Lu Zhanyuan? Do you want to get the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra"?"

Facing Li Mochou's resentful questioning, Ye Ling didn't care.

When his eyes flashed, Ye Ling threw an attractive offer to Li Mochou.


"How do you know this?! 35

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Li Mochou's expression immediately became suspicious, and he was stunned on the spot.

Not to mention how Ye Ling knew about his old lover, Lu Zhanyuan.

He said that this "Jade Maiden Heart Sutra" was a secret of his ancient tomb sect, not to mention that he had seen it before, even if he had heard it, Li Mochou dared to guarantee that there would be no more than two palms in the world.

Therefore, when Ye Ling mentioned Lu Zhanyuan and "The Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl" one after another, Li Mochou was so shocked.

"Ha ha!"

"They said don't ask too much"

Seeing Li Mochou's expression, Ye Ling couldn't help but chuckle.

Although he didn't speak, Ye Ling's confident expression seemed to tell Li Mochou.

There is nothing in the world that he does not know.

Seeing Ye Ling's expression (becf), Li Mochou still had some doubts in his heart, but he believed it by seven points, and the expression on his face gradually calmed down.

Seeing that Li Mochou's surprised expression dissipated a lot, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and then she said.

"Believe it or not. 35

"The things I said just now, as long as you want, I can help you! 55

Hearing this, Li Mochou couldn't help but raise his brows.

"What are you doing this for?"

When he asked Ye Ling, at the same time, there was a hint of vigilance in Li Mochou's eyes.

After walking the Rivers and Lakes for nearly ten years, and as a woman, she became known as the "Chi Lian Fairy". Naturally, Li Mochou's mind is not comparable to ordinary silly white sweetness.

Ye Ling is willing to help herself like this, if it is not for the treasure of martial arts, then she has only her own...

"Haha! 35

When Li Mochou was just thinking about that, Ye Ling's laughter could be heard in his ears.

Turning his head to look, Ye Ling, who was beside him, looked over at the same time.

"Fairy don't need to think too much! All I want is to enter the ancient tomb of your sect.

"Besides that, it would be even better if you could take a look at Fairy's "Five Poison Palms"! 39

Shaking his head with a smile, Ye Ling immediately explained to Li Mochou.

Did you just want these things?

Hearing this, Li Mochou's originally tense heartstrings suddenly loosened.

But at the same time, a nameless anger suddenly arose from the bottom of Li Mochou's heart.

"Could it be that I'm too old to lust after men?"

"This guy is a famous slut? Seeing me here, doesn't he ask for anything else?"5

Looking at Ye Ling beside him intentionally or unintentionally, a hint of doubt flashed on Li Mochou's face.

However, doubts are doubts.

As far as the conditions proposed by Ye Ling are concerned, whether it is to revenge Lu Zhanyuan or get the "Jade Girl Heart Sutra"


Li Mochou was an irresistible temptation.

In this way, after a little thought, Li Mochou agreed to Ye Ling's two conditions.

Afterwards, Li Mochou didn't want to stay with Ye Ling any longer, he just wanted to get up and leave the room.

"and many more!"

But he never thought that Li Mochou had just walked to the door when Ye Ling's voice came from behind.

Li Mochou was shocked!

Could it be that this thief wants to be here...

Just as Li Mochou was thinking about it, Ye Ling's voice sounded again behind him.

"Fairy! Where are you doing?"

"Take your sleeping apprentice with you too! 99

Apprentice... apprentice?!

Hearing this, Li Mochou immediately reacted and turned around quickly.

At this moment, Ye Ling was pointing at Hong Lingbo on the bed.

Taking a closer look, under Hong Lingbo's closed eyelids, his eyes were shaking constantly, obviously he had been awake for a long time!

"Evil! Don't get up soon!"

Seeing that Hong Lingbo was actually awake, Li Mochou immediately became sullen, and Duster flicked it, and then gave a light drink to Hong Lingbo who was on the bed.

Hearing Li Mochou's angry shout, how dare Hong Lingbo continue to pretend to be asleep, he quickly rolled up from the bed, and was lifted by Li Mochou's ears and left the room together.

Seeing this pair of enemies, master and apprentice, go far.

Ye Ling did not leave, but walked slowly to Gongsun Lvca's side.

"Now that you're awake, what were you thinking about? Why didn't you leave with them?"

With a flash of eyes, Ye Ling looked down at Gongsun Lvcai lying on the bed and said.

Hearing this, Gongsun Lvcai slowly opened her eyes, her tenderness was like water, and she looked at Ye Ling with some reliance.

"Leave together? Where to go?

"My father and mother are both dead, and now only the Valley of Love is everything to me.

Speaking of this, Gongsun Lvcai sat up slowly, and actually leaned against Ye Ling's arms on her own initiative.

Ye Ling bowed her head slightly, and she was able to see Gongsun Lvca's beautiful and pitiful face.

"The Valley of Heartfelt is everything to me, and I can't let him just disappear!

"As long as you can help me! I can pay any price, even if..."

Speaking of which.

Gongsun Lvcai couldn't help lowering her head shallowly, revealing a half-blush face.

In the end.

She is now only a twenty-eight girl.

"It really hurts you.


Ye Ling nodded slightly, agreeing deeply.

He said that he was a good person, and naturally it was impossible for him to refuse the request of a young girl.


Ye Ling got up slowly and came to Gongsun Lvca's side.

Softly comforted....

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