Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 162 Get the Blood Roses! Heaven and Earth Conquer Yin & Yang Great Compassion!

Young Master Yu smiled slightly, and then nodded in recognition.

But what he hadn't thought of.

Ye Ling didn't react too much to this, but turned her head and looked straight at Yan Nanfei who was beside her.

"The seeds of the blood rose, I want it!


Blood Rose?!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Young Master Yu didn't react yet, but Yan Nanfei's expression changed drastically, and he quickly raised his head in panic.

You know, Blood Rose is the biggest secret in his hands.

It is also with the blessing brought by the blood rose that the own rose sword can go nowhere.

As for this trump card, Yan Nanfei has always been careful to hide it.

Except for the protagonist Zi Yu, almost no one knows about it.

Unexpectedly, today was actually broken by Ye Ling, who was officially meeting for the first time.

At the same time, he first heard the word "Blood Rose", and then saw Yan Nanfei's face changing drastically.

Under the bronze mask, Young Master Yu's expression flashed a hint of surprise, but he quickly reacted.


Before Yan Nanfei could make a sound, Young Master Yu nodded and agreed directly to Ye Ling's request.

"But! Young Master..."

Hearing this, Yan Nanfei's heart tightened, and he subconsciously wanted to explain.


However, before he could say anything, he was interrupted in mid-air by Young Master Yu's condensed gaze.

Anger 660 anger, fear, horror, unwillingness.

With all kinds of emotions intertwined, although Yan Nanfei wished to kill Ye Ling, he could only untangle the cloth bag around his waist.

After fumbling for a while, Yan Nanfei took out a milky white jade box from the cloth bag around his waist.

Immediately after.

Yan Nanfei approached Ye Ling very reluctantly and handed the jade box over with some reluctance.

After taking the jade box, Ye Ling opened it.

Among them lie dozens of flower seeds as bright as human blood, which are the flower seeds of the strange flower "Blood Rose"!

Successfully get the blood rose, the system prompt sound will sound immediately!

[Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully obtaining the "Blood Rose", the [Poison Immortal] career promotion task has gone one step further, and the task reward: Earth-level martial arts "Heaven and Earth Destroys the Great Ziyang Hand"! 】


It's actually this Cultivation Technique?!

Hearing the system prompt, Ye Ling's heart (becf) trembled slightly!

Ye Ling was surprised.

Of course not because of the "Heaven and Earth Destroy the Big Ziyang Hand" of the Cultivation Technique at the district level.

It's because of the unparalleled and unparalleled martial arts represented behind this prefecture-level Cultivation Technique.

Heaven and Earth Crossing Yin & Yang Great Compassion Fu!

Ye Ling's eyes narrowed, and a familiar name immediately appeared in his heart.

The "Great Compassion Fu" is a secret that is not passed down in the Western Demon Sect.

Legend has it that when the book was written, blood rained in the sky, and ghosts cried in the night.

Even the person who wrote this person vomited blood and died immediately after writing the last word.

Among them are the seven most terrifying and evil martial arts.

This "Heaven and Earth Destroys the Great Ziyang Hand" is one of them!

Although the "Heaven and Earth Destroying the Great Ziyang Hand" is far from the complete "Great Compassion Fu" in the hands of the Western Demon Sect Leaders

However, as one of the seven secret methods, it is hard to say that it can be a good way to get a glimpse of the real "Great Compassion Fu"

Besides, as a bonus for getting Blood Rose, Ye Ling was a little surprised by this extra reward.

However, after all, he already has one and a half god-level martial arts in his hands.

Although "Great Compassion Fu" is also at the top of the top martial arts list, Ye Ling is not too concerned about it.

Therefore, The next moment, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and he looked at the opposite Young Master Yu.

With a chuckle, Ye Ling asked immediately.

"Do you want "The Great Compassion of Yin & Yang"?35


Great Compassion?!

Young Master Yu naturally knew something about the secret of the well-known evil sect that was not passed down.

At this moment, when Ye Ling suddenly asked such a strange question, Young Master Yu was stunned in place, a look of consternation flashed in his eyes.


The movement was stiff, and Young Master Yu nodded involuntarily.

"Ha ha ha ha!

"Okay, just worship me as a teacher!"

Seeing Young Master Yu's stiff movements, Ye Ling couldn't help laughing, and then he spoke again.



Hearing this, Young Master Yu frowned.

He subconsciously thought that Ye Ling in front of Ye Ling must be joking.

But when Young Master Yu raised his head to look at Ye Ling, he found that the Devil Venerable's face did not show any signs of falsification.

Could it be true what he said?

Seeing that Ye Ling didn't mean to joke at all, Young Master Yu was shocked, but quickly calmed down.

Shaking his head regretfully.

Gong Ziyu understood very well that his top priority was not on the ethereal "Great Compassion Fu".

With a twinkle in his eyes, Young Master Yu looked at Ye Ling and immediately asked.

"Dare to ask Devil Venerable, is the "He Shibi" really in your hands?"

Hearing Young Master Yu asking about "He's jade", Ye Ling nodded calmly.

"Yes! 35

"However, it has already been eaten by me!



Not only Young Master Yu, but Yan Nanfei, who was beside him, was also shocked when Ye Ling said that he had eaten the "He Shibi", and his expression was even more disbelieving.

Under the bronze mask, Young Master Yu's eyes stared like copper bells, and 10,000 grass and mud horses galloped past in his heart.

Not to mention that the "He's jade" is a very hard thing, it is also an immortal precious jade handed down from ancient times.

It's so simple to eat, aren't you Devil Venerable afraid of eating a bad stomach?

Young Master Yu's heart trembled, and his eyes kept on Ye Ling, always feeling that Ye Ling was playing tricks on him.


After the battle of Jing Nian Zen Sect, Young Master Yu knew that he could not provoke Ye Ling at this time.

"Ha ha!

"If that's the case, then see you another day!"

With a stiff smile, Young Master Yu cupped his hands slightly towards Ye Ling, and immediately ordered the eviction.

Now that he has obtained the "Blood Rose", Ye Ling has no idea of ​​fighting against Young Master Yu for the time being.

With a chuckle, Ye Ling didn't stay any longer, and took Li Mochou before turning around and leaving.

However, Ye Ling just walked to the corner of the stairs when a special sound transmission sounded in Gong Ziyu's ear.

"If you encounter someone who is invincible in the future, you can come to the Vulture Palace to find me! 35

It was indeed Ye Ling's voice!

Hearing the sound, Young Master Yu immediately raised his head and looked at Ye Ling's disappearing back in surprise.

What exactly does this mean?

Looking at the empty corridor, Gong Ziyu frowned deeply.

Although it was a brief meeting, Ye Ling left a profound influence on this young master.

After walking the Rivers and Lakes for many years, I have never seen such an inscrutable and bizarre person.

Turning around and closing the door, Young Master Yu's mind was still reminiscing.

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