Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 163 Next step! Yang Gong's treasure house! Want to get the Evil Emperor's relic!

However, Young Master Yu did not see through Ye Ling's personality for the time being.

However, one thing has already been determined in his heart.

That is, you must not provoke this person easily!

After clarifying the various thoughts in his mind, his eyes turned cold, and Young Master Yu looked at Yan Nanfei who was beside him.

"If you dare to reveal what happened today, you can do it yourself!"

"My subordinates dare not!"

Hearing this, Yan Nanfei knelt directly to the ground, exclaiming again and again in a terrified tone.

Seeing this scene, Young Master Yu nodded slightly, and then walked slowly to the window.

When the figure moved slightly, the young master Yu, who was wearing a gray robe, disappeared into the vast darkness of the night.

However, just a moment after Gongzi Yu Li-wen.

Yan Nanfei, who had been kneeling on the ground, stood up straight.

Look in the direction that Gong Ziyu left.

Yan Nanfei's face was ashen, and his eyes were full of resentment and resentment.

at the same time.

Ye Ling also brought Li Mochou back to the place where he stayed.

Sitting next to the tea table, Ye Ling raised his hand and took out a jade box containing "Blood Rose" flower seeds from his arms.

Open the jade box, take out a flower seed, and observe it carefully.

"As expected of a blood rose, even the structure of the flower seeds is so peculiar."

According to rumors, the blood rose was cultivated by watering the seven-inch yin snake, the hundred-segmented centipede, the thousand-year-old cold dragon, the red fire poison and human blood.

After cultivating, it can kill people invisibly.

Therefore, seeing the unusual structure inside the "Blood Rose" flower seed, Ye Ling couldn't help sighing softly.

Putting down the "Blood Rose" flower seed, Ye Ling opened the task panel again and looked at the leading [Poison Immortal] career promotion task.


Ye Ling has already successfully obtained Tianxiang Cardamom, Kunlun Ice Silkworm, Love Flower, and the Blood Rose that she just got.

As a result, the seven poisons required for the [Poison Immortal] promotion mission were only the last three, Qixin Haitang, Tianyi Shenshui and Jinbo Xunhua.

Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and she thought in her heart.

If there is not much difference from the previous life.

At this moment.

The seven-hearted begonia should be in the hands of Yaowanggu Cheng Lingsu.

The Tianyi Shenshui was almost extracted from the water by the jellyfish Yinji, the master of the Shenshui Palace.

As for the legendary Jinbo Xunhua, it should still be in the home of Ling Tuisi, the prefect of Jingzhou.

Although the location of the three poisons is clear, now is not a good time to go to these three places.

Right now, Ye Ling's Realm has been stuck in the Great Master high rank for a long time.

Although Ye Ling had been able to touch a bit of bottleneck because of the practice of "Jade Girl Heart Sutra" and "Longevity Art".

But the distance to a successful breakthrough is still a lot worse.

Therefore, it is imperative to seek opportunities for breakthroughs.

However, if you want to successfully break through the Great Master high rank, in addition to the assistance of the god-level Cultivation Technique, you can only bury your head in Closed Door Training and practice hard.

But when one thinks of those top Great Master Closed Door Training, it takes more than ten or twenty years at every turn, and Ye Ling immediately rejected the idea.

Time is precious, beauty is fleeting, how can I waste my time on such a hopeless thing?

"That's it!

"The only thing I can do is look for treasures to help! 35

Looking at the copper box where the "He's jade" was originally placed on the table, Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and she murmured in her heart.

If he can obtain the same level of "He's Jewel", or even a more precious treasure, Ye Ling will have a great grasp of a higher Realm.

Coincidentally, it was in the Tang Dynasty at this time.

In addition to "He's jade", there is really a rare treasure.

Not only can it help Ye Ling get a glimpse of the Grand Great Master Realm, but also the Heavenly Devil strategy, which has successfully obtained one of the four great books.

And this treasure is the legendary Evil Emperor Relic!

The Evil Emperor's relic contains the life-long skills of the [Demon Sect Holy Monarch] in all dynasties.

If it can be successfully obtained, it will definitely lead to the improvement of Ye Ling's Realm.

At this time, the evil emperor's relic was hidden in the treasure house of Yang Gong!

Since he is now in the Tang Dynasty, there is no reason to let this treasure go.

"Mochou, ask Fu Junchuo to bring the concubine Xuan over here!"

With a simple plan in mind, Ye Ling turned her head and gave instructions to Li Mochou beside him.

"it is good!"

Li Mochou took the lead and left.

Not long after, Fu Junchuo brought his concubine Xuan to Ye Ling's room.

"About Duke Yang's treasure house, tell me everything you know!"

Looking up at Concubine Xuan who was at the door, Ye Ling asked directly.

Regarding Yang Gong's treasure house, Ye Ling knew its approximate location and knew where it was.

However, Ye Ling is not very clear about the structure of Yang Gong's treasure house, the distribution of organs, and the number of paths.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

Therefore, Ye Ling found Shi Fei Xuan.

Want to get some useful information from this righteous youth leader.

"Gong Yang's treasure house?"

"You want to take the "Evil Emperor Relic"?"

Hearing Ye Ling asking her about Yang Gong's treasure house, Shi Feixuan was stunned for a moment, but then she understood Ye Ling's intention.

"I'm sorry, I'm from "Cihang Jingzhai", I really don't know anything about Yang Gong's treasure house!

Thinking of the danger of the "Evil Emperor Relic", Shi Fei Xuan Dang shook her head and put on a completely ignorant expression.

"Hehe! Very good! 35

Seeing the change in the expression on Shi Fei Xuan's face, how could Ye Ling not be able to see through her careful thoughts.

At the same time as a chuckle, Ye Ling gave Fu Junchuo a meaningful look.


"Alas! 39

Fu Junchuo immediately understood, and then helplessly walked up to Shi Fei Xuan.

Reaching out his hands and facing the collar of the concubine Xuan, Fu Junchuo was ready to "disarm"


"You! Shameless! Rogue!"

Seeing that Ye Ling had a disagreement and ordered Fu Junchuo, Shi Feixuan's face immediately turned crimson, and her expression was even more embarrassing and angry.

But at this moment, Shi Fei Xuan also knew that she was not Ye Ling's opponent.

After gnashing her teeth for a while, Shi Fei Xuan was extremely reluctant, but in the end she had no choice but to compromise.

"I don't know much about Yang Gong's treasure house, so you can't blame me for your dissatisfaction later!

Concubine Shixuan sighed, and then spoke up.

"The entrance to Yanggong's treasure house is under a bridge called "Yuema Bridge" between Guangde and Yanshou Square in Chang'an City."

"If you want to enter the treasury, you have to go out of a well in the Xiji Garden of Guangdefang and enter..."

While recalling, Shi Feixuan told that, and soon told about the various organs in the direction of the entrance of Yang Gong's treasure house.

"What about the exit?

With the treasury route memorized in his heart, Ye Ling's eyes flashed. Seeing that Shi Feixuan didn't say anything, he asked.

"Alas! 35

Glancing at the bright sky outside the window, Shi Fei Xuan had no choice but to continue speaking even though she was unwilling to "help Zhou to abuse her".

"The exit is the ventilated place of Yang Gong's treasure house, that is, the Wuleu Temple outside Luoyang City!

No Leak Temple?!!!

Hearing this place name, Ye Ling could not help frowning.

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