Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 166 Successfully entered Duke Yang's treasury! The Evil Emperor Relic Appears

at the same time.

Under the Prancing Horse Bridge.

As the river under the bridge gradually dried up, the competition among the crowd became more and more intense.

Swords, spears, swords and halberds, both fists and feet.

Decent Secret Technique, side by side.

In an instant, there was a mess of sitting around the Prancing Horse Bridge, which was not even a spacious one, and there was a lot of noise.

The Prancing Horse Bridge belongs to Chang'an City.

At this time, with the crowd of Rivers and Lakes knights making more and more movements.

As a result, the rest of the people came one after another, including players from various sects!

"I'm going! What are you doing this night?! There are 857s in ancient times???"

"You are stupid! These people are about to explode! Obviously they are robbing something!"

"Fuck! Brothers! I just asked, there seems to be some kind of Yanggong's treasure house here, which has been opened!

"Gong Yang's treasure house? Why is this name so familiar? Could it be some kind of treasure?!

"Don't know this? Haven't heard of the book? This Duke Yang's treasury is a great treasure!"

"What! It's really a treasure? Then what are you thinking about? Get your hands on it!

In the communication channel, all kinds of news are flying in the sky.

After the players figured out the origin of Yang Gong's treasure house, the entire communication channel exploded.

Countless players cried and shouted to come to Chang'an.

And the news that Yang Gong's treasure house was opened quickly spread throughout Rivers and Lakes with players' convenient communication methods!

At the same time, various Martial Forest families and various masters in Chang'an City also noticed the change of the Prancing Horse Bridge.

"What? 35

"You said that Duke Yang's treasury is on the Prancing Horse Bridge? It was even opened!"

In the Yuwen family, in the council hall, everyone was in a mess.

"Report to a few gentlemen, it is absolutely true that the Prancing Horse Bridge is now full of people!"

The servant who reported the message did not dare to delay, and kowtowed again and again.

After getting the confirmation from the servant, the elders who were temporarily in charge of the affairs stood up abruptly, their voices trembling.

"Let Chengdu and the others come back!

"Yang Gong's treasure house, we must not let this go"!

"Huh? 99

"Gong Yang's treasure house? Is there really such a place?"

On the side of the street, Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong Zhaixing, who followed Ye Ling, looked at the various knights running forward, slightly surprised.

"Hahaha! It must be something that Ye Ling did!

"Let's go and have a look!"

Touching the beard at the corner of his mouth, Lu XiaoFeng let out a long laugh, and then even slapped the horse forward, heading towards the Prancing Horse Bridge!

"Yang Gong's treasure house, there are countless treasures!

"Brothers, come with me and grab money and treasure!"

A few Yinkui faction leaders shouted loudly, and then they headed out of the stronghold!

"Yang Gong's treasure house?

"Perhaps as a player, you can also make money from it!"

Under the hat, a tall play flashed and disappeared on the original street.

When the forces of all parties rushed to the Prancing Horse Bridge.

Chang'an, which has entered the middle of the night, is actually lit up again because of Duke Yang's treasure house!


At the same time, Ye Ling and others had already come to the ancient well in Xiji Garden of Guangdefang.

As the river under the Prancing Horse Bridge dries up.

At this time, the water source in the ancient well also disappeared, but it was replaced by the door where the two of them saw each other.

It is the entrance to Yang Gong's treasury.

Without hesitation, Ye Ling walked into the underground door in the ancient well with Xiaolongnu, Li Mochou, Shifeixuan and other girls.

However, Ye Ling and others just walked into the underground door.

At the corner of the alley behind him, a few low-key players flashed out.

"I'm going! The entrance is here! Old Demon Ye is really insidious!

The player at the head shouted loudly, and immediately called all his teammates.

Then, someone shared the entrance information of Yang Gong's treasure house in the communication channel.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred.

Not long after, with the assistance of the exchange channel, the players in the entire Chang'an came to hear the news.

At the same time, a group of NPCs also noticed the abnormality of the players, and also followed the Gujing.

I saw that the door in the ancient well had been opened.

When everyone cheered, it was like a swarm, one after another scrambled for it!

However, at the time when everyone outside was fighting hard to get one step ahead.

Ye Ling and the others entered the treasure house of Yang Gong early!

Under the Prancing Horse Bridge.

Passing through the long underground corridor, Ye Ling and his party finally came to a very magnificent bronze door.

And inside the bronze door, is the real treasure house of Yang Gong!


Luckily, Ye Ling slammed open the heavy looking bronze door very easily with the help of his powerful Internal Energy.

The bronze door opened.

As far as the eye can see, gold, silver, agate, jade, and pearls are all piled up into mountains.

When they shone with each other, the entire underground palace was like daylight!


"Yang Gong's treasure house, it really lives up to its reputation! 99

For the first time seeing such an exaggerated scene, Huang Rong, Li Mochou and the other women were all a little surprised.


Just as the girls sighed, they only heard a ".~ ka" sound.

Immediately after.

Countless crossbow machines were drilled around the Great Hall, and in an instant, countless crossbow arrows shot down like arrows, rushing towards the Ye Ling crowd at the door!

Ye Ling, who was standing in front of the girls, did not panic at all when he saw the arrows all around him.


As his eyes narrowed, Ye Ling circulated Internal Energy all over his body, converging between his chest and abdomen.

Then, with a light drink.

I saw that the dense rain of arrows flew out in unison, destroying the crossbow machines in all directions!


Seeing that Ye Ling passed the first stage so easily, Shi Feixuan's complexion changed drastically, and she was immediately shocked.

On the other side, Li Mochou, Wang Yuyan and the others had the same expressions on their faces, they were already used to it.

"Let's go!"

Without changing his face, Ye Ling carried it with both hands, and immediately headed towards the depths of Duke Yang's treasury!

And Yanggong's treasure house is indeed a well-known treasure in the world (the king's).

Along the way, various traps emerge one after another.

When one foot steps in the air, it is poured out the strong kerosene!

As soon as you walk in, there are already roaring hills and boulders!

More poisonous insects, pits, quicksand, spear forest and many other dangerous organs.

If it were someone else, even if he got the treasure, he wouldn't be able to go out to extend it.

However, what seemed to outsiders to be extremely dangerous, was placed on Ye Ling, as if it had become a toy.

It takes almost no effort.

Ye Ling followed the route given by the concubine Xuan and brought all the girls to the center of Yang Gong's treasure house very easily!

Different from the Great Hall where various treasures were placed before.

The center of Yang Gong's treasure house is extremely empty, and there is nothing around it.

Only in the middle, a square feldspar stood quietly.

And on top of it, a fist-sized bead, like a night pearl, is constantly glowing with a strange light!

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