Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 167 Sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight! You grab it first! I will collect the

I saw between the empty Great Hall, above the square stone platform.

A fist-sized yellow ball was quietly placed on the stone, and it was about to emit a unique and strange light.

Except for Ye Ling, under the influence of this light.

Huang Rong, Li Mochou, Xiaolongnu and other women all had confused eyes revealing, and they were obviously attracted by the weird yellow ball!

"Evil Emperor Sherry?!

At the same time, when she saw the yellow round bead in front of her, Shi Feixuan couldn't help screaming in surprise when she was surprised.

Huang Qi Jinggong is breathtaking!

The round bead in the center of the front is undoubtedly the Evil Emperor Relic!

However, even though Shi Fei Xuan had already recognized the Evil Emperor's relic, her footsteps stopped.

With a pair of eyes staring at the Evil Emperor Relic in front of her, Shi Fei Xuan is not unwilling to come forward and touch the legendary "Evil Emperor Relic"


But because of the inner fear, Shi Fei Xuan did not dare to go forward, or even too close to the "Evil Emperor Relic".

Because before, someone had told Shi Fei Xuan some secrets about the "Evil Emperor Relic".

According to rumors, the "Evil Emperor Relic" contains the life-long essence of the evil emperors of the past dynasties.

If you are in a hurry for quick success and rashly touch, you will be Qi Deviation and die.

Therefore, although the "Evil Emperor Relic" is 660 feet away, Shi Fei Xuan did not dare to act rashly.

at the same time.

In front of Shi Fei Xuan, Ye Ling was also looking up and down this legendary treasure.

With a flash of eyes, looking at the "Evil Emperor Relic" in front of him, Ye Ling's mind couldn't help but come up with all kinds of past events in his previous life.

in the past.

In the entire Rivers and Lakes, in order to compete for the "Evil Emperor Relic", I don't know how many masters killed each other, and the death was tragic, and even many old friends Ye Ling knew fell into it.

In the end, although it was the Evil King Shi Zhixuan who laughed to the end, he successfully obtained the "Evil Emperor Relic".

However, due to the influence of the essence of the evil emperors in the "Evil Emperor Relics".

Shi Zhixuan, who originally had only two personalities, directly split into hundreds of unrelated personalities and became a complete lunatic.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling couldn't help but sigh, and his gaze towards the "Evil Emperor Relic" became much calmer.

Although the "Evil Emperor Relic" is a treasure that he must obtain on this trip.

However, if you don't want to become a madman with multiple personalities like Shi Zhixuan like in your previous life, then you can't touch it directly.

But if Ye Ling still wanted to obtain the "Evil Emperor Relic" safely, there was only one last way left.

That is to let others do it a few times first.

After the energy of the "Evil Emperor Relic" has completely stabilized, it is not too late to take it.

Before, the reason why Ye Ling made the news of Yang Gong's treasure house public was naturally for this purpose.

After all, if there are not many people who have passed it, how can I judge whether the "Evil Emperor Relic" is stable or not?

as predicted!

Just as Ye Ling and his party were looking at the Evil Emperor's relic.

Outside the Great Hall in the center, there were several hurried footsteps!

"finally come?

Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and then he even looked out the door!

I saw outside the door at the back, righteous and Evil, all kinds of masters came one after another!

The same as Li Mochou, Xiaolongnu and other women.

When I entered the hall just now, as soon as I saw the "Evil Emperor Relic" placed in the center of the Great Hall, all the masters from all walks of life were full of eyes and greedy!


"Evil Emperor relic is mine!""

In the lead, You Niaoyan laughed loudly, and then without hesitation, he jumped straight towards the "Evil Emperor Relic"!

But beside him, Hou Xibai, the masters of various martial arts families and various sects would stand still stupidly?

Seeing You Niaojuan rushing towards the "Evil Emperor Relic" first, everyone in the back also reacted and got up one after another, following You Niaojuan!

In an instant, the Great Hall, which was still incomparably silent just now, seemed to be filled with countless anxious figures.

"Ha ha!""

Seeing this scene, Ye Ling laughed lightly (becf) with a calm expression on his face.

Holding the soft and fair hand of the concubine, Ye Ling led the girls out of the way and retreated into the shadows that were hard to find.

As time went by, more and more people flocked to the Great Hall.

"What! It's actually the legendary Evil Emperor Relic!"

"Well, he's a bird! There is such a good thing that you don't tell us!""

"Counting on him? Going backwards? Let's go together, whoever grabs who's!

Among the masters from all walks of life, among them are the remaining three disciples of the Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian.

They are "Great Emperor" Ding Ninth Stage, "Mei Niangzi" Jin Huanzhen, and Zhou Laotan!

Although these three people and You Niaolian were both powerful disciples of the Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian, they were fighting with each other on weekdays.

At this time, seeing You Niaolian taking the lead, he was about to touch the "Evil Emperor Relic".

How could these few "same sects" hold back, they all jumped up, and immediately fought with You Bird Tired in one place.

At the same time, the Yuwen Family, Jingnian Zen, Beggar Sect, Yinkui School and other people are also fighting in the Great Hall!

Less than half an hour has passed, and in the Great Hall at this time, there is already a river of blood and chaos!

"Ha ha"

"You fight first, I will collect the corpse!"

See the chaos in the Great Hall.

In the shadows, Ye Ling, who was sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight, couldn't help but smile slightly, and the expression on his face was even more relaxed.

At the same time, the subsequent NPCs and players entered the Great Hall, and they couldn't help being shocked when they saw such a chaotic scene.

"I'm going! What are these masters doing? Your brains are about to come out!"

"That's not right! Aren't you birds from the Ninth Stage of the same clan? Why did they kill each other!"

"Damn it! This is the first time I see so many masters fighting, it's too intense! 35

'No! How long has it been since so many people died?!'"

"Ah ah ah! How come a hand flew over!"

Seeing the chaos of top experts from all walks of life, all the ordinary disciples and players were stunned and talked a lot.

However, in addition to this, in the communication channel, the player was constantly asking about Ye Ling's whereabouts.

"What's going on? Didn't Old Demon Ye open this treasure trove, why can't even see half a figure now?!"

"That's right! This doesn't seem to be Old Demon Ye's style, so there is no him in such a chaotic scene?! 39

"Hey! Say, this isn't a trap set by that guy on purpose!"

"Don't say it, it's quite possible! But the "Evil Emperor Relic" is right in front, and Ye Shen can obviously take it and leave!

"That's right! These people are robbing the "Evil Emperor Relic". Could it be that Old Demon Ye feels that he can't win? Don't want it anymore?"5

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