Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 184 Fighting! Ye Ling fights Ning Daoqi!

Shi Fei Xuan Fang Yi appeared.

Whether it is the right way or the magic door.

The two masters all gasped in unison, and the expressions on their faces were even more surprised.

at the same time!

Seeing Shi Fei Xuan with a strange look behind Ye Ling.

On the high platform, from the beginning to the present, Fan Qinghui, who has always been expressionless, suddenly changed slightly, and his calm expression finally fluctuated!

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and Fan Qinghui cried out to the concubine.

"Xuan'er! Why are you here?!

In the face of Fan Qinghui's inquiry, Shi Feixuan's eyes flashed with countless expressions, and countless thoughts flashed in his heart.

After hesitating for a moment, this contemporary descendant of Cihang Jianzhai was speechless after all, so he lowered his head in shame and did not dare to look at Shi Feixuan again.

Seeing Shi Feixuan's reaction, Fan Qinghui's heart trembled slightly, and an unbelievable expression appeared on his face!

Brows slightly wrinkled, Fan Qinghui asked Shi Feixuan again, and the tone of the words turned cold!

"Could it be that you told them the location of Emperor Stepping Peak?

Questioning again, Shi Fei Xuan still bowed his head and said nothing, obviously it was the default!

"You! Evil!"

After receiving the confirmation from the concubine Xuan Wuyan, Fan Qinghui had a sullen look on his face, and even wanted to scold.

14 However, before Fan Qinghui could speak, Ye Ling, who was beside him, stood up.

"Hehe! 99

With a chuckle, Ye Ling looked straight at Fan Qinghui, who was quite mature and charming on the high platform, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and then he said.

"The disciples of Master Fanzhai have a good taste and are very moist, which makes me very satisfied!"

"I just don't know, how do you feel, Master Fanzhai?


Ye Ling said this.

On the high platform, Fan Qinghui did not immediately understand the meaning of it, and was stunned for a moment, only then did he react!

"You bastard! Dirty! 39

Fan Qinghui's face turned slightly red, and when he was furious, he opened his mouth and scolded Ye Ling!

at the same time!

The players present also understood, and aside from snickering, they all started to discuss!

"Hahahaha! Masters want to play, Ye Laomo is really sad and mad!

"Actually, I can't say that! Although this Fan Qinghui is in her thirties, but she is so well maintained, I am heartbroken!

"That's right! This waist, this Steamed bun, this figure! Tsk tsk, I'm willing to get it once!"

"My darling! Ye Shen is worthy of being a role model for my generation, even if he has made other disciples, the Master also wants to be his subordinates!

"I'm crying! I don't need a teacher, any disciple of Cihang Jingzhai will do! I'm still a virgin!"

In the communication channel, countless barrages flooded instantly.

All kinds of swear words Ye Shen emerged one after another, and for a while, they were quite happy.

And this time!

Hearing that Ye Ling was so straightforward, there was no fear.

Fan Qinghui on the high platform hadn't acted yet, but Ning Daoqi, who was standing beside her, couldn't help it!

"Shameless madman! Cihang Jingzhai Master, how can the righteous leader let you talk nonsense?

"Look at it today, old man! Your martial arts has a bit of the skill of your mouth!"

Ning Daoqi scolded angrily, and the might of the Great Master all over his body flourished!

In an instant, behind Ning Daoqi, there are eight clouds of different shapes flying into the sky, straight into the sky and the earth! The momentum is like a rainbow!


Seeing the might of the Great Master solidified behind Ning Daoqi.

In the Cihang Hall, whether it is the player, or the masters of the two factions, they all exclaimed in unison, and their expressions changed drastically!

at the same time.

Seeing Ning Daoqi bursting out, Ye Ling's eyes quickly flashed a hint of surprise.

Eight flutter!

It is Ning Daoqi's well-known contemporary Secret Technique.

Although it is called "Eight Punch", there are actually more than eight moves.

Offensive and defensive can be done as you like, there is no fixed method, and thousands of moves can be derived from the exchange of virtual and real.

In a previous life, Ye Ling had heard the high name of "Sanshou Bapu".

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is even more amazing and magnificent!


watch out!"


The momentum of the whole body burst out, and when Ning Daoqi's eyes moved slightly, eight clouds of different shapes moved out behind him!

Either stand, or stand, or attack, or defend!

Ning Daoqi, who was in the middle of the mist, let out a light drink.

I saw that when Ning Daoqi stretched out his hands, the eight clouds behind him turned into countless wind blades, and the overwhelming force came towards Ye Ling!

Although these internal wind blades are made of Internal Energy, they can contain the majestic Great Master power in every blow!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before they could get close to Ye Ling, all the buildings around the two were shattered by one blow.

A group of orthodox masters panicked and retreated again and again!


Seeing that Ning Daoqi was actually taking the lead with Neijing, Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and the expression on his face was still calm.

When the Qingyi Shadowless Art was used, it instantly turned into a phantom!

Between the left and right flashes, the overwhelming wind blade did not hurt Ye Ling in the slightest!

"What! This guy has such a Qinggong!

Seeing Ye Ling moving around in the wind blade, Fan Qinghui and the others' expressions changed slightly, and they were slightly surprised.

However, Ning Daoqi, who was in the middle, was not at all chaotic.

Seeing Ye Ling Qinggong's greatness, Ning Daoqi's eyes narrowed, and the fighting spirit in his heart immediately burst into flames!

"very good!

"Could it be an enemy!"

Ning Daoqi let out a long laugh, and then he jumped up from the high platform! He rushed towards Ye Ling!

660 at the same time!

The eight clouds and mists behind him all transformed in unison, and they all put on boxing postures and followed closely behind Ning Daoqi!

"Good come!

Seeing Ning Daoqi attacking!

Ye Ling's face was still expressionless, with his hands raised horizontally, he was going to fight with Ning Daoqi!



All I could hear was a loud bang!

In a blink of an eye, the entire Cihang Hall was filled with flying sand and rocks, and smoke and dust were everywhere!

When the smoke cleared and everyone looked up.

In the center of the Cihang Hall, Ye Ling's original white robe was gone!

Instead, it is a sturdy physique glowing with dazzling golden light!

"Golden Bell Jar?!

Seeing the dazzling golden light on Ye Ling's upper body, Ning Daoqi couldn't help but raise his brows, even recognizing Ye Ling's move.

It is the town school Secret Technique of Southern Shaolin, the golden bell cover!

"Eternal Devil Emperor! Sure enough, there are two brushes!

Ning Daoqi's eyes flashed, but he didn't show any signs of weakness!

The momentum of the whole body broke out again, and it was actually more and more courageous!

At the same time, Ye Ling was also excited to fight by Ning Daoqi.

"Ha ha!""

With a chuckle, Ye Ling looked at Ning Daoqi calmly, and spoke calmly.

"old man!""

"It's me now!"

After saying that, Ye Ling's arm snapped quickly, and Chaoning Dodge grabbed it with both hands!

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