Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 185 Eight fights in one! Shattering the virtual sky! The collision of top martial arts!

"Old guy! 99

"It's me!

After all, Ye Ling grabbed Ning Daoqi's hands with the "dragon gripper" with one arm!

Hand in the shirt!

Before Ning Daoqi could react, Ye Ling grabbed his sleeves with both hands!

Next up!

A powerful suction was coming straight towards Ning Daoqi, and he was dragging him in the direction of Ye Ling!


"Is this suction the legendary Great Movement of Heaven and Earth?!"

Feeling the strangeness in Ye Ling's powerful moves, Ning Daoqi spoke slightly, and a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

However, Ye Ling Qiankun's big shift suction is strong.

But for Ning Daoqi, who is the Grand Great Master, it is still not too much trouble.

With a light drink, Ning Daoqi moved his hands together, and immediately boosted his qi and luck!

When his eyes narrowed, eight clouds and mists appeared behind him!


Ning Daoqi was like a loach, and broke free from Ye Ling's hands very easily!

"Huh? How could that be?"

It was the first time that Ye Ling's eyes lit up, and his heart trembled slightly when he saw that someone could break free of his own universe.

However, seeing that Ning Daoqi wanted to distance himself from him, how could Ye Ling give up this opportunity in vain!

"Bei Ming Divine Art!"

Taking advantage of the great movement of the universe, Ye Ling's whole body suddenly changed, and he immediately performed Beiming magic!

Under the outbreak of Beiming's magical power, Ye Ling grabbed his hand again, just wanting to keep Ning Daoqi with all his strength!


"This Cultivation Technique is so weird! 99

Feeling that the suction power around Ye Ling was strengthened again, Ning Daoqi's eyes narrowed, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes quickly.

This strange Cultivation Technique, I am afraid it is not lost to own Sanshou Bapu!

Surprised but surprised, Ning Daoqi's fighting spirit has not diminished in the slightest!

His brows were slightly raised, and his expression was condensed, Ning Daoqi's offensive turned again, and he simply used strength to attack Ye Ling again!

However, the attack this time was completely different from the previous one.

"Human Law!

"Eight Punch Return to Self!

However, Ning Daoqi shouted loudly, and the might of the Great Master broke out again!

Before everyone could react, I saw that the eight clouds and mists that were standing up behind him actually solidified in the middle of Qi Qichao!

In the blink of an eye, the original eight clouds turned into an extremely solid transparent colossus!

That colossus is as majestic as a mountain, and the Eguanbo belt is indistinguishable from Ning Daoqi below!


"Ning Daoqi's Sanshou Bapu! Has he practiced to such a degree?"

On the high platform, Fan Qinghui's complexion changed dramatically, and his eyes were full of shock!

at the same time!

All the righteous masters were excited and cheered again and again!

"The power of the Grand Great Master, Transcendent is out of the ordinary! This time, he will surely be able to slay this devil!

"Hahahaha! Old Master Ning, with all his strength, will call this devil to ashes!"

"As expected of the Grand Great Master, this time it is finally stable!

The righteous masters cheered.

On the other side, a group of Demon Sect masters looked solemn.

"This! This power is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary Practitioners! As expected of the long-established Grand Great Master!

"It's over, it's over! Although Ye Ling is the pinnacle of the Great Master, he is still one big Realm worse than the Grand Great Master!

For a time, in the Cihang Hall, no matter what the power is, all the masters are not optimistic about Ye Ling!

And the reality seems to be just as everyone imagined.

I saw Ning Daoqi's eight fights in one! He spoke again!


A big drink!

Ning Daoqi punched forward suddenly!

The colossus behind him is also like Ning Daoqi, with an extremely exaggerated fist, he slammed straight towards Ye Ling!

All of a sudden!

On the entire Emperor Stepping Peak, the originally bright sky suddenly became extremely dark!

Next up!


Only a loud bang was heard.

The entire Emperor Stepping Peak seemed to be sinking in the sky, shaking violently!

"I'm grass! There's an earthquake?"

When the masters panicked, they quickly raised their eyes and looked towards the center of the square!

at this time!

In the center of the original square of Cihang Hall, it was directly punched by Ning Daoqi, and a huge pit was smashed abruptly!

And the location of the deep pit!

It is the position occupied by Ye Ling just now?!

"Ye Ling? Dead?"

The Daoists were overjoyed, and the Demon Sect masters were shocked!

However, just when everyone thought that Ye Ling would undoubtedly die.

In the deep pit, countless golden lights suddenly appeared, illuminating the entire Cihang Hall like the dawn!

And Ye Ling!

Although the body is muddy, the momentum of the whole body has not diminished in the slightest, as if unscathed!


Everyone's hearts trembled, and even Fan Qinghui on the high platform couldn't help but gasped, shocked!

"The power of the Grand Great Master!"

"Sure enough!"

Between the words, Ye Ling quickly jumped up and jumped out of the deep pit!

A golden light already lit up in his eyes, Ye Ling looked straight at Ning Daoqi opposite, with a very serious expression!

"Then have a good fight!"

With a light drink, Ye Ling raised his arm horizontally, and pointed out a finger! With murderous aura all over his body, he only headed towards Ning Daoqi on the opposite side!

"Broken Void Lingtian Fingers!

at the same time!

But behind Ye Ling, a wild dragon transformed by Internal Energy came from the broken void!

When he roared furiously, he swooped straight at the colossus behind Ning Daoqi!

In the blink of an eye, the giant dragon was a breakthrough layer of wind blades, directly smashing away the cloud and mist colossus behind Ning Daoqi!


Seeing such a strange appearance, everyone in the hall changed their eyes and became surprised again.

"This! What Cultivation Technique is this, how does it feel that the power is still above "Sanshou Bapu"!

"I have heard that Ye Laomo is good at fingering, but I didn't expect that the power of a finger is so powerful!

"Looking at the posture, it seems that it will take a few more rounds!"

However, although everyone was greatly surprised by Ye Ling's "Broken Void Lingtian Finger".

But after all, the Realm gap is there, and no one is optimistic about Ye Ling, all of them think that Ye Ling's defeat is only a matter of time.

at the same time!

Seeing that Ye Ling broke through the incarnation of his own Great Master with one finger, Ning Daoqi's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Good fingering!

"The old man can't help but want to do more tricks!"

With a long laugh, Ning Daoqi moved slightly, and immediately attacked Ye Ling again!

At the same time, Ye Ling (Wang Wang's) was not afraid at all, and also stepped forward!

In an instant, the two were fighting together again!

Ning Daoqi has a free hand!

Ye Ling also has the "Shattering Void Lingtian Finger", which can be called a god-level martial arts, and the "Bei Ming Shen Gong", which is on the verge of god-level martial arts.


With these two Cultivation Techniques.

Although Ye Ling is one big Realm worse than Ning Dodge, he is not at a disadvantage!

Both sides, you come and I stretch!

In an instant, it is to fight hundreds of tricks!

Seeing that they still can't tell the difference, the two looked at each other, and they separated from each other!

"What an eternal Devil Emperor! It's really difficult to deal with!"

Standing with his hands folded and looking at Ye Ling, Ning Daoqi's eyes were no longer as calm as before, instead they were full of deep fear.

And on the opposite side.

The expression on Ye Ling's face was still very calm.

But in the whole body of Dantian, the boiling blood and Internal Energy are difficult to calm down.

"The Grand Great Master is still difficult to deal with!"

Glancing at Ning Daoqi on the opposite side, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and he sighed inwardly.

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