Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 192 Sailing at sea! Successfully arrived at Xia Ke Island!


After several days of voyages!

In the largest room in the cabin, Ye Ling slowly stood up, topless, and sat in front of the tea table.

At this time, the sky will be clear, and the ship sails smoothly.

On the side of the bed, Li Mochou and Huang Rong were dressed in cool clothes, as if they were still sleeping.

He poured himself a cup of hot tea, and when Ye Ling raised the cup to drink, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

"Brother Ling! Brother Ling!""

"I found an island ahead, it seems to be the Chivalrous Island recorded on the chart!

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and A Zi and Zhong Ling, two lively girls, jumped into the room, their pretty faces full of excitement!


Hearing this, Ye Ling couldn't help but raise his brows.

Immediately, he put the teacup in his hand back, and found a single piece of clothing to drape over his body. Ye Ling immediately followed A Zi and Zhong Ling out of the room.

Coming to the deck, holding on to the fence, Ye Ling looked far into the distance.

I saw that above the sea level ahead, an island had emerged from the thin layer of fog.

The island is huge, with all kinds of flowers and plants, colorful fallen flowers and colorful butterflies, like a paradise.

On the sandy beach on the edge of the coast, a large and small Mulan Gate quietly visited, apparently someone lived on the island.

"That should be it! 35

Seeing the panoramic view of the island, Ye Ling had an eight-point confirmation in his heart.

The island in front of him is the legendary Chivalrous Island.

With a light drink, Ye Ling made the sailor accelerate with all his strength and charge towards the opposite shore.

at the same time!

Knight Island!

After decades of development and operation, the original deserted island cave has been replaced by a few simple houses.

And surrounded by these houses, there is the "Twenty-Four Stone Room" that Xia Ke Island is famous for!

At this moment, among the twenty-four stone rooms, there are several rooms where the knights of Rivers and Lakes are sitting.

From left to right, the fifth stone chamber.

A vicious man with scars on his face was sitting on wide legs.

On the stone wall in front of him, five big characters are engraved.

"Ten steps to kill a person"

And next to the five big characters, there are countless tadpole texts as annotations, which is incomprehensible!

Looking at these five big characters, the scarred man cursed impatiently.

"What kind of martial arts manual is this!"

"Then is the owner of the second island of Long Er to entertain our family?! 99

Just as he was talking, the scarred man suddenly stood up, and with a punch, he wanted to bombard the stone wall!

Next to it, in the sixth stone chamber.

"Don't stay for a thousand miles?"

Looking at the text on the stone wall, the knight in Confucian clothing ignored the tadpole symbol next to it and started to think.

"Sounds like a Qinggong?"

"But is there really a Qinggong in this world who can chase thousands of miles without leaving any trace?"

The knight in Confucian clothing frowned slightly, and in his mind began to recall several famous Qinggong masters in Rivers and Lakes.

Chu Liuxiang, Sikong Zhaixing, and even the Eternal Devil Emperor Ye Ling, who has been in the limelight recently...

At the same time, in the fourteenth stone chamber.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"What a "Five Sacred Mountains"! It's really heroic!

In front of the stone wall, the strong man in tattered clothes let out a long laugh, and immediately raised the big Calabash full of turbid wine in his hands.


After drinking the turbid wine in Calabash, the strong man "teng" stood up!


That strong man was actually in the stone room, and when he was waving his fists, he was actually practicing a nameless Fist Technique.

Fist wind bursts, vaguely, but there is a trend of five mountains emerging.

On the occasion of the digital master Insight in the stone room.

In the deepest part of the cave, in the innermost stone room, there were two old men sitting quietly in front of the stone wall.

Although they are old people, the appearance of the two is different in style.

The man on the left has white eyebrows and a ruddy face, like a child.

A pair of eyes still sparkled a bit, looking very kind!

On the opposite side, the other old man was quite different.

The old man on the right has sparse long beards under his chin, his color is more black than white, and his face is even more wrinkled.

If it is placed in the Central Plains, it must be able to scare away ordinary children.

The identities of these two people are also very special.

He is the real master of Chivalrous Island.

The one with white hair and beard is the Dragon Island Lord, and the other is the Wooden Island Lord.

The two island owners of Longmu are each other's righteous brothers, and have been in charge of Xia Ke Island for many years.

At this moment...

The two island owners were sitting on the futon in the twenty-fourth stone room, facing the stone wall.

On the stone wall in front of the two of them, like other stone rooms, there are five big characters engraved.

“Bai Shou Tai Xuan Sutra!”

Similarly, under these five big characters, several strings of indistinguishable tadpole symbols are twisted and twisted, extremely obscure and incomprehensible.

Just when the second island owner of Longmu was immersed in Insight.


A burst of hurried footsteps came from outside the stone room!

"Report to the Dragon Island Lord, the Wooden Island Lord! There is something important to report to the subordinates! 39

Outside the stone room, two strong male voices came, it was the two envoys of rewarding and punishing good and evil, Zhang San and Li Si!

"Huh?! Years

Insight was interrupted, and the two island masters of Longmu frowned slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in their eyes.

However, after all, they belonged to Own's subordinates. Although they were displeased, the two island owners didn't say anything. When they raised their hands, they opened the stone room door from the inside!

Zhang San and Li Si walked into the stone room, and immediately reported to the second island owner of Longmu.

"Report to the two island owners!"

"There was an unnamed big ship on the sea just now heading towards my Xia Ke Island. I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend. My subordinates also asked me how to deal with it!"


An unnamed ship came to Xia Ke Island?

Hearing the reports of Zhang San and Li Si, the two island masters of Longmu changed slightly, and they were quite surprised.

"Since that's the case, why don't you quickly arrange for people to go to the coast for defense?!

"That's right! You two, bring 2.5 people to stop the boat, don't let it go ashore! 99

Surprised, the second island owner of Longmu gave orders to Zhang San and Li Si.


Zhang San and Li Si followed the order and left.

Next up!

The two of Longmu looked at each other, and both saw a trace of unease hidden in each other's eyes.

Since the two of them took charge of Xia Ke Island, for so many years, they have always invited others to come.

This is the first time in my life that I have found a sea ship by myself!

Thinking of this, the two island masters of Longmu were also reluctant to continue Insight.

In the blink of an eye, they all got up, wanting to go out and find out what happened to this mysterious ship.


At this moment, an unfamiliar male voice rang out in the small stone room.

"You two don't have to go out!

"I've come!"

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