Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 193 Ye Ling Appears! Everyone is shocked!

Chapter 193 Ye Ling Appears! Everyone Shakes! Successful Insight Tai Xuan Sutra!


who is it?!

Hearing this unfamiliar male voice, the second island owner of Longmu suddenly changed dramatically.

In particular, Island Master Wood, whose wrinkled face was instantly piled together in horror, seemed to be greatly paled.

In addition to being shocked, the two island masters of Longmu didn't care so much, and hurriedly walked out of the twenty-fourth stone room together!

The two island owners just walked over to the aisle.

It was when they saw Zhang San and Li Si, who had just been sent out by the two of them, sitting slumped on the icy floor tiles at this time, obviously they were not awake!

The hearts of the two shook again, and they hurriedly raised their heads and looked forward.

I saw at this moment, in the dim stone cave, under the swaying candlelight of the stone wall, a slender figure was slowly coming out.

The two island masters of Longmu looked intently.

Above the slender figure is a handsome young man with extraordinary temperament.

The young man was estimated to be in his early 20s and 14s. He was wearing a blue long gown and a piece of milky white cold jade around his waist. Under the flickering candlelight, it was difficult to conceal the rare handsomeness of the young man.

In addition, behind the young man, a dozen women followed closely.

among the women.

There are mature and beautiful women, charming and tender young girls, and more exotic Yamato people.

What's even more surprising is that these women, without exception, are peerless beauties that have been rare for thousands of years!

At this time, with a group of beautiful beauties.

The leading young man is playing with the folding fan in his hand, but he is walking in the aisle of the stone cave very leisurely, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

at the same time!

Whenever that young man takes a step forward.

In the stone chambers on both sides, the masters who were still in their respective Insights were instantly unable to move!

Unexpectedly, in silence, he was subdued by the mysterious young people!


This is impossible!

In an instant, the two island masters of Longmu were dumbfounded, and their eyes were full of disbelief!

You must know, the person who can enter the stone chamber and gain insight into the content of the stone wall.

Either a Confucian chivalrous person full of poetry and books, or a quick-witted Martial Forest legend.

In addition, there are countless talented people, all of whom are strong in martial arts.

However, the mysterious young man on the opposite side was able to subdue all the good players in silence.

With such strength, how can the two island masters of Longmu not be quite afraid?

"Young man! What's your origin? Why did you trespass on my knight's island without asking for advice?!

With a glance, Lord Kishima took a step forward, and immediately questioned the mysterious young man opposite him with a dignified expression.

"Hehe! 99


Facing the question from the Island Master, the mysterious young man on the opposite side just chuckled and waved the folding fan in his hand, but he laughed without saying a word!


Seeing this smile, although the two island masters of Longmu were puzzled, they all felt a slight chill behind them!

Just when the atmosphere in the cave became more and more tense.

In the stone chambers on both sides, someone exclaimed again and again!

"Confucian robe and folding fan, beautiful fragrance!"

"It's him! He is the eternal Devil Emperor Ye Ling! 99


Devil Emperor Ye Ling?

Hearing this exclamation, the two island masters of Longmu turned their eyes and looked towards the stone chambers on both sides.

I saw the person who was exclaiming just now, it was the knight who just arrived on the island half a month ago!

"Could it be really the rumored Devil Emperor Ye Ling?!

Seeing this situation, the Second Island Master Longmu immediately frowned, and his gaze turned from fearful to vigilant when he looked at the young man on the opposite side!

at the same time!

In the stone rooms on both sides, after learning that the identity of the young man turned out to be the legendary Devil Emperor Ye Ling, all the knights who were slumped on the ground also exclaimed in surprise.

"What?! He is the big devil Ye Ling? When we went to sea, he was still in Bright Summit, why did he come to Xia Ke Island all of a sudden?""

"Eternal Devil Emperor? This old man has been sitting on the island for several years, when did such a big devil appear in the Central Plains again?!

"It was possible to subdue us all quietly, it seems that the Martial Forest in the Central Plains is already in a bloody storm!

When all the knights exclaimed, their eyes were full of horror.

But this time!

Looking at the horrified expressions of the people around, Ye Ling and the girls behind them were still calm, obviously they were used to it.

With a snap, Ye Ling closed the folding fan in his hand, and Ye Ling raised his head to look at the second island master of Longmu, and then spoke lightly.

"Two island owners! I'm Ye Ling, not bad!

"However, this trip is only for Insight "Tai Xuan Jing", please don't panic!


Insight Tai Xuan Sutra?

Hearing Ye Ling's words, everyone's expressions froze, and there was a bit of confusion in their eyes.

Same as it.

In the deepest part of the cave, the two island masters of Longmu, who were standing side by side, also raised their brows, which was also a little unexpected for what Ye Ling wanted.

However, compared to other knights.

While looking at Ye Ling, the eyes of the two island owners were still full of vigilance and fear.

"Alas! 35

"Since Ye Xiaoyou is only here for Tai Xuan, please do it!

After a long while, the Long Island Master, who had been silent for a long time, nodded helplessly and finally agreed with Ye Ling to stay on the island, Insight Tai Xuan said.

"very good!"

Seeing that the second island owner of Longmu had already compromised, Ye Ling smiled slightly.

Immediately, when the fingers were lifted lightly, all the masters who had just been subdued, including 673 and the unconscious Zhang San and Li, all returned to normal.

Seeing Ye Ling let everyone go, Longmu Er Island Master was reluctant, so he had to continue facing the scalp.

First, a group of experts who were invited to Insight Tai Xuan Jing were invited out.

Immediately after.

The second island owner of Longmu ordered Zhang San and Li Si to take the servants on the island to start cleaning the environment in the cave.

After some cleaning, the twenty-four stone chambers suddenly took on a new look.

Immediately, the two of Longmu officially left the twenty-four stone rooms to Ye Ling and his party.

Taking the girls into the stone cave again, Ye Ling started to gain insight from the first stone room.

Along the way, among the girls, people kept asking curiously.

In the fifth stone chamber.

"Brother Ling! I understand the five words above, but how can they become a Cultivation Technique when they are connected together?"

Looking at the five characters "Ten steps to kill one person" on the stone wall, A Zi shook her head, her eyes filled with puzzlement.

At the same time, the girls behind Ye Ling's eyes were shaking, obviously curious.

"Ha ha!

With a chuckle, Ye Ling touched A Zi's little head, and Ye Ling immediately explained to the crowd.

"As the so-called "ten steps to kill a person", it highlights the rapidity of martial arts!

"And these five words are exactly a set of "Quick Word Sword Technique!

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