Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 194 Successful Insight Tai Xuan Sutra! Trigger the god-level mission again!

Is that so?!

After hearing Ye Ling's explanation, all the women present were extremely surprised.

Ordinary people can imagine that among these simple five words, there is actually such a fast Sword Technique.


Following Ye Ling's explanation.

Among the girls, there were especially intelligent people like Huang Rong, Zhao Min, and Shi Feixuan.

While looking at Ye Ling, the girls' eyes became more complicated.

After completing the insight of the stone wall in the first stone room, Ye Ling led the girls all the way to the next stone room.

Every time I went to a new stone room, there was always someone among the women who asked.

And Ye Ling took the trouble to explain it to the girls one by one.

In the eighth stone chamber.

Standing in front of the stone wall, Ye Ling slowly explained to the girls.

"As the so-called "hidden merit and fame", its chic and elegant trend is similar to the Lingbo micro-step that I taught you before."

"So these five characters also represent a very ingenious Qinggong!

Could it be a Qinggong?

Hearing this, all the women's eyes flashed.

Shangguan Haitang, Azhu, Abi and other women were even more excited, and quickly looked at the content on the stone wall!

In the fourteenth stone chamber.

"This "Five Sacred Sacred Mountains is Light", within a sentence, it is majestic, can it be said that what martial arts are within the palm of your hand?99

Before the stone wall, Ye Ling had not waited for an explanation.

Aside, Wang Yuyan opened her mouth guessing.

"That's right! As expected of a good embryo practicing martial arts! 99

Ye Ling nodded, and then spoke again.

"As Yan'er said, what is said in this sentence is a set of Fist Technique that can break mountains and rocks!

In the seventeenth stone chamber.

"'Save Zhao by swinging the golden hammer', it seems to be swinging a hammer, but in fact it is talking about the method of the heavy sword!

In the twentieth stone chamber.

The phrase 'Xuanhe Daliangcheng' is obscure and difficult to understand, but it is the most important point in Dantian Breathing Exercises, which belongs to the excellent Breathing Exercises Cultivation Technique35

Going forward and explaining all the way, Ye Ling seems to be strolling in the courtyard.

Seeing that Ye Ling is very familiar with the meaning behind these words and verses.

Immediately, Zhu Yuyan, Shi Fei Xuan and others were extremely surprised.

As high-level figures of the right and the devil, it was the first time they heard about such martial arts determination.

In an instant, the two women's expressions became complicated.

However, Ye Ling, who was walking in front, did not care about the thoughts of the girls behind her.

All the way forward, Ye Ling led everyone to the last stone room.

In the last stone room.

On the stone wall, except for the phrase "White Head Tai Xuan Sutra".

Below the text, there are countless tadpole characters, which look incomparably mysterious and profound in structure.

And after reading the previous twenty-three stone chambers, and seeing this acupoint map presented in tadpole script, my mind suddenly brightened up!

I see!

With his eyes fixed, Ye Ling stretched out his hand and gently touched the three characters "Tai Xuan Sutra" on the stone wall!

The next moment, the system prompt sounded in Ye Ling's ear.

【Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully learning the Cultivation Technique - "Tai Xuan Jing"!】

"Huh?! Got it?"

Hearing this, Ye Ling's heart trembled slightly, she turned her back, opened the property panel, and looked at the Cultivation Technique column.

【Tai Xuan Jing (Cultivation Technique)】

[Characteristics: 1. Qi Sword Return to Self: It can turn the Internal Energy of the whole body into Sword Qi and rush out, with infinite power! 】

【2. When you are strong, you are strong: Tai Xuan Sutra can integrate various martial arts into one, and when you get it you can forget its shape. The stronger the enemy you encounter, the stronger your Internal Energy counterattack will be!】

After reading the feature introduction of "Tai Xuan Sutra", Ye Ling nodded slightly.

Although these two characteristics can not be regarded as absolute strength, but if they are properly matched, they can also play a good role.

In particular, the feature of "Integrating Qi and Sword" seems to be able to further enhance the power of his "Six Meridians Divine Sword" and even "Broken Void Lingtian Finger".

And just as Ye Ling was thinking about it, the system prompt sounded again.

[Congratulations to the player who has both Cultivation Techniques of "Six Meridians Excalibur" and "Tai Xuan Sutra", meeting the conditions and officially triggering the God-level martial arts task! 】


Another god-level martial arts mission?

Hearing this, Ye Ling was both surprised and happy.

Not caring so much, Ye Ling opened the system task panel and looked at it as he flicked his finger.

[The Road to Achievement of the Sword Saint (Martial Arts Collection Task)]

[Task requirements: Successfully collect six Cultivation Techniques, including Innate's broken body and invisible Sword Qi, Liumai Divine Sword, Tai Xuan Sutra, Innate Gangqi, Yijian Geshi, Wanjian Guizong! 】

[Quest Reward: God-level Martial Arts - Ten Thousand Gods Tribulation!]


Seeing the three words above the quest reward, Ye Ling's eyes suddenly brightened, and the happy expression on his face was even harder to hide.

You must know that the original ".~ Wanshen Tribulation" was created by Qianbai Yijianqing, the master of the Eastern Sword Saint Liusheng Jianying.

Its Sword Technique has a total of 14 styles, and it is rumored that the top Sword Technique of the heaven-level top grade has been counted at first.

In the follow-up, the sword sage himself evolved into the most essential three-stroke sword style, and the fourth move was successfully deduced from the first three styles.

Four strokes and one, is the "God's Tribulation".

According to legend, among the Rivers and Lakes, no one has ever seen the second trick of the "Pan Shen calamity".

Because no matter what kind of Realm, just one move can kill people.

Such a powerful Sword Technique, how can Ye Ling not feel excited?

However, the excitement returned, Ye Ling calmed down quickly.

After all, if you want to get the "All Gods Tribulation", you must first collect these six Sword Techniques.

Now I only have two Cultivation Techniques, "Six Meridians Excalibur" and "Tai Xuan Sutra", and I still have a long way to go if I want to achieve my goals.

"take it easy!"

(Wang Zhaohao) Taking a deep breath, Ye Ling regained her calm expression, then turned her head and looked at the girls behind her.

"Let's go! Already done?

Now that he has successfully obtained the Tai Xuan Sutra, Ye Ling has no intention of staying here.

Looking at the girls, Ye Ling said, and immediately stepped out, heading out of the stone room.


Hearing this, Zhu Yuyan, Wanwan and other women all stared blankly and couldn't believe it.

With these words that look like tadpoles, how could someone succeed in it Insight martial arts?

Contrary to Zhu Yuyan and other women, Dao Baifeng, Madam Wang's daughters.

Following all the way, Dao Baifeng's children have long been accustomed to this, and immediately walked behind Ye Ling without any doubt.

When Zhu Yuyan and the others saw this, although their minds were still full of confusion, it was difficult to ask questions for a while, so they had to follow Ye Ling's back and walked towards the outside of the stone cave together.

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