Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 199 Absorb the skills of the whole body in the future! Dare to move? Then kill them all!

Tie Zhongtang, who was closest to Ye Ling and the two in the future, changed his face slightly when he heard the words "Marriage Clothing Magic".

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

You must know that the founder of this "wedding dress magic", Yun Tie Erzu, is the founder of Daqimen.

And the "wedding dress magic", many years ago, was the town teaching magic of Jagged Banner Gate.

As a result, when Tie Zhongtang heard about the magic of the wedding dress from his mouth in the future, he was naturally extremely surprised.

Surprised, Tie Zhongtang wanted to ask.


Before Tie Zhongtang could speak, Ye Ling, who was beside him, grabbed ahead of him.

"Ha ha!"

With a chuckle, Ye Ling closed the folding fan in his hand with a "pop", looked up at the sedan chair opposite, and immediately started talking.

"Bitter hatred keeps pressing the gold thread, making wedding clothes for others! 35

"The magic of wedding clothes, as the name suggests, focuses on the word wedding clothes. There are only two ways to cultivate this skill!

"Either cultivation is done by oneself, and when the pain is unbearable, pass on the power to others!"

Having said this, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and then his tone increased again.

"Either, we can only wait until 60% of the wedding dress magic cultivation practice, and then abolish all the skills and re-cultivation, in order to be reborn from the ashes!

Between these two sentences, Ye Ling brought out the two cultivation methods of the magic of wedding dresses.

"That's it!!! 35

Hearing the words, the future in the sedan chair suddenly spoke out in surprise, already realizing something.

"As expected of the rumored Eternal Devil Emperor, to know such top-secret martial arts tricks, I really admire it!"

Speaking out again, the words in the future were filled with praise for Ye Ling, obviously admiring Ye Ling.

at the same time!

Hearing Ye Ling talk about the two cultivation methods of the wedding dress magic, everyone's expressions changed slightly and they were surprised.

"Good guy! I've only heard about this magical power of wedding dresses before, but I didn't expect this cultivation method to be so difficult. "〃!"

"It is not easy to complete cultivation, but it is necessary to pass on all the skills to others. Isn't it appropriate to take advantage of it?"

"It's okay to pass it on to other people, at least it relieves the pain, the second method, I really dare not think about it!

"The second method is really ruthless, it would be very painful to abolish the whole body's skills on your own!

On the coast, the two parties and the disciples were all discussing, and their words were full of surprise.

at this time!

Heard the increasingly intense noise outside.

The future in the sedan chair finally reacted from his surprised and excited thoughts.

His eyes flashed, and after a moment of thought, he opened the sedan curtain and walked out.

In an instant, the true body of the future finally appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing that the car curtain was lifted from the inside, a Daoist figure flashed out of it, Ye Ling also looked up and looked over.

I saw a slender woman in Tsing Yi with her hands on her back, walking out of the sedan chair slowly.

The woman in Tsing Yi looked like she was in her thirties.

His stature is neither tall nor peculiar, and his clothes are not bright and eye-catching.

All over the body, it can be said that there is absolutely nothing eye-catching.

However, even such an ordinary woman seems to contain an incomparably powerful attraction.

Standing out a little, even among the girls behind Ye Ling.

Women such as Zhong Ling and Liu Sheng Piaoxu were also slightly overwhelmed by her temperament.

In an instant, without further ado, Ye Ling had already confirmed the identity of this woman.

Undoubtedly, it is the man in Biluo Fu, who can be called the future of the Martial Forest myth.

at the same time!

When they saw the real face in the future, the expressions of the girls behind Ye Ling also changed slightly, and there was a bit of surprise in their beautiful eyes.

According to Ye Ling's description before, all the women thought that they would be like heroines in the future.

No matter how bad it is, he will be a very strong martial arts prodigy.

However, at this time, when they saw that the legendary future was just an ordinary and slender woman, the girls were extremely surprised.

Facing the changes in the expressions of the girls, he did not To put in one's eyes in the future.

Stepping out of the sedan chair, he looked directly at Ye Ling, who was on the opposite side, and immediately asked.

"Since you know the cultivation method of the wedding dress magic."

"Then do you have a solution to my problem?"

The tone in the future was very warm, and although there was not much expression on his face, a trace of anxiety flashed in the corner of his eyes, which exposed the anxiety in the heart of the Martial Forest myth.

Obviously, the question of the magic of the wedding dress has already become a thorn in the heart in the future.

Hearing the inquiries in the future, Ye Ling's eyes flashed.

After pondering for a while, Ye Ling just looked at the opposite, and then slowly said two words.



To dissipate all of its own power?

Hearing this, everyone present reacted differently, each with a look of shock.

~Is this the only way?"

At this moment, he also frowned slightly in the future, and asked Ye Ling with some doubts.

"Hmm! 35

Ye Ling nodded, and immediately started talking again.

"Either dissipate the power by yourself, or transfer power to others!

"But the results are not too different, as long as one move is not careful, I am afraid that there will be a life-threatening worry!


Fear of life?!

Upon hearing this, everyone present gasped, and their eyes were full of horror.

At this time, hearing Ye Ling's words, the future of the sedan chair frowned, and immediately fell into thinking.

half an hour!

In the future, I finally decided to follow the plan given by Ye Ling and take a risk to try it!


"Since it is the method you proposed, then I will pass on all the power of the wedding dress magic art to you! 39

In the future, his eyes flashed, and when he looked at Ye Ling, he expressed his own thoughts!


Will you transfer power to Ye Ling in the future?!

Hearing this, including Tie Zhongtang (Wang Zhaohao), everyone present was dumbfounded.

Even more, many people cast envious and hateful glances at Ye Ling.

You know, that is the whole body skill in the future!

Although according to Ye Ling, the higher the power of the wedding dress, the more painful it is.

The increase in strength that can be brought is real!

All of a sudden, all kinds of complicated emotions were mixed in the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Ling.


Just when everyone thought that Ye Ling would agree to this.

Under everyone's eyes, Ye Ling was facing the future and shook his head.

"No, I don't need your transfer power!

After saying that, Ye Ling stepped out and went straight to the opposite future, when his left hand suddenly stretched out towards the future!

"Bei Ming Divine Art!

With a light drink, Ye Ling raised Qi Yun Gong and immediately activated Beiming Divine Art!

In an instant, the Internal Energy all over the body in the future is rushing wildly outwards!

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