Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 200 Wedding dress magic! Strong suppression of the Five Fortune Alliance!

On the occasion of Beiming Divine Art!

In a blink of an eye!

In the future, the majestic and continuous Internal Energy will roll in like a tide!

And the practice of wedding dress magic is extremely fierce.

When it was suddenly pulled out, it was extremely violent and irritable!

When Ye Ling's Northern Underworld magic is drawn out,

Where can I suppress the power of the violent Great Master in my body in the future?

In an instant!

After the slender waist in the future, a red cloud drifted over!

Impressively, it is the Great Master's dharma after reaching the peak of the Great Master.


My head hurts!

Under the influence of the Great Master's power and the Internal Energy fluctuation of the wedding dress magic.

Whether it is Daqimen or the disciples of the Five Fortune Alliance.

Those who are slightly weaker all suffer from splitting headaches and cold sweats.


However, when Ye Ling saw this red cloud, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and he even increased the extraction intensity again!

With a light drink from Ye Ling.

In the blink of an eye, the magnificent and peculiar red cloud behind him was madly escaping towards Ye Ling, as if it was the last step in the process of going away.


At this critical moment of dissipating the power, Ye Ling's eyes flashed,

Lifting Qi into a seal, quietly, Ye Ling left a mark of his own on his Dantian while helping 673 Days later to dissipate his energy.

After doing all this without any flaws, Ye Ling raised his head again, and immediately took out the last trace of the wedding dress magic in his body without changing his face!


In the future, the red cloud behind him will completely dissipate.

Of course, the might of the Great Master, which was scattered all over the body in the future, suddenly disappeared!

"Is it finished?"

Feeling the changes in the surroundings, including Tie Zhongtang, the expressions of the masters of the two forces changed slightly.

Immediately, Qi Qi looked up and looked towards the future in the center!

I saw that at this time, the future before the sedan chair was very different from the previous one.

If we say that the future is still a dilapidated Lotus flower.

But at this moment, after Ye Ling had completely removed all the magical powers of his wedding dress, his temperament in the future was naturally reborn.

Not only is the complexion ruddy, but the skin is clear and smooth.

Even a pair of eyes became extremely bright.

After a while, it was full of mature temptation, which made all the ordinary disciples around him go crazy!

"Congratulations to the future! Congratulations to the future! The pain is no longer, and you can (becf) comfortable in the future!"

"In the future, my lord! You look like you are twenty years younger now, not thirty years old!"

"The change is too great! In the future, my lord, you are so beautiful!"

Seeing that it will be beautiful again in the future.

Next to the sedan chair, all the maids in the future congratulated him.

at the same time!

The disciples of Daqimen and Wufu Alliance were also very surprised by the changes in the future, and they started to talk in a low voice.

"Good guy! I didn't expect to be so beautiful in the future!"

"Is this the effect of San Gong? It's just plastic surgery!"

"It's incredible, it's incredible! As expected of the legend of the Martial Forest, it's so beautiful!"

"Brothers, brothers, ask me if my husband will still be alive in the future, and my younger brother will not be talented...

And when the crowd was talking, the noise kept going.

The future in the center of the sedan chair finally raised his head at this time.

I was sucked out of all the magic of the wedding dress by Ye Ling in one fell swoop. Internal Energy.

At this moment, there will be no pain burden in the future.


After taking a deep breath in a very relaxed manner, he immediately looked at Ye Ling on the opposite side with a grateful face.

"Ye Devil Emperor, thanks to your efforts this time, I can get out of the torture of the wedding dress."

"What kind of repayment do you want, as long as I can do it, even if I go up the mountain of knives or go down to the sea of ​​fire, I will definitely repay your kindness!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling did not immediately answer future questions.

On the contrary, when he chuckled, Ye Ling turned his head and looked at the Wufu Alliance and Daqimen people on the side!

Seeing this scene, in the future, I will not be able to figure out what Ye Ling meant.

Stepping out one step, in the future, you will come to the center of the two sides.

Looking at Tie Zhongtang and the remaining leaders of the Wufu Alliance, he spoke slowly in the future.

"I have already understood the grievances between the two of you."

"Let's give it up today, and I'll make suggestions after I've researched it. Now, you should retreat first!"

As soon as the conversation started, in the future, he signaled everyone on both sides to leave temporarily.

However, this time is different.

When his appearance was restored in the future, everyone also knew the fact that his power had been lost.

In the world of Rivers and Lakes, strength is respected.

At this moment, when the power of the future is lost, the effect of speaking is naturally no better than when it appeared just now.

Although it has been clearly signaled that everyone on both sides should leave first.

However, between the two parties.

Except for Tie Zhongtang, who nodded slightly, he took the bannermen and everyone obeyed and left.

And the Five Fortune Alliance is here.

Due to the large number of members in the alliance, the quality of members is also uneven.

Seeing that in the future, he has become an ordinary ordinary person.

Immediately, Leng Yifeng, Human Torch and other masters all had strange eyes, obviously they had some crooked thoughts about the future life.

"I've lost all my skills in the future, I'm afraid that even second-rate masters won't be able to win! It's better!"

Tsk tsk tsk! Look at her figure, if I let me do it once, I'd be willing to die!'

"What is in my mind all day, this is in the future, if anyone controls her, he can control the entire Changchun Island!"

"How about everyone swarming up, taking advantage of her illness and killing her?!"

When the people of the Five Fortune Alliance were whispering, their eyes became extremely greedy and strange when they looked at the people in the future.


Seeing such a scene, Ye Ling, who was standing beside him in the future, frowned.

So bright and upright, do you really think you don't exist?

With a flash of eyes, Ye Ling quietly released an enhanced version of the sad and crisp breeze from his sleeves.

At the same time as the wind drifted away, the sad and crisp breeze had already spread to the people of the Wufu Alliance on the opposite side!

"Ah, owe, owe!"

And with the sneeze of the first disciple begins!

Like a plague, in less than a few breaths, all the disciples of the Five Fortune Alliance.

Including Leng Yifeng, Human Torch and other masters.

They all cried bitterly and rolled around on the ground, obviously poisoned!

"Help help! What the hell is this!"

"It's so itchy! Who has medicine! It's dying of itching!"

"No, why do I keep wanting to cry, my eyes are hurting to death!"

"Ye Ling! It must be Devil Emperor Ye Ling, he was poisoned!"

In an instant, the entire Five Fortune Alliance was paralyzed.

All the disciples rolled around on the ground, screaming again and again.

At this time, Ye Ling turned his head and looked at the future..

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