Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 224 Confronting Di Fei Jing! Uncover the secret of Lei Chun's life experience! Everyone

Chapter 224 Confrontation with Di Fei! Uncover the secret of Lei Chun's life experience! Everyone is shocked!

"If your Excellency is here for money, open your mouth! If you are here for revenge, please tell me why!"

Lei Chun's expression was indifferent, but his eyes kept watching Ye Ling's reaction, obviously wanting to wait for an opportunity to ask for help.

In the face of Lei Chun's question, Ye Ling did not change his face, still smiled without saying a word, and just cast his eyes towards Lei Chun on the bed.

"This guy!"

Seeing Ye Ling neither speak nor act, Lei Chun immediately felt an unprecedented threat.

Gritting his teeth, he continued to use words to attract Ye Ling's attention while the candles in the room were not yet lit.

at the same time.

Lei Chun's left hand was already behind his own.

With a slight change in his face, Lei Chun had already pressed the distress switch beside his bed.


Although Lei Chun's movements were extremely subtle, they couldn't escape Ye Ling's eyes.

However, seeing all Lei Chun's movements in his eyes, Ye Ling by the bed remained silent, letting Lei Chun call for help.

"Boom boom boom! 99

at the same time.

After Lei Chun pressed the switch beside the bed, a dull bell rang out in the inner hall guarded by Di Feijing.


"The chief hall master is at a loss!"

Hanging his head low, Di Fei was surprised when he rushed out of the inner hall with a single stride, heading straight for Lei Chun's room!

The inner hall was just a stone's throw away from Lei Chun's room.

in a moment.

Di Fei was shocked and rushed into Lei Chun's room.

As soon as Fang entered the room, Di Fei was startled to see Ye Ling beside the bed.

Under the flickering moonlight, he looked at Ye Ling's handsome face and the jade folding fan that was constantly waving in his hand.

In an instant, Di Fei couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"Could it be! Are you the Devil Emperor Ye Ling?"

Although I can't look up at Ye Ling.

But Di Feijing's tone was full of surprise and doubts, obviously puzzled by Ye Ling's arrival.


Is he Devil Emperor Ye Ling?

at the same time.

Hearing that Di Fei was shocked to reveal Ye Ling's identity, Lei Chun on the bed couldn't help but change his face slightly.

Originally, Lei Chun thought that the man in front of him was at most a Qinggong expert.

Unexpectedly, it would be the legendary [Eternal Devil Emperor], Ye Ling!

At this moment, after learning Ye Ling's identity, Lei Chun's calm eyes also flashed a trace of panic.

"It is said that Devil Emperor Ye Ling likes women the most. He broke into my room in the middle of the night. Could it be that he wanted to..."

When his eyes flickered, Lei Chun, who had always been calm and composed, was also a little scared.

However, seeing Di Fei was shocked to reveal his identity.

The calm expression on Ye Ling's face remained unmoved.

With an indifferent smile, Ye Ling closed the folding fan in his hand with a "pop".

Immediately after.

He sat very leisurely on the chair beside him, obviously he had already admitted his identity.

This guy!

Are you so confident?

Seeing Ye Ling sitting on the chair, her expression did not change at all.

Whether it was Di Fei who was in front of the door, he was shocked.

Or Lei Chun on the bed.

After a moment of surprise, Fang Ren spoke again.

"Ye Devil Emperor!

"I [six and a half halls] have no grievances with you, what exactly are you trying to do when you trespassed into the main hall master's room late at night?

With a twinkle in his eyes, Di Fei, who was in the lead, asked Ye Ling.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Ye Ling chuckled lightly before speaking at this moment.

"I'm here this time just to tell Hall Master Lei one thing!"

"I have the exact news about your biological father!

Having said that, Ye Ling's eyes flashed, and then he even looked straight at Lei Chun who was beside him.

"His true identity is."

"Once the Seven Leaders of the [Lost in the Sky], "God of War Guan Qi" Guan Mudan!


God of War Guan Qiguan Mudan?

One stone creates a thousand waves!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Di Feijing didn't wait for Di Fei to react.

On the bed, Lei Chun, who was just a little panicked just now, changed his expression dramatically, his eyes were wide, and Ye Ling looked straight ahead!

" is this possible!"

"My biological father, how could it be Guan Qi! 99

Under Lei Chun's fair face, there was an expression of disbelief.

"Yes! 35

"That Guan Qiben is the opponent of the old hall master Leishan, how could he be Chun'er's biological father! 35

Di Feijing by the door also spoke at this time.

To know.

Lei Chun's adoptive father, Lei Su, was once an undead opponent with God of War "Guan Qi".

.....for flowers...

If "Guan Qi" is really Lei Chun's biological father.

That Lei Suan was afraid that it was not because of his madness that he raised children for the enemy, and also passed the [six and a half halls] of his life's hard work to Lei Chun?


Seeing the disbelieving expressions on the two's faces, Ye Ling was not flustered, obviously expected.

"Don't worry! Listen to me in detail!

With a slight smile, Ye Ling spoke again.

"Though Lei Suan is the adoptive father of the owner of Lei Hall, it is true.""

"However, this does not prevent him from secretly murdering the biological father of Lei Hall Master."

"This matter starts from the beginning, and it has to start more than ten years ago..."

Facing Di Feijing and Lei Chun, Ye Ling talked eloquently.

Immediately afterwards, the reasons for how the lightning damage contributed to the flames and why Guan Qi was crazy were all revealed from the tray.

At the same time as hearing all this, Lei Chun who was on the bed was stunned, as calm and calm as he had never been before.

"Actually, that's what happened!

"If what you said is true, don't I recognize the thief as my father?!"

Lei Chun has been known for being smart and thoughtful since he was a child. At this time, he is naturally able to distinguish the true and false elements in Ye Ling's words.

It can be seen that there is no loophole in Ye Ling's words.

In an instant, Lei Chun seemed to have lost his soul, and his beautiful eyes were full of confusion and emptiness.


Seeing Lei Chun's dejected appearance, Di Fei who was in front of the door couldn't help but look worried.

He chose to stay in [Six and a Half Church] for Lei Chun's sake, and he didn't want to let Lei Chun fall into self-blame.


At this time, Jian Lei Chun had already believed the facts he said.

When his eyes flashed, Ye Ling saw that the time was right, Ye Ling was desperate, and finally stated the purpose of his trip.

"Lord Lei, don't worry!

"I have now obtained the exact location of Guan Qi, and I plan to meet him.

Having said that, Ye Ling stood up straight, and then slowly walked in front of Lei Chun.

Condescendingly, with a smile on his face, Ye Ling continued to speak.

"If Lei Hall Master doesn't want his biological father to be imprisoned.

"Why don't you and I work together to rescue Guan Qi?"


Rescue Guan Qi?

Hearing this, Lei Chun on the bed couldn't help but raised his head suddenly.

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