Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 225 Lei Chun nods! Cooperation is reached! The Promise Elixir is here!

Chapter 225 Lei Chun nods! Cooperation is reached! The Promise Elixir is here!


Work with me [six and a half]?

Hearing this, Lei Chun on the bed suddenly raised his head and looked at Ye Ling with a look of surprise in his eyes.

To know.

Since Ye Ling entered Bianjing.

First, they met privately with Su Mengzhen, the owner of [Golden Wind and Drizzle Building].

Then, under the ruthless invitation, he established a relationship with the Shenhou Mansion.

As a result, Lei Chun, who was in Cai Jing's family, naturally regarded Ye Ling as one of his opponents.

But at the moment.

The established opponent has issued an invitation to cooperate with him.

Under such circumstances, how could Lei Chun not be surprised?

However, when he thought of the secret that Ye Ling told just now, when he thought of his own biological father Guan Qi's life and death is now uncertain.

Immediately, Lei Chun couldn't help but hesitate for "Six Nine Zero".

Seeing Lei Chun's hesitant look, Ye Ling's mind moved slightly, and he increased the weight again.

"The owner of the Thunder Hall may not know."

"God of War Guan Qi is very likely to be tightly imprisoned by Cai Jing now. I am afraid I don't need to say too much about Cai Jing's character. 35

"Presumably now, Guan Qi is already under the torture of Cai Jing, life is better than death!


Guan Qi has been caught by Cai Jing?

With Ye Ling's weight added, Lei Chun couldn't help but exclaimed, the balance in his heart was obviously tilted!

Being in the same camp, Lei Chun couldn't be more clear about Cai Jing's person.

If Guan Qi really fell into the hands of Cai Jing.

Even if he is the former Martial Dao Great Master, I am afraid that he will not be able to withstand the day and night torture of Cai Jing!

Thinking of the safety of his biological father, Lei Chun was still able to think quietly, and immediately opened his mouth to ask Ye Ling.

"It's not impossible for us to work together.

"It's just, how do you want me [six and a half] to cooperate with you?

Wrinkling his brows slightly, Lei Chun first nodded, expressing his approval.

Immediately, he asked Ye Ling about the details of the cooperation.

"Ha ha!

Hearing Lei Chun's question, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and immediately said.

"The Song Dynasty has been bitter to Cai Jing for a long time!

"I don't need you [six and a half halls] to do the drudgery of rushing into battle, killing the enemy in ambush, you only need to turn out Cai Jing's side at the critical moment!

In the three or two sentences, Ye Ling had already expressed his own thoughts to Di Feijing and Lei Chun in the room.

crucial moment?

Reverse Cai Jing?

Hearing this, Lei Chun instantly understood what Ye Ling meant.

It does not require [six and a half classes] to contribute money, nor [six and a half classes] to contribute.

You only need to turn back at the critical moment, you can successfully rescue your own biological father

This kind of cooperation not only benefits from [six and a half], but also gains a lot of convenience for me!

After thinking for a while, Lei Chun was moved.

However, thinking that Di Feijing was still on the side, when his eyes flashed, Lei Chun turned his questioning eyes to Di Feijing by the door.

"This... well!

Having been a good friend with Lei Chun for many years, Di Fei was surprised that he could not understand Lei Chun's mind.

Moving his eyes sideways, he glanced at Ye Ling on the opposite side. Although Di Feijing felt a little helpless, he could only reluctantly agree.

"Very good! Then you can wait for that critical moment!"


Seeing that Lei Chun and Di Feijing both agreed to cooperate, Ye Ling couldn't help feeling overjoyed.

While laughing out loud, the Qingyi Shadowless Art came out, and Ye Ling just disappeared without a trace.


This guy's Qinggong is so amazing?!

Seeing Ye Ling disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Di Fei Jing who was at the door suddenly changed his complexion dramatically, and the expression on his face also became very ugly, obviously full of surprise.

However, surprise is surprising, but there are more important things right now.

With a solemn expression, Di Feijing immediately walked to Lei Chun's bedside and asked softly.

"Chun'er! That guy Ye Ling, didn't do anything indecent to you!"

"I came over as soon as I heard the bell, almost scared me to death!"

Hearing Di Fei's startled question about just now, Lei Chun couldn't help but think of Ye Ling's face just now.

"That guy, even if he looks handsome, shouldn't look at people with that kind of eyes..."

I remembered Ye Ling's extremely handsome face.

Then he recalled the gentle look on Ye Ling's eyes watching him fall asleep.

Lei Chun couldn't help but blushed slightly, and his heart jumped a little.


"Pure? Are you okay? Are you uncomfortable?"

Seeing Lei Chun's strange expression, Di Fei's expression changed, and he asked with concern...

Hearing the sound, Lei Chun realized his own gaffe.

"Ah! No no! I was just thinking about something!"

With a hint of shyness in the panic, Lei Chun shook his head repeatedly in denial, then hurriedly opened his mouth and changed the subject.

"Brother Fei, do you think what Ye Ling said just now is true? Has Guan Qi really been caught by Cai Jing?

"Promising to cooperate with him will not cost us [six and a half]!"

After calming down, Lei Chun immediately asked Zhao Di Fei a little worried.


As the top think tank of [Six and a Half Halls], Di Feijing naturally looked further than Lei Chun.

Although he didn't have much affection for Ye Ling, after some thought, Di Feijing believed what Ye Ling said.

"Look at his face, listen to his words, there should be no falsehood in what he said.

"That Guan Mudan is most likely Chun'er's biological father!"

Di Feijing nodded first, and then continued to speak.

"It's just a reversal of Cai Jing. Even if the plan fails, I [six and a half] will not collapse.""

"On the contrary, if Guan Qi is really rescued successfully, then all the doubts will be solved!

His tone was firm. Obviously, Di Feijing naturally agreed with Ye Ling's cooperation.

"it is good!"

"At that time, 2.5, let's prepare well!"

Got Di Feijing's affirmation.

On the bed, Lei Chun's eyes narrowed, and he also nodded solemnly.

On the one hand, Lei Chun was naturally trying to rescue Guan Qi and successfully solve all the mysteries about his life.

On the other hand, Lei Chun naturally also has his own selfishness.

"It is said that this Devil Emperor Ye Ling is thoughtful and has countless methods.

"Now, I want to see what kind of fame this guy will make in Bianjing!

Sitting on the bed, Lei Chun's eyes were directed towards the chair beside him, the chair Ye Ling had just made.

Although the figure was no longer there, in a trance, Lei Chun once again remembered Ye Ling's indifferent look just now.

Raising his brows, Lei Chun's cheeks were once again flushed with blush.

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