Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 226 The infinite elixir is now in the world! All parties are shocked! Everyone reacts!

In a few days, the situation changed.

Since the day Ye Ling was summoned to the palace.

Rumors in the Bian capital have sprung up one after another.

There are traces of Guan Qi in the God of War, and there are also a few words about the former "King of Extinction" Chu Xiangyu.

Among them, the most talked about is the various gossip about the "Wu Ji elixir".

Bianjing West Square is second only to the commercial center of Vermillion Bird Square.

Among the restaurants on the roadside, a group of Rivers and Lakes knights were sitting around, and it was quite lively between your words and my words.


"How many brothers do you know? The latest gossip, I heard that someone has discovered the legendary "Wuji elixir"!

In the center of the restaurant, a thin and weak knight spoke first, and what he mentioned was the most concerned piece of news in Bianjing!

"The Promise Elixir!

"You're talking about the "Wuji elixir" that enabled [the world's No. 1 strongman] Yan Kuangtu to break through the Grand Great Master?"

As soon as the thin and weak knight's voice fell, someone at the wine table beside him exclaimed, apparently interested in the "Wu Ji elixir" 14!

Seeing that someone came out in harmony, the thin and weak knight just now had a bright look, and he even increased his volume by three points.

"Not bad! It's the "Wuji elixir" that Yan Kuangtu, the founder of [Power Gang], once took! 35

"It is said that each consumption of this "Wuji elixir" is worth 30 years of ascetic practice!!! It is enough to make a first-class person enter the realm of Great Master! 39


Upon hearing this, all the knights in the restaurant burst into excitement, their eyes filled with incomparable surprise.

"Thirty years? Is there really such a Medicine Pill in this world?"

"I don't know, no one has seen it before, but the rumors about that Yan Kuangzu are true. It is said that he achieved this amazing achievement only because he took the "Wuji elixir"!"5

'My dear! Even if you don't have 30 years of skill, it is a rare treasure to be able to make people enter the Grandmaster realm world from a first-class realm!

"Hey hey hey! I've said so much! Where is the location of the "Wuji elixir"! Don't make people lose their appetite!"

One is worth 30 years of Closed Door Training penance.

Such temptation, how can ordinary Practitioners be able to resist?

In an instant, in the entire tavern, all the knights sat in a quarrel, each discussing a lot, and the voices were full of people.


In the four corners of the tavern, there are also several mysterious men in black.

In the face of the crowd's discussion, these people just stood by and did not join in.

"Recently, there have been more and more rumors about Wuji elixir in "Bianjing City"! 99

"It's groundless, let's hurry up and report this matter to the headquarters!

Among the mysterious men in black, someone spoke up, and the rest nodded, apparently agreeing.


While the rest of the Rivers and Lakes knights were eagerly discussing, these mysterious men in black disappeared into the restaurant.

And the same moment.

This kind of situation was also staged one by one in restaurants, tea houses, and restaurants in the Bian capital city.

Soon, the various forces in Bianjing City had already received various news about the "Wujie Elixir".

The Prime Minister's Mansion, Cai Jing's residence.

In the inner hall, Cai Jing was sitting on the main seat.

While holding the Di Bao in his hand, Cai Jing stroked the goatee under his chin.

"You mean, there is a high probability that this "Wu Ji elixir" has really already appeared in the world?

Think a little bit.


Cai Jing opened his mouth and asked Wen Xue'an, the "No. 7 in the world".

"Your Honor!"

"About the specific location of the "Wu Ji Immortal Pill", the subordinates are still investigating.

"However, the rumors in Bianjing have become more and more intense recently. I'm afraid that among them, someone has really discovered the trace of the "Wuji elixir"."

Speaking of this, Wen Xue'an, who was the next one, raised his head straight up, with a bit of hope in his eyes.

"My lord, I think that Yan Kuangzu has achieved the title of [The World's No. 1 Strongest Man] by relying on the "Wujie Pill"."9

"If this thing is given to adults, wouldn't it be like a god's help?

Eternal elixir?

Yan fanatic?

Hearing this, Cai Jing, who was above the main seat, couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Being in the center of power for many years, Cai Jing always vaguely sensed something bad.

However, the temptation of "The Promise Elixir" is too strong.

Although Cai Jing did not practice martial arts, he also wanted to be curious about this "Wu Ji elixir".

After a moment of hesitation, Cai Jing finally made a choice!

"Since that's the case, let all your subordinates be dispatched!"

"Let's see if this "Wu Ji elixir" really has something!

On the main seat, Cai Jing waved his hand, and there was a hint of determination on his face!

The first restaurant in Bianjing, Xuanli Zhai.

In the gorgeous and extravagant room, a group of princes and nobles are staggering, and it is very lively.

And the one who lives in it is none other than Mi Cangqiong, the chief servant of the house, and the supernatural waiting Fang Yingkan!

Today's banquet, the invited people are all core members of the Youqiao Group.

After pushing the cups and changing the cups, he pushed the maid in his arms away, and Fang Yingyan immediately looked at Mi Cangqiong.

"Grandpa Mi, there have been too many rumors about the "Wuji elixir" in the Bian capital recently. 35

"Should we do something too!"

Fang Yingyan's voice was low, and Mi Cangqiong was informed about the "Wuji elixir" in a few sentences.

However, when he heard the news of "690 Promise Elixir", Mi Cangqiong was not as excited as Fang Yingjian imagined.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Mi Cang Qiong, who was sitting between the main seats, opened his mouth pitifully.

"Someone will follow up on this news for us."

"We people, now we just need to stand up to that guy Ye Ling!"

"A Rivers and Lakes sect, don't let him confuse our lord!

Mi Cangqiong explained to Fang Yingyan and the others, a stern look quickly appeared on his face.

Shenhou Mansion, the central hall!

Ruthless, cold-blooded and other four famous arresting groups gathered together.

In the main seat, Zhuge Zheng's face was as usual, but there was a bit of solemnity in his eyes.

"Because of the rumors of the "Wuji elixir", a large number of knights from all sides have poured into Bianjing recently.

"The four of you are in charge of the six doors, and you must take the safety of the people of Bianjing as the top priority! 55

On the main seat, Zhuge Zheng and I spoke slowly, and then gave orders to the four famous arresters such as Wuqing.

However, after a little thought, Zhuge Zheng and I added it again.

"However, if there is any specific news about the "Wu Ji Immortal Pill", you can report it to me immediately!

Obviously, Zhuge Zheng and I are also quite curious about the "Wuji elixir".


Hearing the sound, the four famous arresters all bowed their heads and took orders!

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