Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 026 Although People Leave, Legends Are Still There

Dali Palace.

Duan Zhengming and Wang Ye Duan were sitting in the palace silently.

Both were suppressing their anger.

His expression was serious and terrifying.

It seems like a beast that will choose and devour people at any time!

Below, a monk from Tenryu Temple who survived by chance is telling what happened.

This person is only the first person in the inner courtyard, his status in Tianlong Temple is not too high, and his knowledge is very limited.

I also witnessed how Ye Ling entered the inner courtyard,

And after being poisoned, I vaguely heard some noises from the side hall.

However, this person also had some scheming, and did not speak out about the side hall in public.

Instead, he looked at Duan Zhengchun hesitantly.

Duan Zhengchun suddenly understood that the other party had something to say to him in private.

Glancing at the emperor, then exchanging glances.

Duan Zhengchun got up and took the monk to the side hall where there was no one.

It didn't take long.

Duan Zhengchun returned to the Great Hall alone.

His eyes were red, and his steps were vain. At first glance, he heard incredible information.

It was difficult to accept it for a while, which led to a look of despair.

Seeing this, Duan Zhengming's heart jumped fiercely, and he quickly waved his hand to let the rest of the people retreat first.

After all the people were gone, and only the two brothers remained, he asked tentatively, "But it has something to do with the younger brother and sister?"

Duan Zhengchun pursed the corners of his mouth and nodded slightly.

After Duan Zhengming pondered for a while, he sighed and said, "That thief is good at poisonous attacks. Presumably his younger brother and sister are also under his control, so he was forced to use it."

"Don't worry, the royal brother can make the decision on this matter, and will never be too embarrassing for the younger siblings."

After some comfort and reassurance, Duan Zhengchun's face not only did not improve, but it became even more ugly.

He knows Dao Baifeng's character very well.

That is a strong woman who would rather die than be manipulated by others.

Unless willingly.

Otherwise, no one can threaten her to do anything.

"How could you..."

Duan Zhengchun closed his eyes in pain, and there was a tingling in his heart.

Recalling what the monk told him about the side hall in the side hall, Duan Zhengchun was about to go crazy!

But unfortunately there is no way to tell people.

I was given green by someone!

It's still the kind of thoroughness, even the wife ran away with the person.

How can this kind of thing be open to others?

You know, he used to be Duan Zhengchun, cuckolding others and playing with other people's wives.


Duan Zhengchun suddenly let out a roar, roaring up to the sky: "Shuzi, I, Duan Zhengchun, swear to the sky here, no matter if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will tear you to pieces!"

In comparison, Duan Zhengming, whose wife was not kidnapped, was much calmer.

He did not howl with Duan Zhengchun.

Just nodded in agreement, Sen Ran said: "Yes, this person is not dead, what face do you and I have to meet the ancestors?"

"Brother Huang, don't hesitate to do it. All the available manpower will be allocated by you, and the thief will be arrested and brought to justice in the shortest possible time."

"I will personally impose the punishment of Ling Chi!"

"Sir, take the lead!"

Duan Zhengchun almost lost his mind.

Completely forgot that the monk had vaguely mentioned it when he was in the side hall.

After Ye Ling left Tianlong Temple, it seemed that two other people had sneaked into the temple.

It's just that there were too many tears at that time, blocking the line of sight, and I didn't dare to confirm.

That's why I didn't say it on Great Hall, I hope Duan Zhengchun can check it secretly.

It's a pity that Duan Wangye, who was dazzled by anger, has long forgotten about this matter.


Dali Duan was completely crazy.

All out, trying to find the whereabouts of the murderer.

However, the mysterious murderer seemed to have evaporated from the world.

The Duan family tried almost the whole country, but couldn't find too many clues.

On the contrary, as the investigation deepened, the story of a young cook and the lonely princess gradually began to spread.

"Even a lowly cook can sleep with a princess. With my status, it's not too much to sleep with a queen, right?"

The two forced youths are indistinguishable from their identities.

As the story spread, more and more eyes began to converge towards the Dali Palace.

For a time, blood flowed into a river in Dali City!

The embarrassed Dali emperor carried out a major purge.

The butcher's knife is cut down, creating countless ghosts!

It attracted the people under Dali's rule, full of resentment, and condemned Duan.

And the initiator of all this - Ye Ling.

It is to take two beauties, one big and one small, to travel all the way to the mountains and rivers, heading towards Daming.

I don't know how much damage the legend I left behind has caused Dali!


Daming, Forbidden City.

Ye Ling looked at the towering city wall and sighed, "It's really majestic!"

Although I have seen it many times, I have lived in the city for a long time.

But when he stood under the city gate again, he still couldn't help but admire.

Compared with the Xiongcheng in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the city walls of the Dali Kingdom are like the fences of the villages and towns.

"Murderer, please, let me go down, okay?"

Zhong Ling twisted his body uneasily, begging bitterly.

At this time, the three of them rode together.

Ye Ling was in the middle, holding Zhong Ling in his arms.

Behind him is Dao Baifeng, hugging his waist, with his head lowered.

This strange way of rushing, just appeared at the gate of the city, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Under the gaze of strange eyes, Zhong Lingxiu's face was flushed red, and she could not wait to find a crack to burrow in.

On the other hand, Dao Baifeng was quite calm.

Embarrassing things have been experienced a lot, and that's what happened.

No matter how embarrassing it is, you can deal with it calmly.

However, the current Dao Baifeng, obviously not yet in the heat, is still a little shy.


Ye Ling glanced down at Zhong Ling, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But soon, he scolded with a serious face:

"Nonsense, what do you think this place is? Do you think it's still a small rural town like Dali?"

"Once you are scattered by the crowd here, with your little skill, you will be sold to a brothel in a blink of an eye, and sit here obediently for me!"

This is not entirely to scare Zhong Ling, the Forbidden City is indeed very chaotic.

Especially in particularly crowded places.

If you are not careful, not only will the purse be taken away, but even people will resist it!

Zhong Ling obviously didn't believe Ye Ling's nonsense.

But she didn't mention the matter of dismounting again.

The painful lessons over and over again have taught her to obey.

However, this girl belongs to the type who remembers to eat but not to fight.

If you don't clean up for three days, you dare to go to the house and uncover the tiles!

The horse followed the flow of people, passed through the city gate step by step, and entered the city.

"Hey, I'm so lucky today, I just met a fat sheep when I was about to open it!"

A gangster was hiding in the crowd, staring at Ye Ling and his party with gleaming eyes.

The saliva almost came out!

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