"Congratulations player, enter the Daming Imperial City, open the reputation of the Forbidden City, open the reputation of Daming Kingdom, and get the basic reward of reputation +10."

Ye Ling had just entered the city, and immediately heard the system beep.

at the same time.

The keen senses from the first-class Practitioner also made him clearly sense the malicious gazes one after another.

Ye Ling didn't take it seriously, patted Zhong Ling and turned to Dao Baifeng.

"Get off your horse."

The Forbidden City is very prosperous, and the streets are crowded with people.

If no one leads the way, riding a horse is a very stupid behavior.

Dao Baifeng couldn't stand it for a long time, and when she heard the words, she immediately turned over and dismounted, and instantly felt that the whole person was much more relaxed.

Strangely, Zhong Ling, who had been yelling to get off his horse, didn't even move at this time.

"This girl..."

Dao Baifeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry and shook his head, guessing that Zhong Ling was going to be skinned again.

as predicted.

Facing Ye Ling's gaze, Zhong Ling raised her white chin, snorted, and said, "Who said just now that you can't get off the horse? I don't want to be sold to the brothel, so let's stay on the horse."

Really no memory!

Dao Baifeng sighed while holding his forehead.

Then, he turned around, unwilling to witness the tragic state of Zhong Ling being repaired.

"Wuwuwu, I'm so scared, he won't really punish me in public, will he?"

Zhong Ling just slapped his skin, and regretted it in a blink of an eye.

But she didn't want to give in easily, so she could only pray to herself that the punishment should not be too harsh.

However, unexpectedly, Ye Ling did nothing to her.

He just smiled lightly, then turned his hands to hold the reins.

This scene made Zhong Ling and Dao Baifeng feel incredible.

There have been speculations that a certain bastard has changed his sex?

It is impossible to change one's mind, but the time for training has to be delayed a little.

Ye Ling came all the way from Dali to Daming, not just to avoid the limelight.

It's not just a simple picture of a distance.

The main reason is to advance to the quest item of [Poison God] - Tianxiang Cardamom.

Now, with good luck, as soon as he entered the city, he met a character related to the mission, so he naturally wanted to take the opportunity to get in touch.


The three of them hadn't walked very far when they were soon stopped by a voice.

"This son, please stay!"

Along with the sound, a small gangster came over with a smile.

It was at the gate of the city, staring at the drooling Ye Ling group.

"I don't know why this brother is called to live under the house, why?"

Ye Ling showed just the right amount of restraint and said with cupped hands.

All over the body, what stands out is the stupidity of a bumpkin entering the city!

Zhong Lingmei's eyes widened, and she stared at Ye Ling blankly, with a ghostly expression on her face.

Ye Ling's performance at this time has nothing to do with the murderer in her mind.

Seems to be a different person.

Dao Baifeng didn't have any extra reaction.

It's just that when he looked at the little gangster, there was a hint of pity.

She is too familiar with Ye Ling.

But if something like this happens, it's definitely going to be a scam.

"It's a matter of right and wrong, and you didn't ask for advice?"

Cheng Zhifu carefully observed Ye Ling and the three of them while reporting their names.

His gaze stopped for a few breaths on the Canghai Sword.

The rows of beautiful gems almost sucked him in, and it took a lot of effort to finally look away.

Through a close-up observation, Cheng became more and more sure of his own guess.

"The clothes are luxurious, the sword is flashy, the accent is also foreign, and there are two beauties accompanying... Yes, it really is a big fat sheep!"

The heart of becoming right and wrong is almost happy.

According to his many years of experience in the market, the man in front of him must be the kind of rich boy in the countryside.

With a confidante, I went to Gyeonggi to gain knowledge.

This kind of fat sheep is the easiest to slaughter.

Don't worry about being settled by the autumn!

Cheng Zheng is very clear, in the eyes of those so-called sons, Face is more important than anything else.

The loss will only be held in the stomach.

Especially when the beauty is face to face, in order to express herself, she will jump into the pit even if she knows it is.


When he was thinking about right and wrong, Ye Ling cupped his hands again and reported his own name.

"Under Ye Ling, I have met my brother."

Cheng Zheng touched the corner of his mouth without a trace, waved his hand quickly, and said with a smile, "Don't dare, don't dare, just call me Xiao Chengzi."

"To be honest, Young Master Ye, I stopped you because I just wanted to give myself some errand."

Ye Ling pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Dare to ask, what kind of errand does Brother Cheng want?"

Bumper, of course the guide!

Cheng Zhengfei secretly slandered, but said with a serious face: "This Forbidden City is very big, and I happen to be very familiar with it. If Young Master Ye doesn't dislike it, I would like to lead the way for the three of them."

"Just give a few copper coins a day."

Ye Ling suddenly showed a look of surprise and said, "Ye is worried about this matter. When he came here, he never thought that there would be so many people in the Forbidden City."

"So, in the next few days, you will have to worry about becoming a brother. Don't worry, the price will definitely satisfy you!"

Having said this, Ye Ling appropriately showed a hint of arrogance.

Dao Baifeng turned his head, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

In my heart, I have already sentenced to death.

Being able to make Ye Ling so hard to pretend to be her own will usually end miserably.

The previous one was myself.

At first sight I was deceived by its innocuous appearance.

Now, he has become a prisoner, and he can take whatever he wants!


Cheng Zhengfei accepted the task of leading the way gratefully.

Immediately turned around and opened the way for the three in front.

In my heart, I was secretly rejoicing: Fat Sheep, I'm hooked!

Ye Ling followed silently, ignoring the strange eyes of the two girls.

Looking at the back of Cheng Right and wrong, there is a look of emotion in his eyes.

In the last life, because of being slapped badly by Duan Yu.

As a result, he wandered for a long time in the area of ​​Wuliang Mountain.

After finally getting the capital to venture into the Rivers and Lakes, when I came to the Forbidden City, I had missed a lot of things.

At that time, Cheng Zhengfei was already the No. 1 spy in the yellow character of Hulong Villa.

Not only does he possess Vajra's unbreakable magic, but he also masters the Secret Technique of the eight schools.

All in all, very powerful.

It is enough to compete with the superintendent Cao Zhengchun, the Iron God Hou Zhu Ignore and others, and he is a first-class master in the imperial city.

On the other hand, what about Ye Ling at that time?

Just a small character who has just stepped into the second-rate.

It's hard to talk to Cheng right and wrong. Not to mention digging holes.

"Tsk tsk, it's still as good as it is now."

Ye Ling's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of her mouth gradually raised.

Being right and wrong is a great treasure!

Just do it right.

Whether it's Vajra's undead magic, or the Secret Technique of the eight schools, including Tianxiang Cardamom, there is a great chance to dig it out!

Cheng Zhengfei regarded Ye Ling as a fat sheep.

But I don't know, in Ye Ling's eyes, he is the fattest sheep!

Moreover, it is still the kind that was delivered to your door!

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