Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 040 Outside The Forbidden City! Intimidation And Temptation!

Facing Shangguan Haitang's instinctive denial, Ye Ling simply smiled, then turned around and drank the remaining tea in the cup.

"It's normal for the No. 1 Village in the World to collect less than 13,000 intelligence."

"Because, Wansanqian is the real behind-the-scenes boss of the No. 1 Village in the world!"

what! ! !

Hearing Ye Ling revealing the relationship between Wansanqian and the No. 1 Village in the World, Shangguan Haitang was struck by lightning, and even froze in place,

After a long while, Shangguan Haitang reacted, her eyes were full of doubts and surprises, and she looked at Ye Ling opposite with an unbelievable look of shock.

"As the owner of the No. 1 village in the world, I don't even know about this, and I have never seen 13,000."

"How do you know such a secret thing, what is your true identity?"

First he made a sudden move, and then he suddenly told Wan San Qian's whereabouts.

At this moment, in Shangguan Haitang's heart, the origin of Ye Ling has become the biggest mystery.

"Ha ha!"

"About this, you don't need to know for the time being!"

Ye Ling turned her head and said, her eyes involuntarily looked at Shangguan Haitang sitting on the Furong table.

At this time, Shangguan Haitang had already fully revealed her femininity, with fair skin and flushed complexion.

And because he heard the news about Wansanqian, Shangguan Haitang's eyes were not as dull as before.

Instead, it kept flashing, exuding a very seductive charm, which made people really want to stop watching.

But Shangguan Haitang didn't notice Ye Ling's eyes at this time, instead, her body leaned forward and continued to ask.

"Since that's the case, why are you so anxious to find Wansanqian just to get his wealth?"

Hearing Shangguan Haitang's question, Ye Ling's eyes flashed a ray of light, then she shook the folding fan lightly and nodded.

"His money is important, his people are even more important!"

It turned out that in Ye Ling's plan, the first target was the huge wealth that Wansanqian possessed.

After all, as the world of Rivers and Lakes is almost the same as the real world, money is also extremely important.

Whether it is food, clothing, housing and transportation, or the various medicinal materials and weapons Cultivation Technique needed on the road of martial arts, all of them need money as support.

Further, if Ye Ling wants to further expand his influence in Rivers and Lakes, then money is naturally indispensable.

Besides, Ye Ling is eyeing Wansanqian, not just because he is wealthy, but a suitable target.

Another very important reason is the player's unique way of acquiring wealth in the game.

In Rivers and Lakes, players have a unique advantage over native NPCs, and that is wealth plunder.

Generally speaking, there are two ways for players to obtain wealth.

One is to obtain a small amount of money by working part-time, or by completing tasks issued by various NPCs.

The money obtained by this kind of legitimate means can be directly collected into the player's personal treasure bag and used as needed.

In addition, the player has another way to obtain wealth.

That is, through improper means, such as robbery, theft, kidnapping and a series of malicious acts, forcibly encroaching on the wealth of aboriginal NPCs.

Although the wealth obtained through this kind of means will not be put into the treasure bag immediately, but only after a certain period of time, it can be owned by the player and successfully collected into the treasure bag.

Like the gold and silver jewelry that Ye Ling scavenged at Tianlong Temple in Dali before, it was used in this way.

Therefore, as long as Ye Ling can find Wansanqian and successfully capture him, he can do the same to obtain his countless wealth.

Even if Ye Ling can successfully control Shen Wansan through the Three Corpse Brain Pill or other means.

It was like Ye Ling got a hen that lays golden eggs.

After all, with 13,000's business ability, it is bound to be able to continuously provide more funds for Ye Ling.

Of course, killing pigs to get money is only the first purpose of Ye Ling's actions.

In addition to this, Ye Ling's second goal is to have a certain relationship with Cao Zhengchun and Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage.

"Oh I see!"

Shangguan Haitang muttered to herself and was about to ask again, but at this time she noticed Ye Ling looking at Own.

With a flushed face, Shangguan Haitang hurriedly pulled her own collar and stood up from the Furong table.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Shangguan Haitang's panicked appearance, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, then put away the folding fan in her hand, and waved towards Shangguan Haitang opposite.

"Now that you've rested, let's go!"

"I promised you just now that I can take you to see Duan Tianya!"

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Shangguan Haitang suddenly raised her head, her eyes full of astonishment and surprise.

At this time, Ye Ling had already pushed open the door and walked outside the villa with Dao Baifeng and Zhong Ling.

Seeing this situation, although Shangguan Haitang still had doubts on her face, she quickly followed behind Ye Ling.


Outside the Zijin City, the barren hills and abandoned houses.

Ye Ling pushed open the dilapidated door, under the dim light. Duan Tianya was already scarred and dying.

"End of the World!"

Seeing Duan Tianya in such a tragic state, Shangguan Haitang could no longer hold back her emotions, tears welling up in her eyes, and her makeup was pear blossoms with rain.

"Cough cough!"

"How could it be you, Haitang!"

The dying Duan Tianya heard Shangguan Haitang's familiar voice in a trance, and quickly struggled to raise his head.

When she saw that Shangguan Haitang was standing beside Ye Ling, and her cheeks were flushed very abnormally.

Even though Duan Tianya was as calm as ice on weekdays, he couldn't help but stay in place at this moment, a look of shock flashed across his face.

"Haitang, don't even you..."

Duan Tianya's voice stopped abruptly, and at this moment, Shangguan Haitang on the opposite side had already lowered his head, obviously tacitly acquiescing to everything in front of him.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Duan Tianya's body couldn't stop shaking.

The sound of the two chains piercing Pipa's bones seemed to express infinite anger.


However, at this time, Ye Ling let out a sneer and looked at Duan Tianya in front of him.

"You better be obedient!"

"Otherwise, I still have hundreds of poisons here, enough to make your life worse than death!"

Feeling the coldness and viciousness in Ye Ling's eyes, it seemed like an instinctive reaction. Duan Tianya's eyes flashed a trace of obvious timidity, and then he curled up, obviously very afraid of Ye Ling in front of him.

"What! This!"

Seeing that Dage Duan Tianya, whom he admired so much in the past, was so afraid of Ye Ling at this moment, Shangguan Haitang's ear sounded like a thunder, and the expression on his face was full of disbelief.

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