Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 041 All Parties Gather! Wealth Is In Danger!

Seeing Duan Tianya being honest, he thought that he had done a good job in training, and a glint of pride flashed in his eyes.

Afterwards, Ye Ling walked slowly in front of Duan Tianya, shook the folding fan lightly, and looked down at Duan Tianya.

"It's good to be obedient, so you won't be tortured, right?"

While speaking, Ye Ling waved his finger, and the two chains behind Duan Tianya snapped.

This is?

Just when Duan Tianya was surprised, Ye Ling spoke again.

"Next I need you to go to the Giant Whale Gang."

"On August 15th, lead Liusheng Danma Shou and Liusheng Piaoxu to Fugui Village."

"This task is very simple, I believe you should be able to complete it!"

Yagyu Tajima Shou?

Willow fluttering?

Rich Village?

Hearing Ye Ling's words, Duan Tianya raised his head in shock and looked at Ye Ling who was standing in front of him.

He wondered what Ye Ling's intention was for this arrangement.

Moreover, why did Yagyu Tasuma Shou have contact with the Giant Whale Gang?

You know, Liusheng Danma Shou, formerly known as Liusheng Zongju, is a famous samurai in Fusang.

Not only is he superb in swordsmanship, he also served as a swordsman teacher of the Tokugawa family of the shogunate, and has a high status in Fusang Kingdom.

And although the Giant Whale Gang is one of the largest gangs in the coastal area, it is difficult for Duan Tianya to imagine what kind of connection there can be between the two.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, you will naturally know when you go!"

"However, just remember that if you can't complete this task, I will let you feel what it means to "eat all insects"!"

After saying that, Ye Ling put away the folding fan and showed a meaningful smile.

Seeing the smile on Ye Ling's face, Duan Tianya couldn't help but tremble and his whole body became hairy.

Thinking of the various tortures he had suffered before, Duan Tianya dared to say nothing, so he had to resolutely admit his counsel and agreed with tears.

"Very good! Only obedient dogs can eat meat!"

Ye Ling nodded, then took Shangguan Haitang, turned and left the broken house.

After leaving the broken house, Ye Ling took the three daughters to live in the first village in the world.

And in order to protect the three daughters, Ye Ling did her part to live with the three daughters.

In this way, there is no need to say much about what happened at night.

In a blink of an eye, it was the second day.

At this time, Ye Ling was sitting on the main seat in the lobby of the No. 1 Village in the World.

In his arms, Shangguan Haitang had already put on a red outfit, her whole body was sweet, and she was hugged by Ye Ling on her lap reluctantly.

At the same time, a thin middle-aged man was rolling frantically on the ground with a grim expression.

Obviously being attacked by the Three Corpse Brain Pill!

"Shen Shunzi, do you agree or not agree with what I said just now?"

Ye Ling looked indifferent, while playing with Shangguan Haitang's tender fingers in her arms, she looked at the middle-aged man with a painful expression in front of her.

The middle-aged man in front of him is one of the 13000's confidants, and he was given the nickname "God Summoner".

Because of his proficiency in divination and hexagram interpretation, he has won the trust of thousands of people.

Whenever there is something big or small that he can't handle, Wansanqian will ask the god operator, and he can be regarded as a senior consultant.


"Seven kills to life, seven kills to life! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"I promise! I promise!"

I only heard a scream from the gods, apparently unable to resist the attack of the three corpse brain pills, and hurriedly agreed like a beggar.

"It's a wise man!"

Seeing that Shen Shuzi was subdued in less than a moment, Ye Ling nodded with satisfaction, and then threw an antidote on the ground.

Shen Shuzi picked up the antidote, regardless of the dust on the ground, and swallowed it embarrassingly, the pain on his face was reduced a lot.

"What you have to do is simple."

"That is, the next time Wansanqian asks you to ask questions."

"Just tell him that when you go to Fugui Village on August 15th, you can find his real daughter, and that's it!"


Hearing what Ye Ling said, the god operator was shocked and almost jumped up.

I had previously calculated that the real name Tiannv of 13,000 was in Fugui Village, but the date was not August 15th.

But Ye Ling in front of him actually told more than half of his own fortune-telling, how could this make Shen Shuan not be extremely surprised!

"Everything is doomed!"

"That's it!"

Although he was very shocked by Ye Ling's words, under the torment and influence of the Three Corpse Brain Pill, how could Shen Shuan dare to refuse.

Only with a gloomy face, he agreed with a downhearted expression, and immediately left the No. 1 Village in the world.

The god operator left, and at this time, only Ye Ling and Shangguan Haitang were left in the huge lobby.

"August 15th, Fugui Village."

"What the hell do you want to do?"

After a day and a night of training, Shangguan Haitang is no longer as rebellious as when she first met her.

Instead, the voice asked Ye Ling timidly.

"Does that even need to be said?"

"August 15th Mid-Autumn Festival, reunion night, of course, the more people, the better!"

After that, Ye Ling smiled simply, moved her wrist slightly, and placed Shangguan Haitang on the Furong table again...


Outside Zijin City, Hulong Villa.

"What, you said that on August 15th, Wansanqian will go to Fugui Village?"

Above the lobby of Hulong Villa, Hou Zhu, God of Iron Courage, stood above him, frowning slightly.

And below, it is the intelligence personnel from the first village in the world.

For a long time, the No. 1 Village in the World was under the control of Shangguan Haitang.

And Shangguan Haitang is the No. 1 spy of Xuanzi of Hulong Villa, so the No. 1 Villa in the world is an intelligence agency affiliated to Hulong Villa, and won the trust of Zhu Ignore.

Therefore, Ye Ling just took the plan and sent the people from the No. 1 village in the world to pass the wrong news to Zhu Ignore.

Sure enough, seeing the person coming from the No. 1 village in the world, the wily Zhu Ignore did not have the slightest doubt.

"Master Qi, the news is absolutely true!"

"In addition, it is said that the East Factory has also received this news, and it seems to be just around the corner!"

Hearing that Dongchang seems to be about to take action, even Zhu Ignoring, who is known for his composure, can't sit still a little at the moment, and there is a hint of shock in his eyes.

You must know that Wansanqian is currently the biggest financial supporter of Zhu's disregard.

Zhu ignores the fact that he wants to protect Wansanqian, and even wants to send someone to inform Wansanqian in advance.

But Wansanqian has always been a mysterious whereabouts, and even Zhu ignores it and doesn't know where Wansanqian is, let alone his contact information.

Unable to inform Wansanqian in advance, they only sent people to Fugui Village.

Hearing that the East Factory seemed to want to act again, I thought of Cao Zhengchun, the director of the East Factory.

After thinking again and again, Zhu ignored and finally decided to go to Fugui Village in person!

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