Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 073 Look at this lantern, it's white and big!

It was another night of melee, and when the private tutoring for A Zi was over, the extremely responsible Teacher Ye walked out of the room.

After using the Beiming Divine Art and simply adjusting his breath, Ye Ling came back full of blood even though he continued to counsel everyone.

After tidying up his clothes, Ye Ling walked towards the dojo.

When they arrived at the dojo, the rest of the girls were nowhere to be seen, and only Zhao Min was alone. After being half-held by Ye Ling last night, he could only temporarily rest in the dojo.

"Sir, good morning!

Ye Ling walked over, smiled slightly, and greeted Zhao Min.

Seeing Ye Ling greeting her, Zhao Min ignored her and turned her head straight, as if she was still angry about what happened yesterday.

Ye Ling was not angry, but turned around and sat under the futon beside Zhao Min, raised his head and asked Zhao Min.

"Master, when I was in the Central Plains, I have heard that there are many masters of Dayuan."

"Since you are the county master, you must also know the current location of these people?"

Hearing Ye Ling asking about the 14 masters of Dayuan Kingdom, Zhao Min's heart moved slightly, she turned her head slightly, and said in a cold voice that was very unconvinced.

"Humph! You are not so ignorant as a thief!"

"Tell you, although my country of Dayuan was founded by a prairie, I am not less skilled than your Han people at all! All of them are even more powerful than your Han people, Great Master!

A proud look flashed on Zhao Min's face, and then he continued to speak.

"For example, I, the Eighth Shiba, the national teacher of the Great Yuan Dynasty, has peerless talent and condescends the heroes. With one hand, I can kill any realm master with the palm of my hand. Moreover, I have amazing skills such as changing the sky and striking the earth, which can make people reveal the truth and detect all beings. ""

"Or the magician Pang Ban, who is the incarnation of a demon, mysterious and unpredictable, and has cultivated a jade skill that no one can master for thousands of years. When Deva is united, no one can match the Great Master in the world!

"Alternatively, I, the Imperial Family of Dayuan, Si Hanfei, not only was able to fight well, but also defeated your allied forces of the Han people, and I was one of the three great masters of Dayuan.

"Besides, there are also Great Masters such as Meng Chixing, King Jinlun, etc., all of whom are not inferior to the people I mentioned above!"

Having said this, Zhao Min stopped and looked at Ye Ling with a bit of pride.

"Compared with these Grand Great Masters, what is your three-legged cat kung fu, you can bully ordinary people at most."

"Tell you, if you dare to act so recklessly, there will be no good end!

Hearing a hint of threat in Zhao Min's tone, Ye Ling couldn't help but smile indifferently, then stood up and looked at Zhao Min.

"It seems that you are still very unconvinced, the princess!"

"In that case..."

Ye Ling said, and went straight to Zhao Min.

"In that case, let's change the topic, let's discuss the customs of this grassland dynasty.

"Just like this Dayuan lantern, why is it so big and so white?

"Your Majesty, why do you say that?"

at the same time.

Yanjing City, Ruyang Palace.

In the study room full of china fragments, two players dressed as servants were constantly cleaning.

"I'm going, what the hell is going on? How could King Ruyang be so angry that he smashed the study room and killed so many palace guards.

The player named Wang Youdao has a face, and while cleaning, he said to the servant who is also the player next to him.

"My dear, your home has been disconnected from the Internet, and you still don't know it!

On the side, the player named Lu Renjia was surprised, then put down the broom, looked around, and whispered to Wang Youdao next to him.

"I just got the news that this King Ruyang's daughter is said to have been kidnapped outside the city, that's why King Ruyang is so angry."

"I'm going! How dare someone just do this under the eyes of Emperor Dayuan?"

When Wang Youdao heard this, his eyes widened instantly, and the expression on his face was full of shock and disbelief.

"Keep your voice down!

Lu Renjia hurriedly covered Wang Youdao's mouth, and after confirming again that there was no one around, he sighed in relief.

"That's not it, I have seen the guards of the Shaomin County Lord, not to mention that there are dozens of iron floats and thousands of guards.

"Let's just say that by her side, there are two great masters, Xuanming, the second and the old, who were hired by the prince, plus a bitter head of Innate strength."

"With such a strong strength, he just let everyone kill them all and robbed the county master!

While continuing to clean the study, Lu Renjia continued to speak to Wang Youdao.

"Good guy, this person is too strong."

"However, listening to you, why do I feel like a person in such a ruthless way?"

Wang Youdao's mind has always turned faster, but after hearing Lu Renjia's description, he couldn't help but say it.

"You mean... Ye Shen!"

After receiving Wang Youdao's reminder, Lu Renjia's mind flashed, hesitated for a moment, and said a name.

Yes! It's Ye God!

The two looked at each other, startled, then dropped the broom in their hands and hurriedly asked on the communication channel.

"Brothers! Brothers!

"Did Ye Shen come to Dayuan recently, and did he do the thing that the county master was robbed!

As soon as this news came out, the originally stagnant Dayuan National Channel instantly boiled over.

"What's the matter? The princess was robbed?!"

"I'm going? Really or not, Ye Shen has come to Dayuan?"

"You said that 597 is really possible. At present, he is the only one who has this strength and likes to rob people's wives and daughters! 35

"I'm crying, Ye Shen finally came to Dayuan, is there a specific location, I'm going to hug my thighs!"

"Humph! Hold your thighs? King Ruyang offers a reward for countless treasures and Cultivation Technique, to catch the robber, I plan to report Ye Ling now!

"Instead of reporting a monster like Ye Ling, let's see how things will develop, maybe you can fish in troubled waters! 55

"Report Ye Mo? Are you impatient? My scalp feels numb when I hear him coming, and I heard that he kills without blinking an eye!

Watching the constant debate in the channel.

The two looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and even decided to report Ye Ling to King Ruyang!

After all, since the beginning of the game, my two brothers have been servants in the palace for a long time. If you can successfully seize this opportunity, you may not be able to soar, and you will turn around!

Moreover, as servants in Ruyang's palace, Wang Youdao and Lu Renjia had naturally met Zhao Min before, and they were all overwhelmed by Zhao Min's beautiful appearance, and they fantasized about being able to kiss Fangze countless times.

Thinking of what Ye Ling might have done after he stole Zhao Min, the two of them gnashed their teeth, wishing they could kill Ye Ling and go into battle by themselves!

Now that the decision has been made, the two of them did not delay, and immediately walked out of the study and walked towards the main hall of the palace.

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