Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 074 Bright Summit? Xiao Zhao, here I come!

Outside the city of Yanjing, Minzhong Temple.

Outside the temple, it was already Hu Tian August, which was rather cold.

In the temple, however, the spring is charming and infinitely beautiful.

In the past few days, Ye Ling supervised the girls' diligent practice of yoga, and at the same time took the girls to swim around the Minzhong Temple.

Dojo, vegetable garden, Tibetan scriptures pavilion, Luohan Hall, bell tower...

Almost everywhere, they all left "traces" of Ye Ling and the girls.


However, Ye Ling is not a person who just wants to have fun. After he was satisfied playing at the Minzhong Temple, Ye Ling decided to go to the next goal - Bright Summit.

Last night, after giving Zhao Min a lesson, Ye Ling also learned about Mingjiao from Zhao Min.

It turned out that during the recent period of time, the six decency groups headed by Emei, Shaolin, and Wudang seemed to have changed.

According to Zhao Min, the six major sects are going to unite this time, intending to destroy the Ming Sect together, and the pioneers have already reached the top of the light.

Since the six sects decided to besiege Guangmingding, Ye Ling naturally would not miss such a good opportunity, so he planned to go to Guangmingding immediately and try to get Yitian Sword and Qiankun Great Movement first.

Of course, the six major factions mentioned here only refer to the six major faction branches in Dayuan.

As an era of stars rising together, the sects in the world of Rivers and Lakes have developed for thousands of years, and whether they are decent or evil, they have different branches in various countries.

For example, Emei, Shaolin, Wudang and other six decency, Cihang Jingzhai, Jingnian Temple, these Baidao leaders, are not only in the state of the Song Dynasty, but also have different branches in the Ming Dynasty, the Great Yuan Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty.

The same is true for demons such as the Yinkui Sect.

As the saying goes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the demon sect has gone even further, and the branches in various places have already begun to differentiate.

For example, the Sun and Moon Sect, the Western Demon Sect, the Ming Sect, and the Yemen Sect and the Flower Sect all belong to this type.

Of course, decency isn't much better.

Take Shaolin, the sect of martial arts in the world as an example. The world Shaolin is collectively referred to as Buddhist disciples to the outside world, but internally it is divided into four branches: east, west, north and south. The Shaolin Temple in the Song Dynasty is the Southern Shaolin, and the Dayuan side is the Northern Shaolin.

The East and West Shaolin is very mysterious, few people know.

Wudang Sect is no exception. There are many divisions in various countries. However, because Grand Great Master Zhang Sanfeng is here, Dayuan's Wudang Sect is the most authentic Wudang.

In addition, the situation of sects such as Emei Kunlun Yudong is also similar. The strength of each sect is different, and they are all based on strength.

Of course, after such a long period of development, the schools and even the core martial arts have become different, which is also a feature of Rivers and Lakes.

Ye Ling decided in his heart to go to the Bright Summit, and naturally did not delay, and then the girls started to pack up.

at the same time.

In the city of Yanjing, within the Ruyang Palace.

"According to what you said, it was not the masters of the enemy country like Song Ming who robbed the county master, but a person from the Rivers and Lakes named Ye Ling""?""

In the lobby, King Ruyang's eyes narrowed slightly, and the hot tea in his hand was a little warm, and he was looking at the two people opposite.

And the two kneeling down were none other than Wang Youdao and Lu Renjia who planned to expose Ye Ling.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

"As far as I know, this person is strong in martial arts and likes to kidnap people's wives and daughters, so it must be him! 35

Both of them nodded again and again, daring not to hide anything.

But at this time, I heard Wang Youdao and Lu Renjia confirm again, but the expression of King Ruyang who was sitting on the top changed, and a coldness flashed in his eyes quickly.

Immediately after, King Ruyang waved his big hand, and he instructed the guards beside him.

"Come here, let this king take these two nonsense servants away!

"Give me the dog after the corpse is chopped up!"


Hearing King Ruyang's words, Wang Youdao and Lu Renjia, who were still complacent, changed their expressions instantly, their calves softened, and they slumped on the ground.

"Wang... Wangye, what did the villain do, why should he kill the villain!""

Lu Renjia was pale, struggled to get up, and asked King Ruyang in a horrified tone.


King Ruyang sneered and smashed the teacup in his hand to the ground, and Teng stood up.

"Even this king's forces can't find any clues about the robbers.

"You two slaves are very familiar with this Ye Ling thing, I'm afraid it's the spies sent by that guy to sing double reeds in front of me and this king?

"Left and right, drag it down and cut it!"

After Prince Ruyang finished speaking, he waved his hand impatiently, and the guards behind him instantly escorted Wang Youdao and Lu Renjia away.

"No! Your Majesty! I'm really not a spy!'""

"Your Highness! Don't kill me, don't kill me! I can help you find Ye Ling!"

The two screamed and struggled continuously, trying to find a way to survive.

But King Ruyang turned a deaf ear to the two's pleas for mercy, and took a new cup of tea, taking a sip to himself.

After that, only two sounds of ".~click" sounded one after another, and the entire Ruyang Palace instantly became quiet.

At the same time, the curtain in the lobby was lifted, and a black man came out from behind the curtain.

"My lord, it is not a pity for these two to die."

"But what shall we do next?"5

The monk in black first bowed to King Ruyang, and then asked again.


King Ruyang sneered at first, then raised his head and looked at the black-clothed monk opposite.

"Although the origins of these two outsiders are unknown, the Ye Ling they are talking about is indeed a real person."

"According to what this king knows, Daming's Marquis of Iron Courage and the Admiral of Dongchang were all beheaded by this man."

"Whether it's a trap or not, you can send someone to look for (Li Nuozhao) first, maybe there will be any additional clues!

King Ruyang deserves to be an old fox for many years. If the donkey is to be killed, the man must also be found!

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"With such a brilliant idea, apart from the prince, there is no one else in the world who can think of Yang!

The black-clothed monk nodded again and again, flattering King Ruyang.

"Okay, it doesn't make sense to say too much.

"How's your plan for the six sects to besiege Bright Summit? Cheng Kun?"

Prince Ruyang laughed arrogantly, and then turned to look at the monk in black.

"Of course it's ready"

"In a few days at most, the six sects will face off against the Ming Cult!

The monk in black walked in slowly, and under the light of the candle, a pair of sinister eagle eyes slowly emerged.

This monk is none other than Cheng Kun, who is called "Hunyuan Thunderbolt" by the people of Rivers and Lakes!

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