Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 077 The Six Great Sects? The Six Great Idiots!

"Disciple listens to Master Uncle's orders!"

Seeing that Shitai Mie Mie had actually sent this great beauty who had been thinking of him for a long time to be his partner, Song Qingshu couldn't help but flash a look of joy, and quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart and bowed his head.

"Here! 35

"Disciple obey!

Zhou Zhiruo, who was beside her, had a calm expression, her cupped fist took the lead, but she was a little indifferent.

Immediately afterward, the heads of the other sects also listened to Song Qingshu's suggestion, dismantled all the disciples, and came together with other sects to form hundreds of teams.

Seeing that the allocation of personnel has been completed, when the leaders of the six sects gave an order, nearly a thousand people from the decent coalition army rushed to the top of Guangming with great momentum.

On the top of Guangming, seeing that the six sects had already begun to besiege, the Mingjiao side also acted at the same time.

"Five Elements banner owner! Five "Five Ninety Seven" scattered people!"

"You lead your own troops to hold important positions in the main altar, and don't let people from the six sects break through! 35

Under the throne of the leader, Yang Xiao held the token and began to issue orders to the people below.


The Five Elements and the Five Elements flag owner got the order, and they all bowed their heads to lead the order, and then they brought their troops and began to set up defenses.

Then, Yang Xiao turned to look at the few people beside him.

"Bat King, Eagle King, it's up to you and me for the next battle!"

Yang Xiao's tone was calm, but there was determination in his eyes.

Beside him, the blue-winged bat king Wei Yi smiled, and the white-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng all had firm eyes.

Everyone knows that a fierce battle is about to begin!

In the player channel, whether it is the Ming Cult camp or the six major faction camps, the communication channel is also infinitely full.

"It's finally here! Brothers of Mingjiao, I'm sorry! It's you who were killed!"

"Hmph, it's not necessarily who kills who! Did you keep your equipment for me?"

"Is this a copy of the National War of Rivers and Lakes? This is too grand!"

"Don't be arguing, don't be arguing, it's all players, everyone will show some love to your subordinates later, maybe some treasure will appear! 39

"I care so much about you! What if you're all players, daddy doesn't care so much! Kill it for the lord!

Meanwhile, in the small mountain village at the foot of Kunlun.

Ye Ling was already dressed under the service of the girls, with a sapphire waist and a folding fan in hand, Ye Ling turned around, chuckled, looked at the girls behind him, and then said.

"The fun has begun!

"We can't miss it!"

After all, Ye Ling took the lead, leading the girls towards the top of the bright light.

In a short while, the light will be on the top.

After some fighting, the six sects had already reached the square in front of the main altar of Mingjiao.

Although Mingjiao relied on Guangming to stand up against the sky, it could not resist the fierce offensive of the six sects. At this time, the casualties were heavy, and only a few defeated troops were gathered at the entrance.

If it weren't for the great masters such as the Green Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao, the White-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng, and the Guangming Left Envoy Yang Xiao who resisted with all their might, I am afraid that the six sects would have already breached the Bright Summit.

At this time, the two sides were sitting on both sides, and the swords were drawn.

And what caused such a confrontation was a hairy boy who suddenly appeared.

This hairy boy looks about twenty years old, and his face is covered with black charcoal gray, which makes it impossible to see his specific appearance. However, the pure yang Internal Energy on his body reveals his identity. One of the Seven Heroes of Wudang, Zhang Cuishan's son, Zhang Wuji.

Originally, Zhang Wuji was supposed to learn how to move the universe in the secret way of Ming Sect while the Ming Sect masters were fighting fiercely with the six sects, and then came out to turn the tide when the Ming Sect people were seriously injured.

But at this time, because Ye Ling caused a series of influences, Zhang Wuji appeared on Bright Summit very early.

"Master! Although Mingjiao is not a sect in the Central Plains, it has not been like other evil sects in these years, killing innocent people and disturbing the Martial Forest.

"I also ask Shitai to be merciful, don't kill the Ming Sect!"

Standing in the middle of the two forces, Zhang Wuji was trying to persuade Shi Tai to Mie Mie.


"Where is the Maotou boy, just because you want to stop me from destroying the Ming Sect?

"Alright! Just take your little devil's head to sacrifice the flag!"

Jue Shitai has had a long-standing grudge against the Ming Sect since he was young, so how could Zhang Wuji persuade him in just a few words at this time?

In the blink of an eye, Mie Shitai was already furious.

He only heard the sound of "锵", and a cold light flashed across, Mie Shitai had already pulled out the Heavenly Sword from his hand, and he was ready to attack Zhang Wuji.

But at this time, there were bursts of commotion from the back of the six sects...

I saw that the disciples of various sects who were still fine, but at this time, their tears were flowing, their skin was red, and in the blink of an eye, they screamed again and again, and they fell to the ground and kept rolling.

On the other hand, the ordinary disciple of the Ming Sect on the opposite side was also not much better. For a moment, he was in a state of madness, slumped on the ground and exclaimed.

What! Someone poisoned?!

The faces of the masters of various sects changed, and their eyes were full of horror.

At the same time, outside the valley, there was a magnetic male voice.

"Have you seen it? Although this sad and crisp breeze is easy to use, there are still some problems with the effective time!"

"The stronger the skill, the slower the poisoning. If the poisoning slows down, these people will be vigilant! 55

The male voice just fell, and then a crisp female voice sounded outside the valley, and there seemed to be doubt in the tone.

"In that case, how to solve this problem?"

The questioning voice just fell, but the male voice from before sounded again.

"No way!"

"If there is no stronger poison, then it can only be hard!"

The two Daoist voices seemed to be far away in the sky, but also seemed to be in front of the eyes. The leaders of the six sects and the masters of the Ming sect all looked around, but they didn't find even half a shadow.

But just when the forces on both sides were in a state of uncertainty and fear, several figures came slowly from the gap between the cliffs in the mountains.

Everyone on both sides was shocked, and Qi Qi looked at the figures.

I saw that the leader was a young man, estimated to be no more than twenty years old, with an extremely delicate appearance and a complexion like a crown jade.

He was wearing a white robe, with a dragon-shaped blue jade pendant around his waist, and a folding fan in his hand.

The young man raised his head, a pair of sword eyebrows cut straight in like meteors, his jet-black eyes seemed to be exuding infinite light, which instantly attracted the attention of all the female disciples of the Emei faction.

Behind this young man, eleven women came together.

Among the eleven women, there are glamorous women, pure girls, people from the East, and Onee-san.

But without exception, they are all national colors and heavenly fragrances, and they are unparalleled in beauty.

And this young man is none other than Ye Ling!

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