"Who are you!"

"Could this person be Mingjiao remnants?

"That boy, there is a way to sign up! 55

Seeing Ye Ling coming with all the daughters, everyone from the six sects and Ming sects was shocked and suspicious, and asked Ye Ling again and again.

However, Ye Ling smiled without saying a word, and walked step by step to the center of the square with a light pace.

At the same time, the players among the six sects and Ming sects also recognized Ye Ling's player status at once, and they couldn't help but be greatly surprised, and the communication channel exploded again.

"I'm going! I thought this was an NPC boss just now, but I didn't expect it to be a player!"

"I'm crying! They're all players, why did this person come on stage with his own speaker! It's over!""

"It's a player, and he doesn't seem to be weak. Could it be that he's a hot man?"

"It's very possible! Didn't someone say that Ye Shen appeared in Dayuan some time ago? This is completely in time! 99

"Really that guy? Is there such a coincidence! He caught up with everything!

"14 is really very likely to be Ye Shen! At present, the only player with such strength is him!

Looking at Ye Ling, the players present began to discuss and speculate, and they all realized Ye Ling's identity.

However, since Ye Ling didn't sign up by himself, although the players already had the answer in their hearts at this time, they were still not 100% sure.

"Stop! 35

"Where the hell are you, kid! What is the purpose of suddenly appearing!

On the other side of the square, Shi Tai's face was ashen. He was first blocked by a Zhang Wuji, and now suddenly a mysterious person came out.

It seems that he poisoned his disciples without saying anything, and even at this time, he was so leisurely, just like strolling in the courtyard, Shitai Shitai immediately turned cold, and asked Ye Ling angrily.

"Under Ye Ling! I've met Shi Tai!"

Ye Ling chuckled lightly, raised his head, his face was calm and natural, but his eyes were full of confidence, as if he regarded the heroes on the field as nothing!

"What! Are you Ye Ling?"

"The Ye Ling who killed the Marquis of Daming Tiedan and destroyed Murong Gusu of the Great Song Dynasty?"

When Master Mie Jue heard the words, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he asked repeatedly.

"This young man is actually the devil Ye Ling who made a lot of noise in Rivers and Lakes recently?

Kongtong Wu Lao and Song Yuanqiao looked at each other, shocked, and some couldn't believe it.

"Ye Ling? Seeing that this battle is not a person from the six sects, is it possible that he is also here to help Mingjiao?""

On the other side of the center of the square, Zhang Wuji looked at Ye Ling and everyone with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"[Wife Snatchers] [Green Hat Maker] Ye Ling?

From the Kunlun faction, He Taichong's expression changed, and he silently pulled his wife, Ban Shuxian, behind him...

Ye Ling was not surprised by the reactions of these NPCs.

You must know that your own reputation has already reached [Rivers and Lakes], and your name and deeds will not only be known by the player, but will also be reflected in the NPC as in the real world.

At this time, when Ye Ling reported her family name, it was not only the NPCs of the six sects and the Ming sect who were shocked, but the players present also exploded again.

"Ah ah ah! It's really Ye God! I'm dead!"

"I love Ye Shen so much, how can he be so handsome! I'm going to give him a monkey!

"Damn, it's really this guy, what's so amazing, isn't it just better luck?"

"I suggest some people don't be sour, Ye Shen is very likely to be the only Great Master player on the Realm list. This is not just good luck!""

"Why are the girls behind him so good-looking, why are all players different! It's not fair! 99

"What are you all talking about, shouldn't you run at this time, there is no good place where Ye Shen appears!

"Yes, yes, I heard that a lot of people died in Xingzilin last time. I suggest everyone to leave quickly. My mother told me to go home for dinner. I will go first!"

The players' reactions to Ye Ling's appearance were also different, some were thinking about hugging their thighs, some were showing jealousy, and some were ready to run away.

"Don't worry everyone! I'm here this time mainly for three things!"

Facing the shock of all the NPCs and players, Ye Ling's face was calm.

Raising his head, Ye Ling smiled slightly again, looked at Shitai Mie Jue opposite, and said.

"Humph! It's a brazen fellow!

"Speaking of which, why did you devil come here!"

When Shi Tai heard the words, he snorted coldly, followed by a cold light in his eyes, and asked Ye Ling with contempt and disdain.

If it was someone else, at this moment, under Shi Tai's cold eyebrows, he would be sweating and complaining.

But in the face of Shitai Mie Jue's question, Ye Ling did not change his mind. He shook the folding fan in his hand and raised his head to meet Shi Tai Jue's gaze. He was not afraid at all.

Then, Ye Ling chuckled and said.

"The first thing to do is to take away your beloved disciple, Zhou Zhiruo, who is behind you, Yi Tianjian and Shi Tai!"


As soon as Ye Ling said these words, everyone in the six sects was in an uproar, and Shi Tai's complexion changed slightly, seeming to be shocked and angry.

Behind her, Zhou Zhiruo froze in place for a moment, with a somewhat puzzled look in her eyes.

On the side, the expression on Song Qingshu's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he looked towards Ye Ling very unkindly.

Seeing the changes in everyone's faces, Ye Ling was not in a hurry, followed 597 and turned around, looking at Zhang Wuji who was beside him.

"The second thing is to take away Jiuyang Shengong and Mingjiao Secret Technique and move the world!


When everyone in the Ming Sect heard the words, they all had doubts on their faces, some could not believe it, and some were puzzled.

At this time, only Zhang Wuji next to Ye Ling understood the meaning of Ye Ling's words, he frowned instantly, his face suddenly became a little more angry, looking at Ye Ling's eyes, half guarded, Half of fear.

"The third one!"

After saying the second thing, Ye Ling's eyes shifted again, looking at Xiao Zhao who was not far behind Zhang Wuji.

"The third thing is, take you, Little Sister, and your mother!

When Ye Ling heard that Ye Ling wanted to take away not only the little sister, but also the mother, all the players present immediately became restless again.

"I'm going! What a good script for a small day!"

"Da Ba Da Baa! Ye Shen, you can't do this! At least you should let me come! 35

"Good guy, daughter and mother again? Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Ye Ling, you LSP, crawl for the lord, these beauties are all mine, mine!"

"You laugh at Ye Shen's old-fashioned criticism, Ye Shen laughs at you with your right hand"

In the communication channel, countless comment barrages danced, instantly blowing up the public screens of almost all players present.


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