Martial Arts: Start With Yuxu Temple, Poison The Sword of Baifeng

Chapter 088 Persian rice bowl! Two words! Cool!

I saw Ye Ling tore off the wrinkled human skin mask on Dai Qisi's face.

Then, a beautiful face was instantly exposed to the sun!

Decades ago, Dai Qisi, the Dragon King of Zishan, was already recognized as the number one beauty in Martial Forest in Dayuan.

On the top of Guangming, it has attracted countless heroes and heroes to bow down.

And now, although Dai Qisi already has a daughter of Xiao Zhao, time seems to have left no trace on the face of this Persian mixed-race beauty.

Under a delicate face with melon seeds, the fair skin is like suet that has just solidified, and the amber-like eyes are like crystals.

Behind him, his jet-black hair was slightly curved and draped over his shoulders very casually. Although he only wore a long purple tulle skirt, the perfect and graceful curves were ready to emerge.

Seeing Dai Qisi's true face is so eye-catching.

Among the girls behind Ye Ling, except for Xiao Zhao, all their faces changed slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

"Oh, look at the rope on your body, the bow is about to come out!"

"14 If it weren't for the fact that those people were all blond and blue-eyed people from the country, I would have thought it was the group of people who got a good life in their childhood.""

Pulling off Dai Qisi's human skin mask, Ye Ling noticed the dense ropes on Dai Qisi's body.

I don't know where these Persian Ming sects learned to tie their hair. While tying Dai Qisi, they exposed certain key positions.

At first glance, Ye Ling almost thought that in front of her own was not Dai Qisi, but a well-known physiology teacher in Dongying.


"Don't talk nonsense here! What is the relationship between you and Xiao Zhao, why are you appearing on Spirit Snake Island at this time!"

Dai Qisi traveled all over the world and experienced many countries, and naturally she understood the meaning of Ye Ling's words all at once.

The fair face turned red with a "tumbling", and then he questioned Ye Ling very embarrassedly.

"Who am I? What is my relationship with Xiao Zhao?"

"It goes without saying that, of course, it's your son-in-law... and your husband!"

Ye Ling chuckled lightly, then lowered her head again, put her next to Dai Qisi's ear, and whispered.

"Now as long as I am happy, Xiao Zhao will not be able to survive or die."

"Madam, you don't want to see your daughter tortured to death by me!"

Dai Qisi originally wanted to struggle to resist, but after hearing Ye Ling's words, she instantly felt like a frosted eggplant and softened.

Her husband died early, and Xiao Zhao was undoubtedly the weakness in Dai Qisi's heart.

"Ha ha!

"Madam, don't worry, as long as you are quick and obedient, I will teach you the great transfer of the universe that you have been thinking about!

Ye Ling smiled slightly, raised her wrists slightly, and shot out with one finger, all the ropes on Dai Qisi's body were untied.

Then, he stretched out his hand again and hugged Dai Qisi on the ground in his arms.

"Don't... alas!

Dai Qisi was reluctant to obey Ye Ling.

It's just that Ye Ling first used Xiao Zhao as a threat, and then promised to move the universe that he had been thinking about for a long time.

Under the coercion and temptation, Dai Qisi finally sighed deeply and acquiesced to Ye Ling's behavior.

Picking up Dai Qisi, Ye Ling turned her head again to look at Xiao Zhao and the Dao Baifeng girls.

"It's windy here, everyone go back to the boat first! 35

"Little Sister Xiaozhao stay for a while, just with me and your mother, and have a good talk about Ice and Fire Island and Xiaoke Island.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaozhao Little Sister, I'll show your mother the "art of war" you've recently learned!

When the girls heard the words, their eyes were full of understanding.

As soon as Xiao Zhao heard the art of war, he knew what Ye Ling was talking about.

But when he was thinking about his mother, Xiao Zhao had no choice but to follow and enter the cabin with Ye Ling and Dai Qisi.

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed quietly.

As dusk approached, Ye Ling brought Xiao Zhao and Dai Qisi back to the boat.

At this time, Dai Qisi, who was following behind Ye Ling, was limping and could only walk with Xiao Zhao who was standing beside her.

Thinking of the heated debate with her daughter and Ye Ling in the cabin just now, Dai Qisi's expression suddenly became a little weird.

It's been more than ten years! The long drought meets the rain!

Moreover, I ate a bowl of rice as soon as I came up, even a Martial Forest expert could not bear it!

Unlike Dai Qisi, Ye Ling at this time looked refreshed.

Obviously, Ye Ling had a great meal with this Persian rice bowl!

"Set sail! Next stop! Ice and Fire Island in the north!

Having eaten and drank enough, Ye Ling immediately gave orders to the crowd.

Soon, the long-berthed ship sailed to the sea again!

Sea voyages take a long time.

In the blink of an eye, nearly half a month has passed, and Ye Ling and everyone are finally approaching the legendary Ice and Fire Island!

Seeing that the Ice and Fire Island was approaching, Ye Ling and all the girls boarded the deck and looked towards the island in front of them.

I saw that the island in front was very huge, and there was a huge volcano in the middle.

That volcano is not an extinct volcano, during which the pillars of fire spew out from time to time, straight into the sky, and it looks spectacular.

Although there is a huge volcano in the center of the island, it seems to be due to the proximity to the North Pole.

Under the intersection of cold and heat, the climate on the island is similar to that of the Great Liao Kingdom in Saibei.

The high mountains are filled with ice and white snow, but the plains are green, pines and cypresses, and unusually tall.

Among them, there are many exotic flowers and trees, all of which are not found in the Central Plains.

"There is such a strange island in the world, with two halves of ice and fire, no wonder it is called Ice and Fire Island!"

When the girls were surprised, the ship slowly approached Icefire Island.

After finding the landing spot, Ye Ling took the girls off the boat and set foot on the land of Ice and Fire Island.

"Fortunately, I practiced Jiuyang Divine Art!

"Otherwise, isn't it going to cause qi and blood to be deficient in this half month?"

Deliberately reaching the end, Ye Ling rubbed her slightly sore knees while no one noticed.

During the half-month voyage, not to mention that he was the only man on board, and that there were no carrots, cucumbers, etc. instead of props, Ye Ling was naturally a lot harder than usual.

It's not just big and small classes that don't stop.

In the middle of the night, they have to discuss the art of war with Xiaozhao Daiqisi's mother and daughter non-stop, so as to gain practical combat experience with each other.

In addition, if it weren't for the female swordsmen of Mantuo Villa, they were afraid of Mrs. Wang.

I'm afraid, Ye Ling's workload will increase three or four times.

"Alas! Fortunately, I didn't choose [Happy Messenger] at the beginning.

"Otherwise, this girl is more powerful than my Beiming magic, and she has to suck daddy into an adult!"

He sighed inwardly, and immediately followed the girls again.

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