However, as the saying goes, no effort, no gain.

Since the voyage of more than half a month, Ye Ling was tired or a little tired, but he also gained a lot.

At this time, all the girls on the boat had already been "convinced" by Ye Ling. Only on the surface, all the girls basically began to obey Ye Ling, and they were harmonious in all aspects.

Even Zhao Min, a girl with a little ego in Wang Yuyan's character, didn't have much resistance when she was fighting Ye Ling.

Of course, Xiao Zhao, Wang Yuyan and these little girls naturally couldn't let go when there was a multi-person melee or group study.

However, Ye Ling really liked the children who couldn't let go.

After all, if they were like Dao Baifeng, Ruan Xingzhu, Madam Wang, and Dai Qisi, these beautiful women would work together perfectly.

How can you experience the joy of training?

"Wow! Brother Ling, how did you find such a place!"

"It's the first time I've seen such a weird island when I've grown so big!"

Ye Ling walked in front of the girls, A Zi and Zhong Ling, two innocent and lively little girls, slung Ye Ling's arms from left to right and pressed them tightly against Ye Ling's chest.

Feeling the waves of softness hit, Ye Ling couldn't help but feel relaxed and satisfied, the last trace of fatigue in her heart was swept away.

"Don't just enjoy the scenery.

"In addition to this strange scenery, this Ice and Fire Island also hides a big treasure!"

After that, Ye Ling turned her head again, looked at Dai Qisi behind her, laughed lightly, and continued to speak.

"Mother-in-law, don't you think so?

The mother-in-law Ye Ling mentioned here was referring to Dai Qisi.

But apart from Dai Qisi, Madam Wang and Ruan Xingzhu's two daughters also flushed red, and they didn't know what interesting things they thought of.

"This apprentice!"

"How can you say this in front of children in broad daylight!"

"What an idiot!

The three women were blushing and could only blame Ye Ling.


Seeing the expressions on the faces of the mothers-in-law, Ye Ling couldn't help laughing, and then she took the soft and boneless fingers of A Zi and Zhong Ling beside her, and walked forward.

"Keep going!

"See if the Golden Lion King is still alive! 99

On the coast of Icefire Island, in a hidden cave.


Hearing the sound of rubbing on the ice outside, Xie Xun couldn't help but pricked up his ears and listened to the outside of the cave.

Although he is blind in both eyes, his hearing is very good. When he made a judgment, he could hear that there were many people outside.

"Why are there so many people suddenly?"

"Could it be that my Wuji child came back to pick me up?"

Xie Xun was a little surprised at the moment. After hesitating for a while, he had no choice but to pick up the dragon slayer beside him and staggered towards the outside of the cave.

At the same time, Ye Ling and others also came outside the cave.

"Brother Ling, look! Savage!"

Suddenly heard A Zi exclaimed, Ye Ling and all the girls looked towards the cave ahead.

I saw an extremely burly shadow slowly walk out from the entrance of the hole in front.

The shadow of Fang Ji walked into the sun, and everyone could see clearly that the shadow was actually a middle-aged man of about forty or fifty years old.

The big man was unusually burly, with yellow hair draped around his shoulders, as if he hadn't been in Dali for a long time, and his body was already covered with lice and other insects.

But he didn't know how many layers of animal skins he was wearing.

If Ye Ling hadn't been sharp-eyed and saw the Central Plains clothes inside, he would have been like A Zi, thinking that this person was a savage who was born and raised in the Ice and Fire Island.

"Wuji? Is it Wuji? 35

Before Ye Ling could say a word, the savage raised the big knife in his hand, raised his head, and looked at Ye Ling with his white eyes.

Wang Yuyan and other little girls were all taken aback by the all-white eyes.

Ye Ling turned his gaze to the Da Da Dao in the savage's hand.

I saw that the big knife was covered in black gold, and when it was placed upright, it was as tall as half a big man. The blade was thick, but it was extremely sharp. With a single stroke, it knocked out a deep crack on the ice!

Dragon Slayer! Xie Xun!

Seeing this scene, Ye Ling naturally reacted immediately.

The savage in front of him was none other than the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun.

And the big knife in his hand is the treasure weapon Tulong!

Ye Ling reacted, and Dai Qisi, who was behind her, also recognized Xie Xun.

At this time, looking at Xie Xun, Dai Qisi's eyes kept flickering, she didn't know whether she was worried or shocked.

Seeing the Dragon Slayer Sword, Ye Ling's eyes suddenly flashed a ray of light, and he didn't reply to Xie Xun. When Qingyi Wuying cast, a teleport came to Xie Xun's back.

Although Xie Xun's hearing was very sensitive, it took half a beat to react.

He wanted to raise the Dragon Saber and slash at Ye Ling, but it was too late.

I saw Ye Ling put a finger on Xie Xun and counted the points on Xie Xun's body.

The Dragon Slayer Sword in his hand also fell on the ice surface with a ".~ dang bang", smashing a big deep hole.

Dragon Slayer!

Ye Ling's mind moved, and he immediately performed the Beiming magic, and directly shot the dragon-slaying knife on the ground from the air, and then grabbed it directly!

As soon as the treasured saber started, Ye Ling felt a heavy and steady sense of heaviness in his hand, and it was undoubtedly the real dragon-slaying saber!

At the same time, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

【Congratulations to player Ye Ling for successfully obtaining the treasure weapon - Dragon Saber!】

【Treasure weapon collection task: task progress: 3/10】


A look of joy flashed across Ye Ling's face quickly, and then he carefully observed and played with the dragon slaying knife in his hand.

"You! You are not a child without fear! Who the hell are you! 35

"Tell me! Are you sent by the evil thief Cheng Kun! Are you?! 35

Seeing that Ye Ling had taken away the Dragon Saber, and he could not move at all, Xie Xun suddenly became furious, stared at his (Li Nuozhao) team's all-white eyes, and asked forward!

"Cheng Kun?

Hearing Xie Xun's question, Ye Ling chuckled lightly, and at the same time he put away the dragon-slaying knife, he also walked slowly to Yang in front of Xie Xun.

"If you mean Hunyuan Thunderbolt Chengkun. 35

"Sorry, he was killed by me a month ago!

What! Cheng Kun is dead?!

Hearing what Ye Ling said, Xie Xun's original grim face suddenly changed, and he froze in place.

If those all-white eyes had pupils, they must be full of shock and disbelief at this moment.

"No, it's impossible!"

"I've been looking for Chengkun for more than ten years, and I haven't been able to find any clues."

"Judging from your voice, you are only the same age as my Wuji boy, how could you find Cheng Kun so easily and kill him!

After a long while, Xie Xun still couldn't believe it, and shook his head again and again.

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