Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3106: Daoist Fragrance

? Desolate Realm, just the name, makes people feel creepy.

Xiao Ye fell down and listened carefully.

"I believe you should have also discovered that the number and strength of the inferior innate creatures here are not comparable to the innate world."

"And the requirement of the second pass is not to find an exit, but to give you a thousand years to eliminate regardless of the means."

"After a thousand years, there can only be a thousand geniuses left in the desolate world, otherwise, all of you will be eliminated!"

The supervisor's voice came again, echoing in the void, making Xiao Ye's heart skip a beat.

In a thousand years, there can only be at most a thousand geniuses left, or they will all be eliminated?

Such rules are too perverted, and they are simply forcing them to fight each other.

"Now I'll give you a hundred breaths of time to think about it."

"Those who want to give up, you can fly to the sky now, and this inspector can send you out."

"After a hundred breaths, the exit of the desolate world will be sealed."

The Gadfly's voice came again.

"Damn, the rules of the second level are too perverted, I don't want to play anymore!"

"Two hundred thousand people have to be eliminated to only a thousand people. With my strength, what is the difference between staying like this and courting death?"


Immediately, curses were heard from all over the desolate world, and then a group of genius creatures rose into the sky, rushed into the sky, were enveloped by a ball of white light, and quickly disappeared.

Becoming disciples of innate gods is certainly something they yearn for, but compared to life, it is a bit insignificant.


A creature resembling a magic mountain and possessing eight arms also rushed to the sky.

He is Zhuo Yuxiong of the Aogu Kingdom.

He was able to enter the second level because of Xiao Ye's favor.

Otherwise, just the defective innate creatures encountered at the exit leading to the innate realm would be enough to make him hate.

After hearing the rules, he also voluntarily gave up.

"Xiao Ye, there are only 1,000 places to pass the second test. With your strength, as long as you don't meet those top geniuses in Fengxu Dao, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"And I can't."

Zhuo Yuxiong of Aogu Kingdom looked down at the desolate world below, smiled wryly, silently blessed in his heart, was enveloped by a ball of white light, and disappeared.

"Next, I will try to avoid those top geniuses in the Taoist realm."

Xiao Ye also saw Zhuo Yuxiong from a distance, his eyes flickered, and he was quite calm.

Now that he has comprehended the deprivation in the five ways of the ancient gods, relying on the eyes of the true self, he is making rapid progress. Before the millennium arrives, he believes that he can still improve.


After the 100 interest time period, there will be no more geniuses to abstain.

Feathers of five colors floated down from the depths of the sky in the desolate realm, all bursting out with misty light, interweaving a galaxy across the sky.

This galaxy is incomparably majestic, covering almost the entire desolate realm, with a total of about 100,000 chaotic god stars shining, no matter where you are, you can just look up and see it.

"Do these 100,000 Chaos God Stars represent the number of geniuses in the current desolate world?"

Xiao Ye looked up at the galaxy, and a kind of enlightenment came into his heart.

There are only a thousand remaining out of 100,000, which is still a cruel elimination rate.

"It seems that I should continue to sneak into the Tower of Time to practice for a while, and come out before the millennium arrives."

Xiao Ye smiled slightly.

The rules in the Realm of Desolation are indeed perverted.

But so what?

With the Tower of Time in his hand, he is completely fearless.

The tower of time has been transformed, whether the innate gods can find him does not know, but those genius creatures absolutely cannot see through.

"However, it is almost impossible to break through to the Dao God Realm within this period of time..." Xiao Ye felt rather regretful.

The transformation of the power of the gods is a vast project, and the speed will be slower as it goes further.

Just as he was about to continue sneaking into the Tower of Time, suddenly Gadfly's voice came again.

"It's not bad, there are still 102,000 genius creatures left, who choose to stay in the desolate world."

Gadfly's words changed, full of vicious humor.

"Among you, there are quite a few of you who have cultivated to the point of becoming a god, so the supervisor will tell you by the way."

"In this desolate world, there is a treasure called 'Tao God Fragrance'. Once it is ignited, the chance and time to break through to the Tao God realm will greatly increase!"

"If someone has a good chance, maybe before the end of the millennium, they will step into the Dao God Realm."

When Gafly said this, his voice gradually disappeared.


Xiao Ye paused, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He just felt that the road to breaking through to the Dao God Realm is still very long.

As a result, Gafly revealed that there is such a treasure in the world of desolation?

"This inspector, did he expect that there would be many genius creatures lurking, so he deliberately prepared Taoist incense?"

Xiao Ye smiled wryly.

Faced with such temptations, he couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, if he had to cultivate by himself, even if he could break through to the Dao God realm, it would take a long time.

He can hide in the tower of time to practice now, but he doesn't have enough strength, how to deal with the third level?

"Don't miss this opportunity!"

Between the two choices, Xiao Ye didn't hesitate for too long before making a decision, carefully concealing his breath, and directly swept forward.

"Taoist incense? There are such treasures in the world!"

"Hahaha, this treasure is tailor-made for me."

"When I break through to the Dao God Realm, am I still afraid of those top geniuses?"


At the same time, there was an uproar everywhere in the entire desolate world, and all the genius creatures were raising their heads and laughing wildly, and they were dispatched one after another to search.

Those who can stay here are almost all not weak in strength, and many of them can reach the Daoization of Shendi.

For such a treasure, it is naturally heart-wrenching.

After all, who doesn't yearn to step into the realm of Taoism?

In the world of desolation and evil, on the top of a ten thousand zhang mountain, there is a vague figure standing on it, which is the Fengxu Dao of Zhenpan Divine Kingdom.

At this moment, he was tired from the fierce battle, but the light in his eyes was extremely serious.

"Namime, do you want to continue fighting with me?"

"You should be very clear that treasures like Dao Shenxiang are more like targeting us. Once found, they will definitely threaten our status!"

Feng Xudao's eyes became more and more blazing, and he looked at a huge creature in front of him from a distance, and let out a low voice.

Among the genius creatures participating in this election, there are only a dozen or so who have reached the Dao God realm, occupying an absolute advantage.

The appearance of Dao Shenxiang will obviously overturn all this.


"The account between us will be settled in the future!"

Nanmu, a huge creature with a divine body, was also silent for a long time, then he snorted coldly and disappeared in an instant.

(The fourth update is here!)

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