Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 3107 Crazy in the present world

It has to be said that the influence of such treasures as Dao Shenxiang is really too great.

Under such stimuli, almost none of the genius creatures in the desolate world are willing to lurk, lest they miss such an opportunity and be preempted by their opponents.

Looking around, in the desolate world, many talented creatures flashed, all looking for the whereabouts of Dao Shenxiang, and constantly fighting with the inferior innate creatures that haunted it.

In the blink of an eye, fifty years have passed.


In a plain covered by dense weeds, there was an incomparably fierce battle sound erupting.

It can be seen that five huge figures surrounded by chaotic breath are launching a siege.


At a certain moment, a ray of divine light escaped from the siege of these five huge figures, rushed to the distance, and turned into a dark creature.

This creature has a human figure, and its whole body is covered by a black film, most of its aura is covered up, only the abdomen is torn open, exposing human skin.

He is Xiao Ye.

"so close!"

"Fortunately, the speed of the five inferior innate creatures is not fast, otherwise it would be really troublesome." Xiao Ye continued to rush in chaos, and looked around carefully, making sure that he was out of the predicament, and then looked up at the sky. .

Above the dim sky, a majestic and boundless river of galaxies covered and opened, and chaotic god stars surged within it.

"Are there only more than 70,000 left?" Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

The cruelty of the second round of selection was far beyond his imagination.

It's only been fifty years, and more than 30,000 geniuses have already been eliminated.

The Realm of Desolation, as its name suggests, is full of desolation and danger. Unlike the Realm of Innate, there is no complete building at all, and divine treasures are also hard to find.

During these fifty years, Xiao Ye couldn't find the end at all.

Fortunately, he is in the innate realm,

Among the trophies obtained, there are many Chaos Stones, so they are not afraid of the consumption of divine power.

"However, Fengxu Dao probably doesn't have time to hunt and kill me now..."

A sneer appeared on Xiao Ye's face, and he continued to fly forward.

In order to expose his whereabouts and attract Feng Xudao, he has been acting alone these years. Once he encounters other geniuses of the kingdom of God, he immediately detours and does not fight with the inferior innate creatures here for a long time.

Acting so carefully kept him in the dark and did not expose him.

But he had heard that the True Pan Divine Kingdom was still in constant trouble, and even Fengxu Dao was struggling to deal with it, and a genius creature was also lost for this reason.

"The fragrance of Taoism, could it be that the inspector Gafly fabricated it at will, just to make us fight each other?"

When another ten years passed, Xiao Ye stopped helplessly.

He is also looking for Taoist incense.

But he only knew its name, he didn't know what Dao Shenxiang looked like, and he didn't know where it was. Looking for it in such a vast desolate world was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

For so many years, he has never heard that there is a genius creature in the desolate world who found the whereabouts of Dao Shenxiang.

On the contrary, there are more and more fallen geniuses.

"It can't go on like this!"

Xiao Ye stood on the spot, frowning and thinking hard.

He clearly noticed that the enthusiasm of the talented creatures in the desolate world to find the fragrance of Taoism has subsided a lot.


"What kind of smell is this!"

Suddenly, Xiao Ye frowned, smelling a very strange smell.

Only a few breaths of time passed, this strange smell became more and more intense, like faint sandalwood, pervading everywhere in the space, even Xiao Ye could not block it with his divine power.

"That is……"

Following this smell, Xiao Ye rushed forward, releasing his god-level will, and the captured image made his pupils shrink immediately.

I saw hundreds of millions of kilometers away, in a mountain depression, there was green smoke, straight up to the sky like wolf smoke, penetrating the space, spreading out a green haze, with it as the center, within a million kilometers, there were strange fragrances shrouded, the space is dyed green.

At the same time, a genius creature with a handsome appearance of a human but with nine furry giant tails seemed to be lifted up by the green smoke, sitting cross-legged in the sky.

Its celestial power is complete, and it has obviously reached the acme of the celestial realm, constantly surging and roaring.

"He is Lu Wei from Luoyue Kingdom!"

Xiao Ye confirmed with the list of candidates, and quickly recognized each other.

Lu Wei is much stronger than Tian Yuanji, he can be ranked in the top ten thousand on the list, and he can already become a god.

"Is this..."

However, Xiao Ye's eyes were attracted by the green smoke, and his heart palpitated.

Under the shroud of his god-level will, Lu Wei was shrouded in green smoke, and the aura of the avenue in his blood was stimulated hundreds or thousands of times, and the perfect power of the gods was quickly transformed into a new kind of power, It began to gradually exude the breath of the avenue.

"Lu Wei, he found Taoist incense!"

Xiao Ye felt a terrifying momentum overlooking the three realms of the divine way, which was growing, and suddenly jumped up in fright.

"It turns out that in the world of desolation and evil, there is really a fragrance of Taoism!"

"Maybe there are more around here!"

Xiao Ye was extremely excited.

Witnessing with my own eyes the birth of a powerful Daoist, this is a great shock.

But Xiao Ye did not rush up immediately, but hid his breath and lurked nearby.

The movement of lighting the Dao God Incense is really too big, it will definitely attract many genius creatures, and it will trigger a big fight.

"Is this the smell of Taoist incense?"

"Has anyone found Dao Shen Xiang?"


As Xiao Ye expected, all the geniuses from the Super Divine Kingdom all looked up at the sky, and when they saw the green smoke, they all became jealous after seeing the green smoke, and rushed towards them quickly.

Especially for a genius whose strength ranking is similar to that of Lu Wei, seeing that the other party is breaking through, it is completely crazy.

Once Lu Wei is promoted to the Dao God Realm and ascends to the sky in one step, the gap between them and each other will be insurmountable.


However, when countless geniuses flocked to this mountain, there were streaks of divine light that soared into the sky and turned into divine rank formations to suppress and protect this world.

"Who dares to be presumptuous?"

"Once Lu Wei succeeds in breaking through, offenders will be bloodbathed!"

At the same time, four figures soared into the sky, and they were all the other talented candidates from the Luoyue Kingdom, all of whom were very powerful, guarding Lu Wei's side.


At this moment, the swarming genius creatures all had their scalps tingling, stopped abruptly, and fell into hesitation.

Not to mention the god-level formation that guards this world, it is extremely difficult, and it will take quite a long time to break through and defeat the other talented candidates from the Luoyue Kingdom.

If Lu Wei had successfully broken through before that, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"too fast!"

"I'm afraid Lu Wei's celestial power will be completely transformed in less than a stick of incense."

Xiao Ye, who was hiding his aura, released his god-level will, and when he detected this scene, he immediately felt intentional.

Lu Wei dared to break through like this, so he was well prepared.

It seems that among the candidates, a strong Taoist will be born again.


At this moment, the sky and the earth boiled, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared, directly hitting Lu Wei in the midair.


Xiao Ye was taken aback, his eyes became serious.

Some people still want to attack and kill Lu Wei and interfere with the opponent's breakthrough!

Moreover, the aura of the person who made the shot is impressively detached from the three realms of the divine way!

(First update!)

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