Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1386: Please come in [3]

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Chapter 138, Please Jun Junyu [Three]

"more or less."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "Only when I show lack of energy can the King of Chiyan be at ease."

"Further, fall into the net."

"Cheng Feng, you're really ... grown!"

After hearing this, Pei Feng understood Cheng Feng's plan for a moment.

The evaluation of Cheng Feng in his mind was instantly raised several grades.

Because Cheng Feng is not only exceptionally talented, strong, but also has a shrewd mind.

This kind of person is really terrible.

If you can't provoke it, don't provoke it, otherwise it will be a disaster!

Just when Pei Feng was shocked.

A hundred miles away, the King of Chiyan has launched a terrorist attack on the sword array in the Grand Canyon.

I saw the Chiyan **** Wang's divine power ignited, and slapped away with one palm, like a five-finger giant peak.

That terrifying power can be enough to cut off the entire Grand Canyon and break the entire sword array into fly ash.

"Is this the true strength of Chiyan God?"

"It's ... so strong!"

Seeing the bombardment of the giant palm, Cheng Feng and Pei Feng were all shocked.

I have a deep understanding of the fierce might of the imitation body of King Chiyan.

At the same time, around the Grand Canyon.

Many warriors came to hear the news, performing pupil technique to watch from afar.

When they saw the fierce majesty of the King of Chiyan, the righteous warriors were horrified and frightened.

The evil warrior is proud and proud.

One by one, he was ready to fight against the righteous martial arts after the Chiyan **** king imitation body broke the sword array and killed Cheng Feng and others.

Kill all the righteous warriors present!

Just when everyone's thoughts fluctuated.

In front of the Grand Canyon, the huge palms shot by the King of Chiyan had already fallen quickly.

At this moment, hum ~~~

The stone forest inlaid in the Grand Canyon lit up a brilliant light.

Next moment, oh!

The sword-shaped stone peak swayed intently, and shot out a strong sword.

Break through the clouds and go straight to the screaming sky.

铿铿 铿铿 ~~~

When Mantian Jianqi shot on that huge palm.

A series of iron stone impact sounded immediately.

Putting down the huge palm of the sky, he stopped in midair with a stiff impact.

The sword marks were densely covered on it, and it looked scarred.

However, the big palm is not broken.

With the explosion of the Chiyan God King's imitation body, he once again infused a six-star divine power.

Bang ~~~

The swollen palms of the sky were shot on the Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon, which is more than two hundred miles wide, was snapped inward and collapsed.

After the big palms dissipated, the stone peak sword array on the side of the Grand Canyon had been photographed fragmented.

The formation of a huge five-finger palm print is astonishing!

"My God, that King Chiyan is too fierce."

"With one palm, the entire Grand Canyon was cut off."

"Cheng Feng laid out the sword array formed for a long time, and was blown down with a single palm."

"Under this, how else can Cheng Feng come back?"

"It's dangerous, it's really dangerous!"

Around the Grand Canyon, when many righteous warriors saw the scene, all their scalps were numb.

I feel Cheng Feng's time, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to make a comeback, and he will be slaughtered by Chiyan God King.

"Cheng Feng, is this the so-called 'big net' you used to siege the King of Chiyan?"

Hundreds of miles from the Grand Canyon, Pei Feng, the master of the Black Water Palace, looked dignified.

If Cheng Feng used to encircle the imitation body of the Chiyan God King refers to this stone forest sword formation, it would be a little funny.

"Senior Pei, this is just an appetizer."

However, Cheng Feng calmly, calmly said: "The real dish has not yet come on."

"Has the dish not yet served?"

Hearing that, Pei Feng mentioned the heart in his throat and couldn't help putting it back.

Then he fixed his eyes on the Grand Canyon.

At this moment, the dust in the Grand Canyon is like the end of the world.

The **** black flame that hid in the canyon, with the help of a five-pronged golden dragon, hid in a small section of the stone forest sword array.

Like a lamb stuck in a valley by a hungry wolf, full of helplessness.

"Hell, you can't escape the palm of your god."

Seeing this scene, the King of Red Flames imitated a decent and happy look.

Then, stepped into the broken Grand Canyon, one hand lifted up, condensed into a great hand, and grabbed Hell.

"Finally ... on the net?"

However, when the Chiyan King imitation body crossed into the Grand Canyon.

The corners of Cheng Feng's mouth curled up, and the tight nerves had been relaxed.

At the same time, the Grand Canyon was half-cut.

Long Aotian's eyes were bright.

It looked at the great hand of magic that grabbed its head, not only without the fear.

Instead, his mouth cracked, revealing a fishy smile.

Then the five dragon claws lifted up and slammed on the five stone peaks in front of it.

Om ~~~

The entire collapsed Grand Canyon trembled immediately.

Just as a sleeping dragon was awakened, a heavy earth-colored air flow rose, and it was vast and thousands of miles long.

"Oh my god, what is that?"

"What happened in the Grand Canyon?"

"Why did a sudden rise of a wall several thousand meters high, I don't know how long it is !?"

The Quartet, when everyone saw the scene, their eyes glared, like a chicken.

Because of this scene, it was really shocking.

Even Pei Feng, the master of the Blackwater Palace, and Cheng Feng were a little stunned.

"Cheng Feng, is this the back hand you used to siege the imitation body of the King of Chiyan?"

Pei Feng took several deep breaths in a row, and was unable to calm the shock in her heart.

The voice trembled, "What is this? How strong is it?"

"This ... I don't know."

Cheng Feng's heart tumbled and shook his head.

Cheng Feng really knows very little about the power of Qiankun Promise.

Until this moment, it was considered a real insight.

And at this time, inside the Grand Canyon.

When the King of Chiyan saw this scene, his pride was instantly solidified.

"No, it's a good idea."

King Chiyan turned black and yelled, "The Stone Forest Sword Formation in this Grand Canyon is just a layer of appearance. The real large formation, hidden inside the Stone Forest Sword Formation, is a formation.

"When I destroyed the Stone Forest Sword Formation, I immediately triggered a large array hidden in the Stone Forest Sword Formation and fell into a trap."

The words of the **** Chiyan were very precise.

The formation in the Grand Canyon is a double formation, and there is a hidden formation in the formation.

The reason for this arrangement is mainly to allow the King of Chiyan to enter the battlefield with peace of mind.

And that hidden array is Long Jiutian's nine-pin array —- Qiankun Wuji array!

"Damn little beast, you're so angry!"

Seeing through the battle, the Chiyan **** Wang was furious.

His eyes swept Cheng Feng, and he could not wait to smash Cheng Feng to death.

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