Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1387: Cut off everything

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Chapter 1387 Breaking All Retreats

Hate in my heart.

In his breath, King Chiyan thought of countless ways to torture Cheng Feng cruelly.

However, these methods can only be put in mind temporarily.

Because the Qiankun Promise Array hidden in the Shilin Sword Formation was triggered, the earthy yellow air wall rising along the Grand Canyon has already swept towards the location of the imitation body of the King Chiyan like a python. !!

If you don't rush to escape, you will be trapped.

"Hell black flames, God will capture you next time."

Looking at the earth-colored air wall, King Chiyan felt a strong threat.

As soon as his gaze was fixed, he was ready to take back the great power of grasping Hell's Black Flame and fly out of the Grand Canyon.

However, just then.

Long Aotian flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Then he stretched out a dragon claw and poked quickly on the red light net of the siege Hellfire.


Jo Mo poked a few hundred times, and the big red net suddenly burst into light.

Then it collapsed.

Under this condition, Hell's melanoma immediately got out of sleep.

The billowing black-and-white fire waves tumbling, turned out to be the gigantic hand that entangled the King of Chiyan, and dragged it stiff.


The King of Chiyan was about to flee, but one arm was entangled by Hell.

This made the king of Chiyan look dark and itchy with anger.

There was a curse in his mouth, and he quickly trembled his hands, breaking the entire divine hand, freeing him from the drag of Hell's black flames.

Immediately flew outside the Grand Canyon.

However, Cheng Feng tried his best to lure him into the Grand Canyon. How could he let him go easily?

I saw King Chiyan just blasted off into the air, and a hundred miles away, Pei Feng, the master of the Black Water Palace, rose into the sky.

It turned into a **** river and rushed at him.

"Junk stuff, get out of the way!"

Facing the obstruction of Pei Feng, King Chiyan grabbed Chiyan Robe and threw it vigorously.

The big red robe instantly turned into a giant blood knife, and severely chopped down the **** river.

Stabbing ~~~

The black river that turned Pei Feng into pieces was cut in one stroke.

Forcing Pei Feng to leave the state of Heihe, he took a few hundred steps back.

But Pei Feng's blow was not without effect.

At least the Chiyan God King forcibly took a breath.

And after Pei Feng, Cheng Feng's fourth sword style has been brewing for a long time.

When Pei Feng was forced to retreat by King Chiyan, the seven stars shone on the sky.

It was the footsteps that the King of Chiyan had just taken, and had to stop.

Promote Chiyan Robe to resolve Cheng Feng's attack.


With such successive delays, the earthy yellow gas wall rising from the Grand Canyon has surrounded them.

When they got together end to end, a siege was formed, trapping the King of Chiyan.

"Little beast, you don't want to trap your god!"

Seeing this, the king of Chiyan was angry and rushed to the crown.

After dissolving Cheng Feng's attack, he took advantage of the trend and threw away Chi Yanpao.

The Chi Yanpao immediately turned into a huge knife and severely chopped it on the earth-colored air wall.

The intention is to smash the earthy yellow gas wall and escape.

But the earth-colored yellow gas wall, sturdy and uncommon, was sturdy enough to be scary.

The blood-red giant sword transformed by Chiyanpao was cut on it, just cut into a dozen meters, and then it could no longer advance.

The overall thickness of the earth-colored air wall is thousands of meters.

And after the air wall was cut open, it began to heal quickly.

King Chiyan wants to escape by cutting off the earth-colored gas wall, which is tantamount to foolish dreaming!

"Damn, God can't believe it."

Seeing that the earth-colored gas wall could not be cut open, the eyes of the God of Chiyan swept away.

It was found that the sky was empty and there was no air wall blocking it.

So the King of Chiyan flashed, and wanted to escape from the sky.

However, the God of Chiyan just left.


The two air walls surrounding the King of Chiyan suddenly closed each other.

In the blink of an eye, the only way out for the King of Chiyan was blocked!

"What, Lord Chiyan, was actually trapped by an earthy yellow wall?"

"How is that possible? How is this possible?"

Around the Grand Canyon, when evil fighters saw this scene.

Each one looked pale, and his horrified whole body shuddered.

They couldn't understand it at all. The King of Chiyan had just killed Cheng Feng and they were losing ground.

Why, suddenly, the situation became like this?

It's too shocking and too unexpected!

People who were horrified at this time were not just evil martial arts.

Those righteous warriors also had wide eyes and incredible faces.

It took a long time for the old man to see some clues.

"That's the power of formation!"

"The earthy yellow air wall that trapped the King of Chiyan is a big array!"

"What? A big array?"

"What kind of battles can trap the imitation of King Chiyan?"

"It should be an array of eight products, and it may even reach nine products!"

Looking at the earthy yellow gas wall, the righteous warrior speculated wildly.

There was a lot of rumors, and a guess was made.

Afterwards, there were turbulent waves in my heart.

Because if the guess is true, the siege of the God of Chiyan is a planned hunting in advance.

The hunter laid out the formation in advance and dragged the King of the Red Flame.

After the formation of the formation is completed, it will be introduced into the large formation, completely trapped.

At that time, the imitation body of the divine Chiyan King will be slaughtered.

And this hunter who plans everything, it is not difficult to guess, in all likelihood, Cheng Feng!

Just when everyone was shocked.

Inside the Grand Canyon, earthy yellow air walls.


The King Chiyan who was trapped in the air wall was furious with red hair.

He stared, his eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of the air wall and shot at Cheng Feng.

Hissing screamed: "Cheng Feng, you don't want to trap your god, just forget!"

In the burst of drinking, when the King of Chiyan was energizing, his two hands were immediately filled with rolling six-star power.

Make your hands sharp like a knife, and then pierce into the void in an attempt to tear the void apart.

Then follow the nothingness and escape!

But I never thought that after the earth-colored air wall was closed, the void in the air wall would become extremely solid and solid.

King Chiyan pierced with both hands, but could only pierce four or five inches into the void.

Directly cut off another escape path of the King of Chiyan completely!

"Jack, junk!"

After discovering the imprisonment of the void, the king of Chiyan was so angry that his eyes burned with a raging fire.

Let the temperature inside the earthy gas wall soar.

In the blink of an eye, the air inside the air wall turned red.

Eventually it turned yellow and black and seemed to burn the air into coke.

However, such a high temperature has no effect on the earth yellow gas wall.

It seems that the air wall is forged by Wannian God Iron.

"King Yan God, give up the struggle!"

At this time, a voice came from outside the air wall: "Trapped in the Qiankun Promise Array, unless your cultivation reaches the seventh limit of ascending the sky, forcing the entire array to collapse."

"Otherwise, it would be difficult to escape."

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