Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1587: The heavens appear, the fairy dances

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Chapter 1587 The Heavenly God Appears, The Fairy Dances

When the crisis struck, the emperor clam greeted the eight-faced ghost spider.

Immediately, two silvery thighs stretched.

Huh! The huge body suddenly flew up, leaping away into the distance.

As for the eight-faced ghost spider, the reaction speed is three points faster than the emperor clam.

He first spit dozens of transparent cobwebs towards the second elder, and the next moment, a transparent cobweb was shot in his mouth and stuck to the body of the emperor clam.

Then he was pulled by the emperor clam and shot into the sky.

"Animals, don't want to escape!"

At this moment, the second elder was raging in anger, and saw the emperor clam two monsters fleeing, and immediately started the pursuit.

The Promise King also followed suit, stepping forward and intercepting the two demon escaping ...

At the same time, there was a forest more than a thousand miles away.

Huh! A figure appeared suddenly.

I saw this person wearing a set of golden armor, wearing a black and white robe, is Cheng Feng.

"Hoo ~~~"

In the jungle, under a big tree that dozens of people embraced.

Cheng Feng exhaled and said with emotion: "I actually killed Hell's Gate Judge, a peerless powerhouse who ranks seventh in the sky!"

Cheng Feng is still very excited about the killing of the judge, even a little not convinced.

Because the heaven judge is a seventh ascendant in the sky, in some cases, it is simply impossible to kill!

However, it exists so much, but now it falls into his hands, it is difficult to not feel excited.

"The reason I was able to kill the Judge this time was actually a lot of luck."

Cheng Feng took several deep breaths in a row, and his emotions were slightly calmed down, and he whispered: "First of all, the judge was severely injured, not at the peak."

"Secondly, the judge thought I had run away, there was no danger, and my vigilance was greatly reduced."

"The last one is the Shadow Kill of Seven Kills, which is quite powerful."

"After I practiced it to the level of Dacheng, such obsessed people like Tian Juan didn't observe it carefully and couldn't find the slightest."

"And there is still a lot of room for promotion in this type of martial arts, and the power can be greatly tapped."

"Once you practice it to the highest level, you can even practice all seven types of slaughtering, even if you are the master of the heavenly judge, you can be fearless!"

Hell's Gate, the four ecstasy messengers on the continent, the three judges, the two Yan Jun, all are avatars.

As for its deity, because it has exceeded the limit of the earth dome, it cannot enter at all.

If Cheng Feng can step out of the dome continent in the future and travel to hundreds of millions of worlds, he will definitely meet him.

By then, you will really see the power of Hell's Gate Peerless!

Hack ~~~

Rumbling ~~~

While Cheng Feng was groaning, a red lightning flashed across the sky.

The next moment, a thunderous thunder rang out.

With the thunder, dark clouds quickly gathered and rolled.

After a while, blood-red hail, the size of an egg, poured down from the sky.

"Heaven drops blood red hail?"

The **** hail came down very suddenly and over a wide area.

Cheng Feng stood under the big tree, and the hail also smashed through the leaves fiercely, smashing into the armor of the war god, and scattered instantly.

When it melted, it was splattered blood scars, shocking.

Looking at the **** hail, Cheng Feng was surprised: "Is this a special heaven and earth vision produced by the peerless power fall?"

"Well, the blood-colored hail is indeed a heaven and earth vision that only appears when the seventh strongest man on the sky falls."

Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "In fact, the peerless powerhouse falls, not only will the **** hail fall from the sky, but also the heavens will appear in the sky.

"Heavens appear in the sky, more fairy dances?"

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes to the sky, but there was no nature in heaven.

"Don't watch, these sights are not in the sky."

Nalan Changsheng said: "Because this avatar of Sky Judge was born on the earth dome continent, after he falls, the full set of visions will only appear on the earth dome continent.

"The continent ..."

Hearing that, Cheng Feng's look moved: "I have entered this day's mark, and it has been two or three days."

"I don't know where I went in the battle of righteousness and evil.

"Is Qianlong's plan smooth? Has the super killing weapon of Tiangong Division been completed?"

In fact, the battle of righteousness and evil of the Feathered Gods has come to a decisive moment.

Since a few days ago, Cheng Feng killed 20 great men who climbed the sky, including Zhuo Potian, and led away the five elders such as the second elder.

The righteous camp was as powerful as a rainbow and launched a counterattack against the evil camp.

And at the same time, Qianlong College had a real dragon born, Hengchen in Qianlong County, Longwei tens of thousands of miles.

In addition, Yuzhou Nakasu, the super-killing weapon plan implemented by the Yuhua Shenchao Tiangong Division, also began the finishing work, and various killing breaths went straight to the sky.

This led to a rise in morale in the righteous camp and a sharp drop in the evil camp.

Even if there are several powerful imitations, the fifth elder, the sixth elder, the blood demon elder, and the first, second, third defenders, etc., the situation is still beginning to reverse.

From the previous faction's attack on the right path camp, it became the right path camp to attack the evil path camp.

Numerous evil martial arts were killed, and blood stained a large area.

And at this moment, an amazing news came out.

Go to the mark of the sky and hunt down Cheng Feng's **** gate peerless power heaven judge-falling down!

When the news first spread, many people did not believe it and thought it was a rumor.

In order to combat the morale of the evil faction, the righteous camp deliberately spread false news.

But when the red lightning flew like a dragon and snake on the day, when the thunder rolled.

The whole world was silent, one by one, the warriors looked at the sky, their faces slowly turning white.

Especially when the thunder and lightning reached their worst, a large blood-red hail fell.

Everyone no longer doubts that, because of hail, only the strong fall that has been repaired above the seventh level will appear.

At this time, a large swath of **** hail must have been caused by the fall of Sky Judge.

Not only that, but soon after, the deep halo of blood-stained hail suddenly burst into light.

The next moment, a magnificent palace group emerged.

This palace complex is exquisitely crafted, with carved beams and painted buildings, golden and glorious, just like a heaven built in the clouds.

"Team, heaven appears!"

"Oh my god, the rumor is actually true. The seventh strongest person in the sky has fallen, and there will be a heavenly urn in the sky!"

Seeing this, everyone in the world was shocked.

Because the seventh strongest person in the sky is already at the top of the entire dome continent.

The vitality is extremely strong, and it is not a problem to live a few hundred years old.

Therefore, the heaven and earth visions that Tian Di has shown have not appeared for many years. Many people think that this is just a legend.

I didn't expect to see this vision with my own eyes at this time.

And this is all thanks to Cheng Feng!

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