Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1588: The world is boiling

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Chapter 158 The World Is Boiling

Bang ~~~

When everyone in the world is immersed in shock.

Deep in the sky, a red lacquered door opened in the magnificent temple building.

With this, bursts of sad Qi Qinle came out.

It seems that some top musicians are sad for the fall of the peerless powerhouse, playing the sound of requiem.

Accompanied by the sounds of a harp, a woman wearing a plain white long-sleeved skirt emerged from the gate of Tianya.

These women are beautiful and unparalleled, all over the country, like the fairies living in the heavens.

After they came out of the nature, they didn't have any words. They flung up in plain white long sleeves, and started dancing with the light footwork.

The dance of these women is elegant and pleasing.

As in black and white pictures, a thick layer of color is smeared, which makes people intoxicated.

"Really, the rumors are true!"

"The seventh strongest man on the sky has fallen, not only will the blood-stained hail fall from the sky, but also the heavens will appear, and the fairy will dance."

"Send the soul of the peerless ascendant!"

Everywhere in the world of Yuhua God, when everyone saw the picture in the sky, the shock in their hearts was even stronger, and the sound of discussion was everywhere.

At the same time, it was completely determined in his heart that the Judge of Hell's Gate Peerless Realm really fell.

He died in the pursuit of Cheng Feng, and died in the fierce land.

When the news spread, the whole world boiled, causing a stir.

The first is to fight the fierce battlefield front.

When countless righteous warriors learned the news, one by one, the blood boiled, and the battle raged, and the body seemed to have endless strength out of thin air.

The portable sword and halberd kill the evil martial art blast.

On the other hand, evil martial arts warriors suffered huge shocks in their hearts, and their warfare was low.

As soon as they were killed by the mighty righteous warrior, they immediately fell into absolute downwind and retreated.

I don't know how many evil warriors were beheaded to death on the spot, and the corpses and sacks were everywhere.

At the same time, Nakasu, Destiny Division.

"Hell Gate Heaven Judge actually fell? What did Cheng Feng do?"

The ancestor of the daylight horror whispered: "I thought Cheng Feng's departure from the sky would be fierce, but now it seems that the situation may not be so bad."

"The Tiangong Division's super-killer tool plan is already coming to an end, and it can be put into battle soon."

"By then, the plague of the blood god, which has lasted for a long time, will surely subside."

"Cheng Feng, what you do for the world, the world will always remember it!"


"Did Hell's Gate Judge fall?"

Qianlong County, Qianlong College, Mr. Shu stood under the mountain-like giant dragon, shocked: "As a great judge, the fall of the Heaven Judge will definitely cause a huge blow to the evil faction."

"At this time, if a general attack is launched against the evil faction, it should work wonders."

"Perhaps ... it's time for the" True Dragon "to move around!"

Mr. Shu's words come to an end, hey ~~~

Zhenlong's closed giant eyes opened sharply.

At that moment, the world shook for it, and Longwei opened like a tsunami.

Let countless evil martial arts horrify and frighten.


"Damn it, **** it!"

In the blood gods headquarters, the blood demon elders rushed to the crown and growled, "A magnificent and peerless seventh-strength powerhouse fell into the hands of Cheng Feng?"

"Fuck, it doesn't matter if Sky Magistrate falls, but why have to fall?"

"Now is the crucial moment for the decisive battle between the Holy Ghost and the righteous camp. As soon as the death of the Judge of the Heavens, it will definitely cause a heavy blow to the Holy Ghost.

"Even the Qianlong Academy, which has been planning for a long time, will take the opportunity to launch."

"In this case, the plans of my holy religion for countless years may be ruined because of this!"

"Damn Cheng Feng, **** Cheng Feng ... it's a super scourge!"

The words of the elder blood demon just fell, roar! !!

A Long Yin containing Supreme Longwei suddenly swung away from Qianlong County.

At that moment, the world was fading, and the sun and the moon were dark.

He even made the blood demon elder's face pale and shocked: "Is the half-dead true dragon of Qianlong Academy going to dispatch?"

"It seems that I don't want to wake up 'Blood God' in advance this time."

"That being the case, wake it up."

"I'm going to look at this 'fruit' belonging to the feathered dynasty, which will eventually be taken away by that party!"

After all, Elder Blood Demon turned around and flew into the Blood God Mountain ...

Just when the battle of righteousness and evil of the Feathered God was at a critical moment.

The marks of the sky, in a jungle outside.

Cheng Feng had just calmed down the excitement of killing Sky Judge and raised his eyes to a long sword that was shaking in his hands.

The long sword is nearly two meters long, and the sword body is transparent, so ordinary people cannot see it at all.

It is the soldier of the heaven judge, the sword of the semi-holy artifact judge.

This Judge Sword has been following the Judge for many years and has deep feelings.

So in the hands of Cheng Feng, he kept struggling, intending to shake off Cheng Feng's grasp, and flew back to the sky judge.

Even the Heaven Judge at this moment has turned into a headless body!

"It's such a good sword to be loyal to the owner."

Cheng Feng looked at the judge's sword, showing his appreciation: "But it fell into my hands, but I hope you can forget the former master and use it for me."

"Otherwise, I can only throw you to the Devil and swallow it. That would be a pity."

For the semi-holy artifact, the Devil Sword can be very eye-catching.

Beating in the scabbard of Buddha's wood, he wanted to have a full meal.

Hearing the words of Cheng Feng at this moment, it was even darker and swollen, just like a hungry wild wolf, especially fierce.

But Cheng Feng didn't speak, because semi-holy artifacts are very rare.

The entire dome continent is not much, Cheng Feng may be reluctant to throw it away.

Of course, if the judge's sword really doesn't know how to stand up, it's another matter.

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, and especially seeing the billowing black mist from the Devil Sword, the judge sword felt a strong sense of destruction.

Suddenly knowing that Cheng Feng is not scaring him, he really has the means to erase it from this world.

So he groaned for a moment, the vibration of the sword disappeared, and he chose to yield.

However, it is just not against Cheng Feng. If it is to be used by Cheng Feng, it is certainly impossible in the short term.

"You know Junji, your choice is quite wise!"

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Cheng Feng's face.

Cheng Feng then waved the judge's sword and put it into a soul ring.

As for the Devil Sword, the blade of the sword shook a bit, and the black mist was rolled back, and there was no sound.

"Hell's Gate Judge, it is completely resolved."

After folding up the judge's sword, Cheng Feng groaned: "But the crisis on my body has not been lifted, and it remains in danger."

"Next, we need to find a way to resolve this crisis forever!"

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