Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1589: Soul Tree

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Chapter 158 The Tree of Divine Souls

This time, there are five demonstrators in the pursuit of Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng killed Sky Judge, but there are four left.

Once these four peerless strong men get together and siege against Cheng Feng, the chance of Cheng Feng's death is still very high.

After all, the Second Elder of the Blood Gods, and the imitation of the Promise King, are two peerless powerhouses with the seventh highest rank in the sky.

Together, the seventh strongest man on the sky, it is estimated that they can fight one or two.

Cheng Feng wants to solve this kind of trouble, it can be quite difficult.

"To resolve the current crisis, it is a bit inadequate with my current strength."

Cheng Feng whispered: "That being the case, then I will improve my strength a bit."

"I just won three Earth Soul Fruits. I can just try the effect of this heaven and earth spirit. Is it as amazing as it is rumored?"

Cheng Feng was decisive and immediately acted upon his decision.

I saw him use the shadow kill of Dacheng Realm, and the whole person turned into an invisible shadow, flashing through the woods.

After a while, I came to a bush.

The bushes are densely covered with thorns, but a few hundred meters into it, there is a ground seam.

This ground joint is very hidden and deep.

Cheng Feng drilled into the crack and walked several kilometers inward, and a green scale python came into view.

This python has reached the Xuan level nine grades, which can be considered a bit of strength.

However, in Cheng Feng's eyes, it was nothing at all, and he suppressed it and dropped it into the empty pot.

Even if the dove occupies the nest, the nest of Qinglin Boa is used as a temporary homestay.

"Next, you can try the effect of earth soul fruit."

Cheng Feng sat cross-legged on a huge rock, and after a rush, he took the earth soul tree contained in the soul ring.

The soul tree here is verdant and green, and the tree body is knotted like a crouching dragon.

Cheng Feng was uprooted from the hill in the middle of the poisonous lake without any sign of dryness.

The roots of each tree hovering in the air are actually absorbing the vitality of the sky and the earth, and are still nourishing the tree body, making the three earth soul fruits more crisp and tender.

Cheng Feng took a sip of a breath, and the exhausted spirit suddenly disappeared, and his spirit was extremely abundant.

Even some flowers and plants beside Cheng Feng were nourished by the breath of earth soul fruit, and their growth was greatly increased.

"Just looking at this posture, the effect seems very unusual."

Cheng Feng frowned: "I hope the real effect will not disappoint me."

Whispering, Cheng Feng raised his hand to hang three earth soul fruit on the top of earth soul tree, and gently picked one.

Even if you turn it to your mouth, you take a bite.

Earth soul fruit is about the size of a fist, green and green, like a green pear.

But it tasted crunchy and delicious in the mouth, full of teeth.

Especially when the chewed flesh was swallowed into the abdomen, it suddenly turned into a heat wave, which went up against the current and poured into Cheng Feng's mind.

Cheng Feng's mind is vast and empty, and in the center, there is a human-shaped sapling.

This human-shaped sapling has a face like Cheng Feng, which is the soul of Cheng Feng.

In general, people's spirits have no shape, and they fill their minds at will.

Only when Xiuwei has reached the ascension of the heavens and passed the calamity, the spirit and soul have undergone a qualitative change, will they condense into a certain form.

For example, look like yourself, or mountains, beasts, swamps, etc.

Enhance the sturdiness of the spirits, and they will not be scattered and die without being attacked by the spirits!

However, Cheng Feng's spirit, Ming Ming Xiu, has not yet entered the realm of ascending the heavens, and has undergone the baptism of Tianjie.

Turned into a soul tree, rooted in Cheng Feng's mind.

In this case, unless someone smashed the soul tree into ashes.

Otherwise, Cheng Feng will not die, sooner or later, he will die and come back to life!

Om ~~~

At this time, the heat wave that the earth soul turned into came into my mind.

The soul tree was very sensitive. As soon as the heat wave came into my mind, the whole tree shook violently, as if it were particularly excited.

In particular, the roots of the spirit tree grew in large numbers directly and spread to the heat wave.

Wow! When the root system of the spirit tree touched the heat wave.

As if the water had been irrigated, the whole tree rose suddenly.

Cheng Feng's soul tree was originally only half a meter high, with sparse branches and no leaves.

But at this moment, the body of the tree suddenly began to rise, the circumference of the tree gradually increased, the branches grew out one by one, and more leaves and buds were born.

In the blink of an eye, the whole soul tree became more than a foot tall and lush and leafy, much stronger than before.

"This soul fruit ... is it so good?"

The change of the soul tree, Cheng Feng feels the deepest.

I just felt that my whole body was rejuvenated, my ears were clear, and the spirit was directly strengthened almost twice.

The spirit radiated out, and any wind and grass within a hundred-mile radius was clearly presented in his mind.

Ants fight, vegetation grows, flowers bloom and fall ... all have nothing to hide!

"It's truly a coveted treasure of countless Qipin Giant Demon. This adventure has made it a real profit."

With excitement, Cheng Feng opened his mouth and bit a second bite on the soul soul.

The second bite of the soul swelled, and Cheng Feng's spirit tree grew better.

A large number of branches grew on the tree, and the young buds were peeled and quickly turned into green leaves.

The shape of each leaf is almost the same as Cheng Feng's. It looks like a photo of Cheng Feng when he was in anger and sorrow.

In fact, this is the horror of the soul tree. Each leaf is a ray of soul from Cheng Feng.

This spirit has the ability to grow by itself. Once Cheng Feng is killed, the spirit tree is cut down.

Just one piece of soul leaves can escape, it can take root and sprout, and give birth to a Cheng Feng again!

Bang bang ~~~

A large number of soul fruit medicine power poured into Cheng Feng's mind, watering the soul tree.

When a ground soul fruit was eaten, Cheng Feng's spirit tree grew from half a meter to almost three meters.

And leafy and leafy, countless soul leaves.

Roughly estimated, the intensity of the spirit is more than six or seven times stronger than before.

If at this time Cheng Feng again performs the Zhenhun Seal bombardment, I am afraid that the ascendant can not stand it and will be directly shattered.

The physical body is unscathed, and the person has completely died.

In fact, Cheng Feng's spirit at this moment not only increased his attack power, but also his vitality was much stronger.

Now someone wants to kill Cheng Feng, the difficulty has increased at least ten times.

However, the spirit tree was so strong that Cheng Feng did not stop practicing.

"I got three earth soul fruits this time, so I'd better eat one more."

Cheng Feng groaned: "As for the third one, it will be kept for the time being, maybe it can be used to flicker the two emperor clams in the future to deal with the second elder of the Blood Gods and others.

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng didn't hesitate, raised his hand to pick up the second earth soul fruit, and sent it to his mouth to eat.

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