Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1820: Heavenly Seal

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Chapter 180th Seal of Heavenly Emperor

"Grass, even the sword emperor and the monk Pu Yuan were swallowed by the face of God!"

"Walk around, get out of here quickly."

"Otherwise, it will be our turn!"

Seeing that scary picture, the four peerless powerhouses were frightened.

Look at each other and dare not delay.

Each of the divine powers was triggered, performing martial arts and martial arts, and flying towards the Ximo Buddha.

Instinctively, it would be much safer to have the first war monk in the first ring of the Buddhist kingdom.

"Oh, scared away?"

Seeing the four peerless powerhouses fleeing the desert, Cheng Feng sneered and did not pursue.

Because Cheng Feng has a kind of intuition, although the face of God is overbearing, it may not be able to kill the peerless powerhouse.

The three Emperor Apocalypse, who were swallowed before, may escape from the mouth of God's face before long.

Therefore, there is no need to pursue those four.

Taking time and quickly leaving the West Desert Buddha Country is Cheng Feng's best choice at present.

"God of War must do what he says."

After the four peerless strong men fled, Cheng Feng looked at the first ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom: "He said that he would help me hold the first seat of the war monk for a while, but he was really doing it."

"In this case, I can just escape the West Desert Buddha."

"Get rid of this deadly threat from the first monk!"

The words came to an end, and Cheng Feng seized the sword, holding back all kinds of discomfort.

Cut it off with a knife, 刀 ~~~

Fly towards the sixteenth ring of Ximo Buddha.

Cheng Feng is now in a state of robberies. He flew to the 16th ring of the Ximo Buddhist Kingdom, and the robber clouds in the sky followed.

Always keep Cheng Feng under the envelope of the Tianjie, bombarded by various Tianjie.

However, Cheng Feng's strength is very strong, while wearing a battle armor.

For him, the threat was not great.

The heavy bombardment on him was like an itchy tick.

At most, it will only shock Cheng Feng's injuries, leaving Cheng Feng unwell.

So, look away.

I saw a person wearing a gold armor, under the bombardment of the sea of ​​fire, howling wind, thunder, robbery, and so on.

In the blink of an eye, it was when the sixteenth Buddha ring of the Ximo Buddha Kingdom was approaching.

Then without stopping, the slashing sword in his hand cut out vigorously.

Bang ~~~

Cut open the sixteenth Buddha ring.

Then stepped out and entered the seventeenth ring of the Ximo Buddha.

Then non-stop, hurried towards the next area of ​​the Buddha ring.

When Cheng Feng fled outside the West Desert Buddha.

In the first ring of the Ximo Buddha Kingdom, the face of the Ximo Buddha Lord changed greatly.

He had received the news, and learned that Tian Qi Xie Di and others were swallowed by the face of God, and Cheng Feng had fled away.

"Abominable, Cheng Feng's little beast even used the power of heaven to escape Pu Yuan's siege!"

Lord Ximo snarled in a low voice: "You, we must do something."

"Once the little beast has escaped from the Buddhist kingdom and passed the calamity smoothly, no one can suppress it."

"By then, the fruits of heaven and earth will never be ours!"

The words of the West Mo Buddhism made several thoughts of Emperor Huang Tian.

Cheng Feng has already reached such a terrible level before he has passed through the calamity.

What if we get through the disaster? I'm afraid it will really become the first person in the continent.

At that time, the war monk will be the first one, I'm afraid it will have no effect!

"With this big killer in his hand, Cheng Feng is invincible."

The iconic emperor said: "If you want to kill it, you must be the first of the war monks, or the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor?

"So, the Emperor suggested that some of us be entangled in the head of God of War for the time being."

"Let the war monk make his first move and take a fatal blow to Cheng Feng!"

"Well, that makes sense."

Emperor Huangtian nodded: "If you want to stop Cheng Feng from going through the calamity, you must take the first shot by the war monk."

"In this way, the Holy Elephant and the Lord of the West Desert, you are entangled in the three of Yuhua, Wan Mo, and Misty."

"As for the head of God of War, the emperor will drag it on."

"In this case, the first monk can free his hands to chase Cheng Feng and kill him!"

"Okay, just do what Emperor Tian said."

The Lord of the Western Desert and the iconic emperor looked at each other, and a decision was made in their hearts.

Later, they shot in unison, entangled the feathered Emperor, the Emperor of the Demon God, and the concubine.

At the same time, the Emperor Huangtian flew into the sky and greeted the head of the God of War who was fighting the first monk in the sky.

Before it arrives, a large seal is born in the hand, and it even suppresses the head of the war god.

"Tiandi Seal?"

During the battle, the God of War suddenly felt an imperial pressure.

Like a great master Yue, he frowned.

"God of war, more than 100,000 years ago, this emperor was still a teenager and it was a pity to fail to fight with you."

Emperor Huangtian arrived on the battlefield, and said lightly, "Today can just make up for the regret, try the power of your God of War!"

"It turned out to be the Emperor of Heaven!"

God of War's head frowned: "You were the first genius of the Heavenly Deity Realm at that time more than 100,000 years ago, breaking various historical records, and was called the second Heavenly Burial."

"Hundreds of thousands of years have passed now, and you have at least won great fortune."

"God fights against you, it is a pleasure!"

"However, this battle should not happen now, at least when the gods are completely out of trouble and their peak fighting power is restored."

"Otherwise, it doesn't make any sense!"

"Your proposal fully agrees with Ben."

Emperor Huangtian gladly challenged: "But there are some things that must be done after all."

"If Cheng Feng is relieved from the difficulties, the celestial continent that has bred tens of thousands of years will pass by with the emperor.

"So, sorry!"

The words ended, the Emperor of the Heavens raised his hands, and one party printed a big seal, pressing down on the head of God of War.

"Still to kill Cheng Feng!"

Seeing this, the God of War sighed: "Cheng Feng, this God can only help you to this step."

"Can you survive? It's up to you!"

After speaking, God of War once again swallowed up the vitality of the heavens and the earth, making his vitality body more solid three points.

Then he grabbed Fang Tianhua's halberd and swept away at the big seal that was suppressed.

Suddenly, two unmatched existences clashed together.

On the battlefield, after seeing the first monk, he immediately withdrew and retreated.

After leaving the battlefield, he nodded slightly to the Lord of the West Mo.

Then stepped forward and chased the direction where Cheng Feng left.

It's fast like lightning, and blinks thousands of miles in a blink of an eye.

It didn't take long to reach the fifteenth ring of the Ximo Buddhist country.

And on the fifteenth ring sky, the huge face was still clearly visible.

It's just the mouth, but it can't stop deforming.

There seems to be something that wants to come out of it.

Eighty-nine out of ten, there are three peerless existences such as the sword emperor who was swallowed by the huge face!

Seeing this for the first time, the monk frowned slightly.

When flying, he took off a string of beads from his hand and threw it at the face in the sky.

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