Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1821: The crisis is coming

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Chapter Eighteen Twenty-One Crisis Returns

The string of beads in the first seat of the war monk is no small matter.

After he was thrown out by him, he saw the wind rise in the wind, and rose to the size of the sky in a blink of an eye.

When it hits the corner of the huge face, it bangs ~~~

There were several large pits in the place where the huge face was hit by the bead.

After seeing the three sword emperors in their faces, they immediately seized the opportunity.

Stabbing ~~~

The fire was full, breaking a hole in the big pit.

The next moment, the three flew out of their mouths.

"Thank you Uncle Master!"

After the monk Pu Yuan got out of trouble, he saluted the first monk.

As for the Sword Emperor and the Emperor Qiqi, they nodded casually.

The first monk of the war did not care. As soon as he beckoned, he took back the huge string of beads and was ready to continue to pursue Cheng Feng.

However, his actions just angered God.

Originally, God was extremely dissatisfied with the existence of the first monk of the war, beyond the limit of the earth's dome continent.

Always thinking about kicking it out of the mainland, so as not to disrupt the normal order of the mainland.

It is only the first self-seal of the war monk. His breath is not revealed, and God has no excuse for doing it at all.

It was not until the first monk of the war monk was awakened by the Lord of the West Desert that the gods stared again.

However, before it started, the first monk came to the door, undermining his punishment for the three swordsmen.

All of a sudden, the anger was burning.

The face of the war monk who first made several big pits was quickly repaired under the tumbling black clouds.

Immediately afterwards, a giant black hole opened his mouth.


An unmatched suction suddenly appeared.

Grasp the war monk's first seat, and then drag it into the big mouth to seal it up!


Facing God's engulfment, the war monk's first seat was very calm.

Just listening to his silent chant, he immediately said: "The poor monk will not stay here too much."

"When the poor monk finishes one thing, he will leave this continent!"

After speaking, the golden light on the first seat of the war monk flashed.

Makes him look like a gold forged goldman, without any help.

The suction in the mouth of God's face acted on him, and it all slipped away, without any effect.

Leaning in peace, freed from the repression of God's face, and chased after Cheng Feng's departure!

"This warrior's first seat is truly worthy of being formed into a Bapin Luohan body."

Seeing this, the Emperor Tianqi's eyes narrowed: "It's so strange that he can't even do it."

"He is chasing Cheng Feng personally this time, and Cheng Feng will definitely die!"

"Well, it must be so."

The sword emperor nodded: "Go, let's follow up and see."

"The emperor wants to watch Cheng Feng's little cricket ant who dares to play with the emperor, be killed by the first war monk!"

Said, the two emperors quickly chased the first seat of the war monk.

The monk Pu Yuan met and groaned a little, and followed him.

As for the huge face in the sky, there was a look of angry expression on his face.

Huge mouth closed, no longer swallowed the first seat of the war monk.

But this is not the end.

For the existence beyond the limit of the earth dome continent, the tolerance of heaven is almost zero.

With huge human faces in the sky, a pair of huge eyes stared directly at the first seat of the war monk.

As soon as the first thing the war monk does, the heaven will manifest a stronger power and kick the first monk out of the mainland.

At the same time, the Twenty-Sixth Ring Road of the West Desert Buddha Country.

Cheng Feng is flying fast.

At this time, his condition was extremely bad, his arms were severely fractured, his internal organs were broken in a wide range, and the whole meridian was broken.

Called to be at the bottom of life.

Fortunately, Jie Yun over his head did not know why it was quickly dissipating.

The various calamities that bombarded him are also disappearing.

After a few minutes, all the disasters disappeared, and the disaster clouds completely dissipated.

As if Cheng Fengdu's defeat failed, the scene was a bit weird.

But in fact, Cheng Feng did not fail.

The reason why this happens is that Cheng Feng has used a special method to suspend the process of the heist.

"Let Tianjie pause, unheard of before."

Cheng Feng said to himself: "I didn't expect that it could really succeed."

"In this case, it will give me the last chance to break the power of the dollar."

"When you have to enter the ascendant, you can become the strongest ascendant in history!"

It turned out that Cheng Feng suspended the calamity mainly to break the historical limit and become the strongest ascendant in history.

Of course, letting Tianjie pause also allows Cheng Feng to adjust his status to the best.

At that time, we might cross the robbery, maybe we can spend six breaths in one breath.

With the accumulation of Cheng Feng, it is not impossible to spend the Sixth Heavenly Tribulation at one time.

Once successful, it is a sixth ascendant.

Although the realm is worse than Dengtian Seventh, the combat power is completely crushed.

I am afraid that dozens of peerless powerhouses may not be Cheng Feng's opponents!

It can be said to be the first person on the whole dome continent!

"Crossing the sky, these are the last words."

Cheng Feng whispered: "My current priority is to escape from the West Desert Buddha country."

"If you are overtaken by the first monk, everything will be empty talk!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng has rushed to the twenty-seven Buddha rings in the Ximo Buddhist country.

Bang ~~~

The sword ring was cut open with a knife, and he hurried non-stop to the next ring zone.

However, at this moment, Cheng Feng suddenly felt a thick threat.

The moment he cut off the twenty-seventh Buddha ring, a pair of sharp eyes locked him directly.

Let him be stared at by a prehistoric monster, and his sweaty hairs stood up.

"It must be the first of the monks!"

Cheng Feng's face changed greatly: "Mad, the first monk actually got rid of the entanglement of the **** of war and caught up."

"What to do now?"

"In my state, I am afraid that at most three or five punches, I will be killed alive by the first monk!"

Regarding the strength of the first monk, Cheng Feng knew everything.

Not long ago, he had just experienced it himself.

With just one punch, he almost fell to the spot, and the first monk to fight against the monk reached the extreme.

Immediately after leaving the West Desert Buddha country, the first monk of the war monarch came after him again.

It's simply a headshot to Cheng Feng, which is disgusting!

"Cheng Feng, I can only desperately do this."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Now you have reached the 27th ring of the Ximo Buddha Kingdom, and the last five rings are left from the distance from the West Desert Buddha Kingdom.

"The five rings of Buddha soil have relatively weak defenses."

"If you have full firepower, you may not be able to escape from the West Desert Buddha country before being caught up by the first monk."

"Afraid, afraid, after the first monk locked in a long distance, he started to attack directly."

Cheng Feng's face was gloomy: "You know, the longest range of the first seat of the war monk, but it can reach 30,000 miles away!"

"If the fire is full, it can be 20,000 to 30,000 miles apart and kill me on the spot!"

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