Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2541: Emperor Fire

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It is very difficult to kill the perfect saint.

His divine thoughts are extremely powerful, all condensed into spiritual entities.

Even without the physical body, you can live alone.

Yu Yong's physical body was destroyed. As long as the divine mind entity is still alive, he can take a new body and continue to be at ease.

However, at the moment Yu Yu's divine thought was about to flee.

Bang ~~~

A spirit spear suddenly shot.

At this time, Yu Yong was in a state of physical fragmentation and panic and couldn't react at all.

Almost watching, the spiritual spear pierced into his divine entity.

Huh! Penetrate the spirit of Yu Yong.

"Do not!!"

Miles away, Yang Kun was angry and rushed to the crown.

Raised the sword in his hand, 嗤 ~~~

An unmatched Jianmang strides over a distance of ten thousand miles, heading straight for the spiritual spear.

It is necessary to cut off the spiritual spear and rescue Yu Yong's spiritual entity.

"Yin and Yang kill!"

It is a pity that beside Yu Yong's spiritual entity, there are Hell Heiyan and the extremely cold ice flame.

I saw them intersect with each other, and the two forces, extremely cold and hot, rotated at high speed.

Like two sharply rotating semi-circular blades, they directly twisted the sharp spurs from the thorn into powder!

Meanwhile, 噗噗 噗 ~~~

Dozens of spiritual spears hit Yu Yong's divine mind entity in succession, stabbed it into a horse honeycomb, and then burst open.

A magnificent semi-sacred saint, then fell!

"Fuck, that Tian Cang law enforcement team member was actually killed by Cheng Feng?"

The sword demon at this time just reacted.

The eyes were so wide that the eyes almost fell out.

Because this is too scary, the opponent is a perfect semi-holy ah.

It is also the most prominent existence in the entire heavenly holy prison.

But was killed by Cheng Feng, it was a bit incredible!

"Yu Yong is dead! Is Yu Yong completely dead?"

As for Yang Kun, the waves in his heart were surging.

The look towards Cheng Feng was full of deep fear: "It seems that I have met a guy who is a pig and a tiger. He is obviously powerful but pretending to be very weak.

"I must leave immediately and tell the captain about this!"

Thinking about this, Yang Kun people were united with swords, and they were ready to fly off the battlefield.

"Old thing, where do you run away?"

However, the sword demon kept staring at him.

Seeing that he was about to run away, he immediately triggered the will of Supreme Kendo and used his strongest sword skills to snip.

The sword demon's cultivation is a lot worse than that of the perfect half-sage.

But 80% of the might of Kendo, coupled with the sacred power formed by the thirty-two sacred patterns, stopped Yang Kun easily.

"Boy, you look for death!"

At this time, Yang Kun had some fear in his heart.

Since Cheng Feng can kill Yu Yong, he has the ability to kill him, so he wants to leave as soon as possible.

Seeing the sword demon blocking, he was immediately angry.

The sword stabbed in his hand, and it snowed in the sky.

That snow was not real snow, but a snowflake formed by the sword.

Once it falls on a person, immediately it is a blood tank!

At this time, it was snowing heavily, and under the urgency of a hurricane, all rushed towards the sword demon.

Let that sword demon's complexion become extremely dignified, grasp the fifth-order magic sword in hand, and roll the divine power into the magic sword with the will of the sword.

Makes the magic sword flicker with magical moire, exuding cold blood.

Even the sword demon's eyes became blood red and indifferent.

As if turned into a demon, want to slaughter the world!

"The demon is out, look for death!"

The change of the sword devil made Yang Kun very disturbed.

Especially thousands of miles away, Cheng Feng has come forward.

Holding the big hammer of Yu Yong's weapon in his hand, he was stabbed into the big hammer by a black magic knife.

The essence of the big hammer, devouring crazy.

In a blink of an eye, the big hammer became an empty shell.

After being thrown away by Cheng Feng, the sound of 声 turned into fly ash!

"That's a magic soldier, a terrible monster!"

Seeing this, Yang Kun's face changed dramatically.

To the extreme of Cheng Feng's bogey, without a word, he flew to the direction where the former Tiancang law enforcement team members left.

As for the sword demon, it was surrounded by a tornado of snowflakes.

"Ferris sword, broken!"

Just then, the sword demon broke out.

There was a burst of drink in his mouth, and the sword and man were united directly.

Stabbing ~~~

Spike a large hole in Snowflake Tornado and blast out from it.

The next moment, chased Yang Kun.

And at the same time, Cheng Feng, carrying the magic Qi three-pointer, is also chasing Yang Kun.

Hell black flames and the extremely cold ice flames are faster, penetrate the void, and blink in front of Yang Kun.

"Get away from my husband!"

At this moment, Yang Kun has lost the courage to fight and only wants to leave.

Seeing the two different fires blocking the road, the sword Jianguang shot in his hand.


Pierce into the two different fires and cut them into pieces.

There is even a thorough-fashioned Kendo will, interspersed in the sword's air, and strangling the source of the two great fires!

Yang Kun deserves to be a perfect semi-sage, and the power of Jianqi is amazing.

Shattered the two big fires and fled away.

"Huh? Not quite right!"

However, in the midst of his flight, there was an upset in his heart: "The two different fires have reached the emperor level, and each one can hurt the perfect semi-holy."

"The two have just joined forces to directly destroy Lao Yu's body."

"Although my attack is slightly stronger than Lao Yu, it will take some effort to break through the defense lines of both."

"However, I ..."

Yang Kun's analysis is very reasonable.

Although Hell's Heiyan and the extremely cold ice flame, it is only a half step emperor level.

But under both hands, it is enough to threaten the perfect semi-sacred.

Just now Yang Kun was stabbed by a sword, which was obviously illogical.

As a result, Yang Kun was vigilant and was about to take precautions.

Wow ~~~

A red light suddenly appeared.

When Yang Kun was submerged, Yang Kun disappeared.

"Huh? What the hell?"

At this point, the sword demon just caught up.

Seeing this, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly returned to normal.

Staring at the place where the red flames burned, there was no peace for a long time.

"Then Yang Kun was burned to death by this fire?"

"Also, not even the slightest ability to resist? Burned directly into fly ash?"

Obviously, the reason why Yang Kun disappeared just now was because of this red flame burning!

Its temperature is almost horrible. Yang Kuntang, a perfect saint, is under the fire, and has no ability to resist.

It's no wonder that the sword demon is scared and stunned!

"The Emperor Fire who entered the emperor class is really abnormal!"

Cheng Feng stepped forward, and it was difficult to hide his surprise in the eyes: "Although it was a sneak attack, Yang Kun failed to defend in time."

"But in a flash, all of Yang Kun's body and Shennian entity were burned into fly ash, which is enough to show that the little one is powerful!"

"Cheng Feng, this guy was solved by me."

At this time, the group of red flames tossed into a young armored man like Cheng Feng. Holding Yang Kun's weapon in hand, he strode toward Cheng Feng, with a look of inviting merit!

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