Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2542: Hidden danger

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"Well, good job."

Cheng Feng praised with a smile on his face.

The reason why he was able to kill Yang Kun so quickly and neatly was due to the three contributions of the new emperor.

In fact, Cheng Feng's original plan did not rely on the strength of the new Emperor Fire.

Three of them were confined by Cheng Feng in the blood prison to refine the purple sky fire, and promoted their own cultivation. Cheng Feng did not want to be interrupted halfway.

However, the three refining purple fires of Xindi Emperor Fire were very fast and completed in a short time.

Because Hell's Heiyan and the extremely cold ice flame assigned purple sky fire, so they only advanced to the half-step emperor level.

As for the new emperor's fire, he rushed to the first level of the emperor in one breath.

Facing up to the level of perfection, it is enough to burn the fly ash!

After being promoted, the new emperor suddenly became restless and engaged in various things.

So Cheng Feng released it, and by the way test the strength.

"Cheng Feng, in fact, you don't need to be so troublesome at all."

Xinxin Emperor handed the sword to Cheng Feng, proudly saying: "As long as I go out, I can solve these two people in minutes!"

"Well, I believe."

Cheng Feng nodded and immediately said: "But now, you continue to stay in the blood prison."


The new emperor stunned, "Why? I'm your left and right arm."

"To go to Blood Prison, it should be the two of them."

Talking, the new emperor fire fingers Hell Heiyan and extremely cold ice flames.

"Small fire, I want you to go to the Blood Prison, not because you haven't done well, but that your strength is not enough."

Cheng Feng patted the shoulder of the newborn Emperor Huo and sighed.

"I'm not strong enough?"

The new emperor is unwilling: "Even if he is a so-called master of petit creation, I can burn him into slag!"

"This, I believe."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But your enemies are not just as simple as making a good environment."

"Cheng Feng, who is my enemy?"

Xinxin Emperor's brows frowned: "Since I was born, you have been hiding me for fear of being killed by unknown enemies."

"Now I'm so powerful, should I be afraid of it?"

"Small fire, you are now grown up. Some things, it is time to let you know."

Cheng Feng groaned slightly and sighed: "In fact, your greatest danger is from your family."

"It is the hegemon of Emperor Fire, the strongest fire in the world."

"It is rumored that the first different fire of the different fire list was not born. He is invincible, and is known as the only emperor fire!"

"Single Emperor Fire? My kin?"

Hearing here, the new emperor fire is very puzzled.

Since he is the same family, why should he be put to death?

Shouldn't the same people love each other and help each other together?

"Small fire, the only emperor is afraid that the new generation threatens his supremacy."

Cheng Feng stated the reason: "Fearing that the strength of the new generation surpasses it, devour it and replace it!"

"So it issued a wanted order, and the heavens and earth, mainly the new emperor fire, were born, and they would kill it first.

"Dare to hide the new emperor's fire, kill without pardon!"

"The only Emperor Fire ..."

Hearing here, the new emperor emperor fully understood, and his face became pale: "So it was, it was ... so ..."

"Small fire, don't think too much."

Cheng Feng relieved: "As long as your breath is not leaked, he cannot detect your existence."

"When you are born strong enough, he will never be able to help you again."

"As for this, you still need to be calm and bear it out!"

"I understand."

Xinxin Emperor nodded: "My existence is not only about myself, but also affects you."

"If it's because of my waywardness, let the only emperor fire kill, even you will be involved!"

"Hey, the law of time, weak meat and strong food!"

Cheng Feng lamented: "Only when we become strong enough can we live in this world of cannibalism."

"So let's all work hard to improve our strength."

"Not only for yourself, but also for your friends and relatives!"

"Well, I will."

Xiao Huo nodded, and then asked, "Yes, how strong is the only Emperor?"

"I've never seen it, so it's not very clear."

Cheng Feng said: "But it is rumored that the only Emperor Fire is in control of a big world called the Great Fire World."

"Several giants of the great creations have joined forces to attack, but they have returned and suffered heavy casualties!"

"So, at least we have to be strong enough to be like the giants of the great realm, in order to truly be ourselves!"

"Is it a great creation?"

Xiao Huo frowned, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Because the great fortunes are difficult, but he firmly believes that he can certainly take that step!

"Cheng Feng, I'll go back first."

Xiao Huo is very sensible. After knowing the cause and effect, he actively requested to return to the blood prison secret place: "When in trouble, you must remember to inform me!"

"You are my brother and my only loved one in the world."

"I don't want you to be bullied, and I don't want you to carry it alone!"

"You have to remember, there is me behind you!"

After speaking, the small fire disappeared.

But Cheng Feng's heart raised a warm current.

"This little guy, I haven't raised you for nothing."

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Cheng Feng, was that ... Emperor Fire just now?"

At this time, the sword demon came over.

Pointing at the disappearing new emperor fire, the excitement has not calmed down.

"Well, it's him."

Cheng Feng nodded: "I hope you keep it secret and don't spread his news."

"This is natural."

The sword demon also knew the only news that the emperor had killed the younger generation, and nodded, "However, there is no airtight wall in this world."

"It is rumored that the only Emperor Fire provided a large amount of treasure to a top organization all year round and let him inquire about him."

"That top organization is very good at gathering intelligence."

"Over the years, there have been hundreds of news about the new emperor fire, which has been probed and passed to the only emperor fire."

"Hundreds of new emperor fires?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and asked, "How are they now?"

"All are dead."

Sword Demon Road: "The only Emperor fire went out in person and swallowed it all."

"One of them was raised by the son of a great creature."

"As a result, the only Emperor's fire slaughtered that great fortune."

"Forcing the other side to flee everywhere, so far dare not to come up!"

"It seems that the only Emperor's strength is stronger than I expected!"

Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed: "However, in the end, your only Emperor Huo will continue to dominate, or Xiao Huo will become the new king, I don't know yet!"

"Wait, it will be wonderful in the future!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng converged his thoughts and looked at the position where Qian Linyun and others were fighting.

There, the captain of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team, where Yang Kun and the two men trembled. He sensed the death of the two Yang Kun, and his heart turned into a big wave!

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