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Forgotten in the waters, two Tiancang law enforcement teams are besieging Qian Linyun.

The two Tiancang law enforcement teams, one of them is full, and the other is only ten.

However, under the leadership of the middle-aged middle-aged people, this ten-man squad has exerted a combat power comparable to a full law enforcement team.

The two teams joined forces to force Qian Linyun to retreat.

There is a great potential to defeat Qian Linyun and suppress it again!

But at this moment, the middle-aged man with a hawk nose was shocked.

"Yu Yong is very Yang Kun, but has fallen?"

Obviously, this middle-aged man with a hawk-nosed nose is the captain of the law enforcement team where Yang Yong and his team are located.

His divine thought was connected to the divine thoughts of his team members.

Once the members of his team fall, he will know immediately.

Just now, in his mind, Yu Yong and Yang Kun's divine thoughts were actually broken.

This shows that Yu Yong and Yang Kun have died!

"How is that possible? How is this possible?"

The middle-aged man with a hawk-nosed nose, Fang Qixiong, had an incredible look on his face, exclaiming: "Yu Yong and Yang Kun are half-sacred.

"Although in my team, the strength is relatively weak, but it is not the two small things that can be killed!"

"Is there a super felon who is out of poverty and is helping those two little things to kill?"

Fang Qixiong's thoughts turned sharply and he quickly thought of a possibility.

I feel that the reason why Yu Yong and the two died is a super felon!

I don't believe it at all.

"Fang, what's wrong?"

"Brother Fang, what happened?"

The other Tiancang law enforcement team members were very keen.

During the battle, Fang Qixiong's anomaly was also detected, and Zhuan Yin asked.

"You guys, we may have some trouble!"

Fang Qixiong took a deep breath and suppressed the impact caused by the death of Yu Yong: "I am afraid that in this embarrassing sea, not only Qian Linyun, a super-repeated crime.

"Someone should be hiding in the shadows with the intention of killing us!"

"There is another super felon who got out of trouble?"

The three-meter strong man Luo Men frowned: "Brother Fang, how did you come to this conclusion?"

"Two members of my team have just fallen."

Fang Qixiong said: "Except for the super felons, I can't think of anyone else who can let them fall!"

"What? Two team members fell?"

"Is it Yu Yong and Yang Kun?"

Fang Qixiong's words made the thoughts of the people present floating.

The action of besieging Qian Linyun could not help slowing down, and his attack power was greatly reduced.

Qian Linyun frowned, wondering what had happened.

Suddenly, a thunderous thunder roared in the clear sky.

The sound of crying rang out, and I immediately remembered the blood rain!

This is a vision, a heaven and earth vision that will only appear if there is a saint-level existence!

Especially the vision of heaven and earth at this moment, the scene is very magnificent, so that the millions of miles in the area of ​​the sea of ​​embarrassment, all blood and rain, are all stained with red water.

Suddenly, those members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team who were still in doubt were silent.

With grief in my heart, a touch of death hit my heart.

As for Qian Linyun, he was very happy.

"Suddenly, two of the perfect saints died."

"Nine times, it is Cheng Feng's handwriting!"

"I was kept in the Ghost Forbidden Zone for too long, and the essence of life in my body was taken away too much.

"If Cheng Feng can give me some surprises, maybe I don't have to use the 'that trick'."

Qian Linyun's consumption is too much, and his combat power is far worse than that of a small fortune.

Although he has a killing skill, he can kill everyone present instantly, but it will damage the foundation of martial arts.

He had been hesitating with each other before.

The appearance of Cheng Feng at this moment gave him hope!

At the same time, the two Tiancang law enforcement teams were unable to calm down.

"Brother Fang, do you know who was the mess that killed Yu Yong?"

Luo Meng, hunting knife, looked dull and asked.


Fang Qixiong shook his head: "But the opponent's strength is not weak, because the time interval between Yu Yong and Yang Kun's death is not long."

"Will it be Yu Xuanzi in the Yuan Yuan restricted area?"

Some people speculate: "In the nearest southern region, only three restricted areas have been opened, and one of the super felons in the restricted area has been swallowed up by demons."

"The super felon in the Nether Forbidden Zone is here. If there is a super felon peeps, it must be Yu Xuanzi!"


Luo Meng shook his head: "Xuan Feng has taken the seven teams and has already killed Yu Xuanzi. He cannot appear here."

"Since it's not Yu Xuanzi, who will it be?"

For a moment, everyone fell into confusion.

"Who is the tuberter!"

At this time, the hunting knife Lomon yelled, "Brother Fang, you directly lead the team to hang and kill each other."

"As for this Qian Linyun, leave it to our team to solve it!"

"Brother Luo, this Qian Linyun is not a general generation."

Fang Qixiong hesitated a bit: "We have two teams working together, and we have been able to win it."

"If my team leaves, I'm afraid ..."

"Rest assured, I've sent a message to the headquarters and let Brother Li lead the team to help."

Luo Meng said: "As long as Brother Li comes, this old boy will be suppressed!"

"Brother Li?"

After hearing the words, Fang Qixiong nodded and said, "If Brother Li leads the team, it is indeed more secure."

"Brother Luo just insists on the arrival of Brother Li!"

That 'brother Li', among the 12 teams of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team, should be very good.

Fang Qixiong heard that the other party led the team to help, and immediately stopped worrying.

Speaking to Luo Meng, he led his team members out of the battlefield and rushed to the place where Yu Yong fell.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Cheng Feng stood in the **** rain, looking at the sky for a moment, suddenly said.

"Sword Demon, get ready for one or two."

"Our trouble is coming soon."


The sword demon is still in the shock of Cheng Feng killing two successful half-sages.

Hearing this, his mind was suddenly sober: "Cheng Feng, do you mean other members of the Tiancang law enforcement team?"


Cheng Feng nodded: "We killed two members of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team, and that Captain Hawksnose Nose will never swallow."

"He either sent a message to the other teams of the Tiancang Law Enforcement Team and asked the other party to come and kill us."

"Either, they will kill us."

"It's really a big trouble to count so!"

The sword demon's eyes shrank: "With our strength, let alone a whole Tiancang law enforcement team."

"It's just the hawk-nosed captain alone!"

Fang Qixiong, the captain of the hawk-nosed nose, is a master who is infinitely close to the petite realm.

Too much stronger than the ordinary perfection semi-holy!

Compared with Cheng Feng, they really are too far apart!

"Strong strength doesn't mean that you can win." Cheng Feng is very wary: "As long as the tactics are proper, it is not impossible to win by being weak!

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