Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 888: So scary

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Chapter 888 Such Horror

"Grass, this guy named Baiguang, the code is a little bit too!"

Hearing Bai Guang's shouting, Tailong said coldly, "Cheng Feng is not a prisoner. Why should he want Cheng Feng to get out and meet him? Still question?"

"Even if it's Skylight, it won't treat us like this. What kind of onion is he?"

At this point, Tailong's eyes burst into fierce light: "Bai Ze, open up the formation defense of the No. 6 practice area, I'll keep this guy sober and sober!"

"Tyron, don't mess around."

Bai Ze frowned: "The white light is not alone."

"The four people behind him are all masters except Yu Wenfu."

"Two of them are from the Ministry of War, Xiu has reached the level of true dragon."

Bai Zedao said: "As for the last one, he has become stronger and has already reached the top of the true dragon level. He once played against an ancestral dragon master with 100 moves without losing."

"We'd better put up with it, once Uncle Jing finds something wrong here, he will definitely come over right away."

"Bai Ze, open up the formation defense."

At this moment, Cheng Feng said, "This incident started for me, and it ended here."

"Cheng Feng, Bai Guang, these guys are all under the command of Tianlie Chief Secretary."

Bai Ze reminded: "Tian Li Da Shi Ming, is very difficult to deal with Tian Zhao Da Shi Ming, since they come to pick things, they will never listen to your explanation."

"Once you go out, the other party will definitely fight you hard."

"No one offends me, I don't offend."

Cheng Feng smiled indifferently: "If anyone wants to use me for surgery, I will let his blade fall!"

Seeing that Cheng Feng's idea had been decided, Bai Ze no longer dissuaded, and directly took out the dragon-shaped token given by the order of the Tianzhao Dasi, and opened the formation defense of the No. 6 practice area.


The three of Cheng Feng flew out of the No. 6 practice area and stood in front of Bai Guang five.

"Cheng Feng, as an outsider, you have made a lot of noise in my Destiny Division headquarters, disrupting the order of my Destiny Division."

Seeing the three of Cheng Feng, the white light suddenly raised his head and said with high spirits: "I, as the destiny, the younger one, have serious doubts that you have a bad heart ..."

"Dangerous Nima!"

However, before the white light finished speaking, Tailong was directly interrupted: "I and Cheng Feng, but were invited by Tian Zhao Da Ming's order, but you are spraying dung here with a mouthful, saying that we are out of mind?"

"Why don't you tell me that Amaterasu's life is bad?"

"Bold, wanton!"

Bai Guang originally thought that he could rely on the masters of the Ministry of War to support and torture Cheng Feng, a peerless genius.

Never thought that he had not yet found the Lord, he was scolded by Tai Long, his face turned red all of a sudden.

"You are so clumsy, dare to insult Ben Shao?"

Bai Guang's eyes were fierce, and he pointed at Tai Long and cursed, "I think your special code is ..."

"Go to Mader!"

However, Tyron's temperament was so hot that he didn't give that white light a chance to abuse him.

When he saw Bai Guang's mouth swearing, without any words, he grabbed the giant five-meter knife on his shoulder and slashed at Bai Guang.

"Big man, you look for death!"

If Sanfeng was blocked twice in Tailong's mouth, then Baiguang was already angry.

At this moment, when seeing Tailong slashing, Bai Guang immediately pulled out the embroidered spring knife on his waist and imbedded the power of three dragons to enter Tailong.

And at the same time, one of the four people behind Bai Guang walked out.

The intention of siege Tailong to the left and right is another destiny Yuwen Fu of Tianming Division.

"Oh, do you want to bully less?"

But at this moment, Cheng Feng's body burst into a breath.

This breath was violent and tyrannical, like a thunderous daybreak, and as soon as it appeared, the void was solidified and the air was thickened.

When this breath suddenly fell down, it fell on the body of Bai Guang and Yu Wenfu.


The two young masters who had broken into the sixth realm were immediately struck by lightning.

In the face of sudden changes, the knees were involuntarily weakened, and despite the two desperately fighting, they finally knelt on the ground.

Like two lambs to be slaughtered, they have no ability to struggle.

"How can it be?"

The white light on her knees was full of unbelievable look: "How can Cheng Feng, such a guy, be so powerful?"

"With just one breath, it was the pressure on me and Yuwen to give two broken sixth-level martial arts soldiers that they couldn't move even a tiny bit?"

"Does this guy kill dozens of top evil fighters in the broken realm, not by virtue of external force, but by his true skill?"

Thinking about this, Bai Guang's face is all green.

The reason why he dare to look for Cheng Feng's obscurity this time is that Cheng Feng has no real ability.

Even if its strength is strong, it can be at least as long as the real dragon master.

But at this moment, his intestines were regretful, and Mission turned to look at the three true dragon-level masters behind him and yelled.

"Uncle Wang, Uncle Zhang, help me, help me!"

At the same time, the cry for help of Yuwen Fu also sounded.

"Cheng Feng, stop me!"

The three true dragon warriors from the war department were also surprised when Cheng Feng overwhelmed the two with a breath of white light.

With one breath alone, it overwhelms two broken sixth-level martial arts soldiers. Even the strongest of the three of them is afraid that it will be difficult to do so.

However, surprised and surprised, the trio's response was not slow at all.

When the three of them burst into a drink, the power of the true dragon in the body was fiercely evoked, and they had to rescue Bai Guang and Yu Wenfu.

However, just then.

Cheng Feng suddenly took a step forward, banging ~~~

When Cheng Feng's footsteps landed, a wave of air with heavy thunder light raged away from where he set foot.

Wait for this wave to hit the three true dragon-level warriors.

嗤嗤 ~~~

Of the three, two warriors who had just entered the real dragon class, because they couldn't bear the impact of this air wave, the whole person flew back directly.

The soles of the two men rubbed the ground and plowed two ditches nearly a kilometer long.

As for the third person, Xiuwei reached the top of the true dragon class.

But even so, under the impact of this thunder wave, 噔 噔 噔 ~~~

Unable to step back a dozen steps in a row, his face pale.

"This ... how is this possible !?"

Pressured by the breath of Cheng Feng, he knelt down on the ground. The two white lighters were still full of expectations, thinking that the three true dragon-level masters from the war department were out.

Both of them can be saved immediately.

But he never thought that Cheng Feng didn't even move his hands. He just stepped on one foot and flew out his life-saving straw.

At this time, the five-meter giant sword cut by Tailong had come to them.

They could even clearly feel the forest chill from the wide blade.

But at this time, they couldn't even move.

If the sword continues to slash, don't they want to move their heads? Die here?

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