Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 889: Let you three

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Chapter 889 Let You Three Moves

"Do not!!"

The giant knife zoomed in fast in his eyes.

Both Bai Guang were frightened and screamed in despair.

However, this could not change their fate.

As the five-meter giant knife in Tailong's hand fell off, banging ~~~

Two people, Bai Guang, were like two broken sacks, and flew out into the distance.

Even before the person has landed, there is blood and water in his mouth mixed with teeth, sprayed out thinly!

"Am I dead?"

Bai Guang flew out for thousands of kilometers, slamming on the ground, his body was almost falling apart, and the entire face was swollen high.

But he didn't bother about it at all, but when he landed, he touched his head with fear.

When he touched his head, he restored the original length of his neck. The fear in his eyes slowly spread away, and his husky voice surprised and said, "I am not dead, I am not dead!"

Bai Guang did not die.

Tyron's severely chopped slash, when he was about to fall on their necks, suddenly changed direction.

In the end, they stabbed them on the cheeks with a knife face.

Although the two were mad, but after all, they were from Tianming Si, and Tailong couldn't be a killer for himself.

Unless that person really wants to die!

"Cheng Feng, you are so strong!"

After Tailong blew the two Baiguangs together, he looked at Cheng Feng with astonishment: "Although I guess that it should not be a problem to defeat a true dragon-level expert with your strength, but I did not expect to be so relaxed.

In Tailong's view, even if Cheng Feng can defeat the real dragon-level master, at least three or five moves must be made.

But never thought that Cheng Feng didn't even move a finger, and just stomped his feet, and all three true dragon-level warriors retreated.

"I said long ago that Cheng Feng is a pervert!"

At the side of Tai Long, Bai Ze's wry smile was surprised again and again: "If we look at him from the perspective of ordinary people, we will definitely shock our heart alive!"


At the same time, Destiny City.

Countless staff members of the Destiny Division who were shocked by Cheng Feng also saw the pictures of Cheng Feng kicking back three true dragon-level masters.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

"Huh, I said I shouldn't go to the trouble of Cheng Feng, but some people just don't listen."

In the middle of the crowd, Uncle Jing sneered, "Is it okay now? The three true dragon-level masters didn't even touch their clothing corners, and they were shocked by their kicks."

"It's a shame to the uncle's house!"

"Leader Bai, is this a bit early?"

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with a battle character embroidered on his clothes said sternly: "Wang Gang, Zhang Que, maybe not Cheng Feng's opponent."

"But Yuwen Qifeng may not be defeated by Cheng Feng."

"Yuwen Qifeng?"

Uncle Jing glanced at the middle-aged man in Zhanzi: "Why can't he be defeated by Cheng Feng?"

"Just because he is a true dragon-level top warrior, and also has the blood of the giant spirit of the Yuwen family."

"The blood of giant spirit? Hehe ~~~"

Uncle Jing sneered: "Let's walk and see!"

Just when Uncle Jing and the middle-aged man of the battle character are facing each other.

Outside the No. 6 training area, the three true dragon-level warriors who had been knocked back by Cheng Feng's face changed for a while.

They did not expect that Cheng Feng's strength was so strong.

However, the three were not scared back, but flashed cold in their eyes. After stopping the retreat, they rushed again.

"Cheng Feng, you are too much."

Of the three, two true dragon-level warriors who had been retreated thousands of kilometers arrived first.

The power of these two dragons circling, holding embroidered spring knives in hand, transpiring murderously: "You first made a huge noise in the No. 6 cultivation area, and now you are even humiliating the two young officers of my destiny department."

"This time, Wang Gang and Zhang Que, I must take you down!"

After the words stopped, Wang Gang and Zhang Que split off two horror swords with a length of hundreds of meters and crossed to Cheng Feng.

"There was a huge movement in the cultivation area, which is indeed my fault."

In the face of the horrific slash, Cheng Feng did not panic and calmly said: "If it has affected the Destiny Division, I can apologize."

"But you treat me like a prisoner and intend to arrest and interrogate? Do you really treat me as a soft persimmon?"

"What is the purpose of your coming here? You and I know for sure, it's not just because I'm just practicing too much."

Cheng Feng's voice turned cold: "However, this is my reason!"

"So ... three moves!"

"I give you three chances to attack me three times."

Cheng Feng said: "During these three moves, I will not fight back. If you can capture me, I will follow you."

"If you haven't won me after three moves, it's better to disappear immediately in front of me!"

"What? If you don't fight back, let those three attack you?"

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Tailong and Bai Ze were shocked: "Cheng Feng, isn't it a bit too big?"


"It's so big?"

In Destiny City, the middle-aged man with the battle character sneered: "I think this so-called Cheng Feng is just a arrogant young man, embarrassing!"


"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Wang, **** this piece of Chengfeng!"

Outside the No. 6 practice area, the two Bai Guangs lying on the ground slanted cruelly.

I thought Cheng Feng didn't fight back, and despite Zhang Que and Wang Gang attacking three moves, he would definitely kill himself.

As for Zhang Que, their eyes shone coldly.

They were still worried just now that they were not Cheng Feng's opponents.

Never thought that Cheng Feng was actually trying to die by himself, no wonder then.

唰 ~~ 唰 ~~

Wang Gang and Zhang Que's stabbing gas have reached Cheng Feng.

These two stabbing qi, one cut to Cheng Feng's neck, one cut to Cheng Feng's waist.

Once Cheng Feng is cut, the whole person will inevitably be broken into three sections.

"Cheng Feng, be careful!"

Not far away, Tyrone warned loudly.

But Cheng Feng remained unmoved.

I saw him slightly urging Lei Jin rolling in his body, hum ~~~

Light flashes of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue ... six colors of light burst out of his body.

Waiting for Lei Guang to cover Cheng Feng, the knife gas cut out by the two Wang Gang just arrived.

The next moment, the two swords were chopped on the heavy thunder.


With the heavy thunder of the two slashes, a sound of thunder burst out instantly.

In the harsh explosion, a scary scene appeared.

I saw that Wang Gang's two slashes in the midst of Cheng Feng's stabbing, in the thunder of light, fragmented.

It was as if an ice skate had been cut on a stone sculpture, and the blade was broken apart.

Immediately afterwards, it expanded to the entire blade.

Even the owner of the sword was affected, and a thunderous thunder raged away, directly quitting Wang Gang and Zhang Que, and trembling a hundred meters.

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