Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1054: Cemetery

Chapter 1054

Han Yu looked up and down Hu Lilie, and seeing his greasy face, he didn't seem to have received any devilish training.

Surrounded by a group of young disciples of the Hu family, Han Yu was led to Hu Lilie's exclusive courtyard. Regardless of Hu Lilielie's stubborn look, his exclusive courtyard is exceptionally delicate, like Xiaojiabiyu hidden in the mountains.

There are buildings, gardens and pavilions, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

After entering the living room, Han Yu gave Hu Lilie a wink, and Hu Lilie understood, and drove out the Hu family children who were following him.

Here, Hu Lielie is the little devil in the world, no one dares to touch him.

"Lao Hu, I want to stay with you for a few days." After the outsiders left, Han Yu explained his intention.

Hu Lielie suddenly smirked, and said, "The son-in-law of Chenglong from the ninth day peak, come to live on my eighth day peak. This is not easy to handle. If the nine masters know that you will come here, I can't eat it. Go away."

Han Yu glanced at Hu Lielie, and cursed: "It's not serious, what is the relationship between me and Mo Xiaoxiao, don't you know?"

Hu grinned and said with a grin: "Brother Han, please play with you. This eighth day peak is your home. You can live here as long as you want."

Han Yu smiled and said, "It's pretty much the same."

Hu Lilie said: "I will arrange a place for you."

Han Yu stopped the frivolous Hu Lielie, and said, "No need to spend much time, I will live with you, just give me a room."

Hu grinned: "Then the relationship is good, our brothers can have a long conversation."

Han Yu said, "I think it's fine. I have to heal. Oh, yes, you go and inform Yin Shisan, Miao Shouqing, Guitoxin, Yu Daikong, and Mo Xiaoxiao. You will be here after three days. One trip."

Hu Lielie suddenly became interested, and asked curiously: "Big Brother Han, are there any good things to announce with Brother?"

Han Yu said: "I am going to share the secrets of turning big waves into sand and stones with everyone."

Hu Lilie's eyes lit up and said, "Brother Han, don't worry, it's all wrapped up in me. Well, can you give me the cheats to fill my eyes?"

Hu Lilian rubbed his hands with a look of expectation.

Han Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head, took out the secret book, handed it to Hu Lilie, and exhorted: "You can see it, but don't give it to anyone else. Also, we should keep it secret as much as possible when we get the big wave to wash the sand and stone into the golden heart. "

Hu Lielie took the secret book and said with a serious look: "Don't worry, I know the seriousness of the matter."

If the waves scoured the sand and the stones turned into the Golden Mind Method, if it spread out, it would probably cause a **** storm in the cultivation world. It's fair to steal our unity, otherwise this matter would have spread.

Han Yu is a little worried about Xiaolidao. I wonder if Xiaolidao has said anything to outsiders.

Next, Han Yu stayed at Hu Lielie, and declined Hu Lielie's and some of the talented Hu's suggestions on the grounds of his injuries.

In the middle of the night, the girl Yudie found here with her little horns, she refused to leave, she wanted to live with Han Yu, so Hu Lilieie got two more guests here.

The next morning, Mo Xiaoxiao arrived early and asked Han Yu why he left without saying goodbye. Han Yu reluctantly avoided discussing with Hu Lielie on the grounds that he had important matters.

Then Han Yu, under the leadership of Hu Lilielie, went to visit Hu Badao.

Han Yu hadn't visited Hu Badao before, so this time he was naturally going to visit him.

The population of the Hu family is more than double that of the Hua family, and the size of the entire base camp is much larger than that of the Ninth Tianfeng.

After seeing Hu Badao, Han Yu gave a bottle of White Fire Deer's blood as a gift, thanking Hu Badao for his salvation. Hu Badao was very happy. After all, a bottle of White Fire Deer's blood, although not comparable to a complete lower-grade medicine king, had a curative effect comparable to that of the lower-grade medicine king. This kind of treasure belongs to the Hu family and cannot be obtained.

Hu Badao has no mastery, like Hu Lilielie, carefree, and not too big or small, Han Yu chatted with him very happily.

During the period, it was inevitable to talk about what happened to Han Yu in the Tiangong. Except for the concealed by the sword of the sky and the slaughter of the immortal Taoist Han Yu, the others were told to Hu Badao intact. Han Yu had said this to Hua Luocan before. Over.

Hu Badao also told Han Yu an important piece of news, that the Temple of Heaven had disappeared. After Hu Badao and Hua Luocan left the Malgobi, the Stealth Mountain Range sent people to monitor the Promise Hall and Leiyin Holy Land, and learned the news.

The two chatted a lot, and from some of Hu Badao's words, he knew the origin of Han Yu.

This is not surprising. On the fifth day, the thief Sloppy Man, Chu Xuehan, Yudie, and any of them could tell the origin of Han Yu. And Han Yu's origin, as long as he is not known by his enemies, it is a secret that has to be told.

When he learned that Han Yu was just a cultivator from far away Jingzhou, Hu Lilieie's eyes widened. In his understanding, the marginal places like Jingzhou are places where the weak live, and he didn't expect to walk out of such outstanding people as Han Yu.

Before, Hu Lilie did not know the origins of Chu Xuehan and Yudie.

Han Yu pondered for a while and asked, "Senior Hu, have you ever heard of a cemetery suddenly appeared in Wuzhou?"

This question was asked by Han Yu after thinking twice.

According to Han Yu's expectation, Sloppy was definitely aware of the changes in the Han Family Cemetery. After all, the Han family cemetery suddenly disappeared, and there was a lot of trouble in the southern part of Jingzhou. As a Qi Tianshi, it is hard not to be curious.

Hu Badao's answer also confirmed Han Yu's guess that the sloppy man knew about the Han's cemetery.

"Are you talking about your cemetery?" Hu Badao asked.

Han Yu nodded.

Hu Badao continued: "My fifth brother talked to me about the sudden disappearance of your cemetery when he came back. In the past few years, my fifth brother has been inquiring around and there is no news so far."

"He's asking?" Han Yu frowned, always feeling a little bad.

Hu Badao smiled and said: "Don't think too much. Brother Fifth is just curious about the teleportation array in your home cemetery, without any malice. With Fifth Brother's ability, he can help you find it, which is a good thing."

Han Yu was slightly relieved, but as he wanted to, there was nothing in the Han family that could make a scruffy man something.

Han Yu was also curious about the teleportation array in the Han's cemetery. The general teleportation formation cannot leave with the things being teleported. However, the teleportation formation of the Hanjia Cemetery not only teleported the Hanjia Cemetery away, but also left with it.

This kind of teleportation array, Han Yu has never seen, unheard of. Even the old man had never heard of such teleportation formations in this world.

Not to mention the sloppy man and Han Yu, I am afraid that any Qitian Master, especially the Qitian Master at the level of Unearthed Master, would be hard not to be curious if they knew about this.

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