Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1055: Courage to choose

Chapter 1055

"We have been paying attention. If there is any news, we will tell you as soon as possible." Hu Badao patted Han Yu on the shoulder, expressing a little relief.

"Thank you senior!" Han Yu was very moved.

The power of the Stealing Mountain Range joined in and helped Han Yu to find the Han Family Cemetery.

"What are you polite? You will be a family soon." Hu Badao smiled.

Han Yu was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it, but Hu Lielie smirked with glee.

"Senior, I don't know sloppy...Fifth master, where are you going now?" Han Yu almost said that he was a sloppy man, and he reacted in a hurry.

Hu Badao seemed to hear something, smiled slightly, and said, "The fifth brother Shenlong sees the head but not the end. Who knows where he has gone? Now it is possible to hunt in a wild mountain, or to be trapped in a trap. Inside, there might be a tomb being studied, who knows?"

Han Yu paused for a while and then asked, "Senior knows what the fifth master did when he went to Jingzhou three years ago?"

After gaining the identity of the sloppy man, Han Yu felt that it was no accident that the sloppy man appeared in Jingzhou.

Han Yu even suspected that the old man from Boyi Temple built a third-level murder tomb in southern Jingzhou and made the illusion of sitting in order to avoid sloppy men, who should seek revenge.

Otherwise, how could the sloppy man choose to live at an entrance of the third-level tomb by coincidence?

But Han Yu felt that it was not. Sloppy was a four-yuan earth smasher who built a third-level tomb to confuse him. Is it too pediatric?

The purpose of the sloppy man in Jingzhou seems very mysterious.

"Well, I don't know too much!" Hu Badao said calmly. A strange color flashed in the depths of his eyes just now, and it seemed a little helpless and painful. But it was so hidden that Han Yu didn't find it.

Han Yu nodded, did not continue to entangle on this topic, and chatted with Hu Badao some other things, and it was almost noon when Han Yu left.

Talking to Hu Badao about some things about cultivation made Han Yu quite profitable.

On the way back, Hu Lielie curiously asked Han Yu about the disappearance of the Han Family Cemetery. Han Yu told the whole story and told Hu Lilie not to tell others.

Hu Lilielie vowed not to tell anyone that Han Yu still trusted Hu Lilielie's credit.

Back to Hu Lielie's other hospital, Han Yu continued to heal his injuries.

Without the help of any foreign objects, Han Yu's injury healed very slowly.

Two days later, Yin Shisan, Miao Shouqing and others arrived as scheduled. After everyone met, it was inevitable to have some greetings, and only after sitting down, Han Yu explained his intentions.

When Han Yu was actually going to share the big wave with them, the excitement appeared on everyone's face, and they also admired Han Yu.

The value of turning sand into gold by big waves is self-evident, and being able to share it is not something ordinary people can do.

Not to mention that the people present did not exert any effort in that confrontation. Even if they helped Han Yu, Han Yu could not do anything without sharing with them.

But Han Yu was not stingy in the slightest, and generously shared the treasures with everyone.

"Brother Han, you can take the big wave sandstone into gold and share it with us. Yin is really grateful. However, if I re-practice the big wave sandstone into gold, I will have to give up everything before me, so I decided, I will not Look at it." Yin Shisan said with some regret.

But there is no way, no matter who you are, you can only cultivate one mindset in your life. If you practice both mindsets together, you will definitely get confused. When you choose another mental method, it means that you have to give up the previous mental method and everything you have gained from practicing this mental method before. This is a difficult trade-off.

If Yin Shisan chooses to practice the big waves to wash away the sand and stone to turn gold, he will have to do it once, and it will be difficult to achieve the current achievements without three or four years.

Three to four years are short and short, and long and long. Now is a great time for cultivation, if it is wasted on a walk, it is really not worth it. After three or four years, he will inevitably be left behind by his peers. Yin Shisan didn't want to see this situation.

Yin Shisan's words dispelled the enthusiasm of several others.

Miaoshou Qing said: "Brother Thirteen is right. It is really difficult to give up everything now. I also decided not to practice the big waves to wash the sand and stone into gold, so I didn't watch it."

Guitoixin, Yu Bagkong, and Mo Xiaoxiao successively expressed their views. The three of them are undoubtedly the same as Yin Shisan and Miao Shouqing, unwilling to give up their current strength.

Similarly, they also regret it. The big waves wash away the sand and the stone to turn into gold, allowing the mortal body to transform into the spiritual body, and the spiritual body into the king. For them, this is a great opportunity.

How bitter is the feeling that you can't use it by holding a chance.

"Oh, since everyone doesn't want to practice, I'm the only one who does it. It seems that my older brothers are still the courage to break the boat!" Hu Lilie stood up and sighed. There is a feeling of loneliness and coldness.

"Lao Hu, are you really thinking about it?" Yin Shisan frowned. He knows Hu Lielie best. He didn't like to endure hardship since he was a child. If others said that, he still thought it possible, but Hu Lielie's words were always untrue.

"Brother Thirteen, I think about it, you just wait for me to become an invincible physique, and take you across the world!" Hu Lilieie convinced the world to give me someone else.

Yin Shisan and Miao Shouqing glanced at each other, and couldn't help but admire Hu Lilie. Hu Lilie's courage to break and stand up made them a little ashamed.

"Huh, what's the excitement, even if you choose to practice the big wave to wash the sand and the stone to turn gold, you will at most cultivate to the king body, and the system is invincible, don't dream!" Mo Xiaoxiao ruthlessly pierced Hu Lilie's dream.

"Who said that you can only cultivate to the king body, have you practiced?" Hu Lie gave Mo Xiaoxiao a grin.

"Huh, Tao Langsha hasn't cultivated to the invincible system, so don't you see who you are?" Mo Xiaoxiao said with contempt.

"Cut, I'm a magnificent talent, peerless and heroic. How can Tao Langsha compare to it? Just open your eyes and watch!" Hu Lilieie said triumphantly, thinking that he already has a lot of A big achievement.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until that day. When you are successful in your cultivation, we will return to dust and dirt!" Mo Xiaoxiao said.

"You have so little confidence in yourself? You can't even survive for decades?" Hu Lilie asked in surprise.

Mo Xiaoxiao was so angry that she grinds her teeth, and a fierce light starts to shine in her eyes.

Han Yu, Yin Shisan and others roared with laughter, and it was really interesting to hear these two people scold them.

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