Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1056: Assisted heart method

Chapter 1056

"Lao Hu, do you really have the courage to come back again? Why don't I believe it! Then what else do you use to conquer Qin Yin and bring it back to be the granddaughter of the Eighth Master?" Miao Shouqing asked. He felt that what he said from Hu Liliei was 80% can not believe.

"Conquering Qin Yin, what Brother has are the means, personality charm, potential, strength, what can't it?" Hu Lilie said with a proud face.

"Bah, it's also charisma, potential? It sounds like I want to throw up!" Mo Xiaoxiao disgusted and said, "As for strength, that's even a **** joke."

"Okay, old Hu, don't tease them." Han Yu said, really didn't want Hu Lilie to continue to pretend to be forced.

"Let me just say it, even Hu Lielie has the courage to start all over again, that's really a river flowing backwards!" Guidiao said.

"Cut, you know what a fart. This big wave is scouring the sand and turning the stone into gold. Lao Tzu is determined by cultivation, and I must surpass the old Tao Langsha!" Hu Lian grinned and raised his chest, full of fighting spirit.

"Actually, you don't have to start all over again." Han Yu looked at Hu Lilie and shook his head. If he waited for Hu Lilie to tell the truth, Huang Huacai might be cold.

"Oh?" Yin Shisan and others were a little surprised. Is it possible that the mind can be mixed with practice? How come they have never heard of it.

Hu Lilielie's lie was exposed and he was not ashamed. He walked back and sat down, pointing to a few people and said: "You said, you don't practice, don't grab me later."

Yin Shisan and Miao Shouqing looked at each other, feeling as if they had been trapped by Hu Lielie. The latter hurriedly asked, "Big Brother Han, what is going on?"

Everyone looked at Han Yu, faintly looking forward to it.

Han Yu said: "The big wave washed the sand and turned the stone into gold, which was a mental method that Tao Langsha created after his middle and old ages. At that time, Tao Langsha, like you, faced a difficult choice, whether to abandon the current mental method or abandon the newly created mental method. . Even Tao Langsha can hardly abandon his achievements at that time."

"Finally, Tao Langsha thought of a compromise method, which is to transform the Dalang sandstone into gold and transform it into a supplementary mental method. In this way, you can not give up everything before, but you can also practice the Dalang sandstone into gold heart method. The whole part The mind method is divided into two parts, one part is the complete heart method of turning sandstone into gold with big waves, and the other is the auxiliary heart method that has been modified. The power of auxiliary heart method is naturally far less powerful than that of turning sandstone into gold by itself, but there is one advantage. Anyone can practice."

"Really?" Yin Shisan, Miao Shouqing and others' eyes brightened, looking at Han Yu hotly.

If you don't have to give up the previous one, you can still practice the auxiliary mental method and let your physique change. This is really the best.

Han Yu nodded earnestly and said, "It's true, Tao Langsha himself came from this way. However, although the auxiliary mental method can be mixed with other mental methods, there are always drawbacks. Needless to say, the power is greatly reduced. The mental method allows the mortal body to transform into the spiritual body, and then from the spiritual body to the king body, which can undergo two transformations. After the change, the auxiliary mental method, according to my guess, can undergo one transformation."

"There is another drawback, and that is a powerful side effect. Although the power of the auxiliary mental methods has been infinitely weakened, the two mental methods are not the right way after all. There will be a strong repulsive effect between the two mental methods, which greatly increases The chance of getting into a demon during cultivation. I guess that Tao Langsha's final death was due to being backlashed for one reason, and the biggest reason should be that after being backlashed and falling into a demon and died."

Gui Touxin and Yu Daikong sucked in cold air, and practiced into a delusion. It was definitely a huge disaster. It can be crippled at the slightest, and death at the worst. It is definitely not a joke. The former sighed: "It seems that even after reformation, it is really not easy to cultivate."

Han Yu smiled and said, "There is no perfect thing in this world."

The ghost nodded thoughtfully.

Yin Shisan sighed: "Senior Tao Langsha is really an age-old wizard. Not only did he create the shocking mental method of making waves, sand and stone become gold, he also transformed the auxiliary mental method that can coexist with other mental methods, which is unprecedented. Come here."

Han Yu deeply agreed with Yin Shisan's words.

Mo Xiaoxiao said suddenly: "Since assisting the mind can only be transformed once, why can Tao Langsha turn from a mortal body to a spiritual body, and from a spiritual body to a king body?"

Han Yu said, "This is the power of Tao Langsha's elders. I am afraid that other than his founder, no one else can have such an achievement."

Everyone was lost in thought, and for a while began to itch.

"I don't think you guys should think about it. Let me do such a risky thing." Hu Liliehe smirked.

"Huh, I want to be beautiful, I want to practice." Mo Xiaoxiao was the first to quit.

Yin Shisan glanced at Miaoshouqing, Guitoxin and Yu Bagkong and said: "Cultivation is a process of continuous self-breakthrough. This is an opportunity for us. I choose to practice, and I hope you also choose to practice. ."

Miaoshou counted and nodded, and said with deep conviction: "I agree with Brother Thirteen."

Both Gui Touxin and Yu Bagkong also chose to practice.

Han Yu is very happy. Cultivation is not an easy task. There is a certain risk in cultivating big waves, sand and rocks, instead of going to a dead end. If they give up, it will make Han Yu look down on them.

Han Yu said, "Since everyone has chosen, let us find some time to study this assistive mental method together. I have one more thing I want to tell you about, that is, this mental method can only be limited to the seven of us. Let others know, even those closest to us."

Yin Shisan echoed: "Brother Han is right. Whether it is the original mental method of the big wave, the sand and the stone, or the modified auxiliary mental method, once it spreads out, it will inevitably cause an uproar in the cultivation world. it is good."

Miaoshou Qing said: "Yes, it can only be known to the seven of us."

Yin Shisan stood up and said, "I think it's like this. The seven of us swear by high-five, this will become the secret between the seven of us."

Everyone agreed, and the seven made a vow by high-fiving. Han Yu's mood suddenly became much more relaxed, after all, he didn't want the big waves to turn sandstones into gold and become a hot potato.

After sitting down, Han Yu said, "I have one more thing that I am worried about, that is Xiaolidao. He knows that I have obtained the treasure in the third stone room."

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