Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1057: Get busy

Chapter 1057

"Can he be sure that you got the big wave to wash the sand and turn the stone into gold?" Yin Shisan frowned.

"He didn't see the cheat sheet, but he would doubt it." Han Yu said.

"If this is the case, then don't worry about him. Now you can be regarded as a member of our Stealing Mountain Range. The Twelve Masters won't intervene, just laugh at the knife." Yin Shisan thought for a while.

Han Yu slightly relaxed, as long as other people don't interfere, Han Yu is not afraid to smile at all. If he dared to come to Han Yu, he would undoubtedly ask for trouble.

When Yin Shisan talked about his own people, Mo Xiaoxiao's face turned a little red. Now the news that Han Yu is Mo Xiaoxiao's fiance has been spread throughout the Stealth Mountain Range.

Mo Xiaoxiao was a little happy and a little scared.

In the past, she told Hua Luocan that Han Yu was his fiancé, and the main purpose was to let Hua Luocan go to rescue Han Yu. Secondly, she still had some careful thoughts.

Han Yu's mind was not in this regard, and he didn't feel anything wrong.

"Then everyone don't sit down, let's study together!" Hu Lilie said a little excited.

Han Yu, Yin Shisan and others looked at each other, all a little excited. Although Han Yu had seen two mental methods before, he never had time to study it.

"Go, go to my practice secret room." Hu Lilie led everyone out of the living room.


Everyone had just walked out of the living room, and suddenly there was a blast from the southeast, and Hu Lilie's entire courtyard was violently shaken.

A few people quickly flew into the air, and saw the sky far southeast, a cloud of white mist rushed into the sky and exploded, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles away, and it was terrifying.

"Really, I can still feel the shock from such a distance. At least people from the Martial Emperor realm are fighting!" Miaoshou Qing said in shock.

"Who the **** has eaten the courage of the bear heart and leopard, dare to come to us to fight outside the Tiantian Mountains?" Hu grinned.

The sound of the horrible explosion not only attracted the people of the Eighth Tianfeng, but also the people of the entire Sky Stealing Mountain Range. Countless people rushed to the sky to watch them, all in shock.

"Go, go and take a look." Yin Shisan suggested. So everyone flew in that direction quickly, and from a distance you could see that all kinds of magical powers went up to the earth, and the fight was so lively. Even if they were thousands of miles apart, a few people were enthusiastic.

When everyone flew to half the distance, the war suddenly stopped, and then saw a figure flying in their direction like a meteor.

"Grandpa?" As we got closer, everyone saw that the man was a slapstick, Hu Lilie couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hahaha...A few little babies, you are late!" Hu Badao laughed.

"Grandpa, who are you fighting with?" Hu Lilie asked curiously.

"The old king of Gong Chaoyang has been sneaking around outside the Tianshan Mountains these days. Lao Tzu warned him to leave. He didn't listen, so he had to get him out!" Hu Badao said calmly.

Han Yu was shocked, Gong Chaoyang was a swordsman genius, a top ten master in the Promise Hall, Hu Badao even said that he would just punish him, he was indeed overbearing.

Hu Badao paused for a while and then said, "Although you haven't seen the battle, going to see the battlefield is also very helpful for your cultivation!"

After speaking, Hu Badao's figure flashed and flew towards the eighth day peak.

"So arrogant?" Hu Lilie rolled his eyes.

Everyone shook their heads with a wry smile, and returned to the eighth day peak. In the battle of masters at the Wuhuang level, the battlefield they left behind will leave their way, which is of great benefit to ordinary cultivators. But now everyone's mind is on top of the auxiliary mental method of turning sand and stones into gold by the big waves, so how can they have the mind to manage those.

Back at the eighth day peak, everyone entered Hu Lielie's practice secret room and began to study the assistive method.

The people present are all with good aptitudes, and everyone's understanding is of great help to the cultivation of the auxiliary mind.

Seven days later, Hu Badao came and took Hu Lilie away. The good name is to take Hu Lielie out for hell-like training, and prepare to go to the Holy Land of Leiyin in half a year, catch the sound of the piano and return to warm the bed.

Before leaving, Hu Lilieqian asked Han Yu to go with him to Leiyin Holy Land for half a year to witness his happy moments. Han Yu had no choice but to agree.

Originally, Han Yu had no interest in this kind of mess.

After Hu Lilie left, everyone was still studying the assistive method in his secret room. The next day, Xiaoli knife came.

The purpose of his coming is obvious, to ask Han Yu to share with him the method of turning big waves into sand and stones. Han Yu directly said that he didn't get a rejection, and then laughed at the sword to fight Han Yu, and Han Yu decisively refused on the grounds of injury.

Xiaolidao has been entangled all the time, and one day Hualuocan came forward and said that Xiaolidao and Han Yu could fight, but it was fair that Xiaolidao should be injured first.

Xiaolidao could only retreat in the end.

The six people studied together for a few days, and felt that it was almost time. Everyone left one after another, and only Han Yu and Mo Xiaoxiao remained. Mo Xiaoxiao suggested that Han Yu and her return to the Ninth Tianfeng.

After all, Hu Lielie has left with Hu Badao now, and staying here is no way.

Fortunately for Yudie's help, she dragged Han Yu to the fifth Tianfeng. Because Mo Xiaoxiao didn't deal with Yudie and was anxious to practice the auxiliary mental method, he could only return to the ninth day peak by himself.

Suddenly, the Stealing Mountains became calmer than ever.

Under the strict requirements of the parents and generations, the outstanding young generations either go out to practice or cannot go out of retreat at home. Xiaolidao was also held in a closed home to practice, and Han Yu was quiet a lot.

In the entire fifth Tianfeng, there were only three people, Chu Xuehan, Yudie and Han Yu, and they were extremely quiet. Chu Xuehan is very reticent and often stays behind closed doors. It would be nice if Han Yu can see him once in a few days.

But Yudie, Han Yu entangled Han Yu after he came, wishing to stick with Han Yu all the time.

The little guy in Xiaojiao is still asleep, it's no surprise that Han Yu is used to this.

When he arrived at the Fifth Heavenly Peak, Han Yu was not in a hurry to practice the auxiliary mind method, first focusing on healing, and the rest of the time he studied the two magical powers of the Fire Dragon Man Tian Wu and the Heaven Sword Sword.

In a battle with Gong Shaohao, Han Yu successfully opened the door to the Jietian Zhijian, and some problems in the practice were solved. Now that Han Yu is practicing, it is smooth and smooth, constantly digging the deeper meaning of the Jietian Zhijian. .

It's the fire dragon dancing all over the sky, and he needs to practice from scratch. It took Han Yu a lot of time to get started.

In a blink of an eye, more than twenty days later, Han Yu's injury was finally healed. After staying at the Fifth Tianfeng for a few days, Han Yu left the Fifth Tianfeng to the Ninth Tianfeng under Yudie's very unwilling gaze.

Originally, Han Yu wanted to leave secretly, but felt that it was not right. Before leaving, he still went to bid farewell to Hua Luo Can. As for Hu Badao, he is no longer in the Stealing Mountains, and Han Yu doesn't need to go to the Eighth Tianfeng.

To Han Yu's surprise, Hua Luocan was not at home, not even Mo Xiaoxiao. Han Yu was also less troublesome, and quietly left the stealth mountain range.

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