Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2222: Two fists are hard to beat four hands

"It deserves to be the one who has chased and killed Brother Dugu!" Jin Wing Dapeng looked at his tongue. Now that there are only two opponents, he is relieved. Temporarily can't kill the other party, and the other party can't kill him either.

Li Weibai smiled faintly when he heard the words, and did not say much. He is also very relaxed now.

Honghu said: "Bai Li Canghai is indeed very powerful, but there were some reasons for chasing and killing Brother Dugu, not because Brother Dugu was defeated."

Among the few people, Honghu's defense is the strongest, but the strength is the weakest, but now there is no life-threatening.

"Oh? What's the reason?" Golden Wing Roc was curious.

"You must either ask Baili Canghai about this matter, or ask Brother Dugu." Honghu smiled.

At this time, they are the only ones who can laugh.

The Protoss master holding the old madman's great axe was a little dazed. I thought that this would limit the old madman's performance and inflict heavy losses on the old madman, but he did not expect the old madman to be so powerful.

Repulsing the three powerful men with lightning, the old madman turned around, holding the giant axe, kicked on the chest of the master of the Protoss, the man spit out blood and flew away, the giant axe was easily by the old madman Take it back.

"Banlong Palm!"

The old man surnamed Jin yelled, raised his hand and patted the old madman across the air. The shot was a high-level supernatural power.

The huge palm print is formed by a terrifying blue dragon entwined, and the breath is amazing.

The old madman disagreed, and slashed with an axe, easily smashing the opponent's palm prints.

"Moon Broken Gun!"

On the other side, with a gun master shot through the air, the terrible gun gas can penetrate the nine-day bright moon.

The old madman threw a fist out of his left hand, and the fist print hit the gun, bursting into pieces.

Seeing the physical strength of the old lunatic, the people of the Protoss decisively chose to attack far.

"Boom!" In the direction of the north, a terrifying aura swept across the sky, and the third master of the Protoss was actually using his extreme magical powers.

The old madman gave a cold snort and rushed away.

"Stop him!"

The old man surnamed Jin and the gun master came from both sides. After taking a deep breath, the fourth strong man took a deep breath, holding a sword, piercing the void, and rushing from behind.


A battle between dragons and tigers unfolded, and under the siege of the three, the old madman could repeatedly inflict heavy injuries on the other side.

However, the situation is not optimistic, because the supernatural powers of the Protoss master are gathering.

"Puff!" Suddenly, the Protoss master vomited blood, his body was crumbling, and the supernatural power he was performing almost collapsed.

The previous battle with Dugu Yijian had already caused him to be seriously injured. In his current state, it is very difficult for him to display a supernatural power. But that person was also a ruthless character, took a deep breath, and just stabilized himself.

"Fantastic God Seal!"

With a loud shout, the man hugged his hands in front of him, and suddenly a large seal appeared in a square, with the momentum of crushing the sky. Feeling the terrifying breath, the three men who besieged the old madman quickly backed away, away from the old madman.

The old madman didn't hesitate, and he hacked it by raising his axe.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound from his body, the blood boiled, and a dazzling golden light was shot from the pores, and the giant axe in his hand was spurred by blood, turning into a length of tens of thousands of meters.

"I haven't cultivated vitality, is he after the Great Emperor Houtu?" The old man surnamed Jin frowned.

The old madman had been using his physical strength before, and he had doubts if he didn't use his vitality. Now that he saw that the old madman was actually using his blood to spur magic weapons, it was completely certain.

"No wonder the power of the physical body is so powerful."

The Great Emperor Houtu blazed a new trail, entered the Tao with the flesh, and proved that the Tao became the emperor with the flesh. Whether it is the Protoss or the Nine Suns Continent, it is the only one throughout the ages.


The big seal was printed, smashing the void and coming to suppress the old madman.

The old madman gave a long scream, raised his axe in both hands, and slammed it down.


The great axe slashed right on the big seal, and the loud noise like the metal transition was deafening.

Da Yin was smashed by the giant axe and hit the ground, the giant axe was bounced, and the old lunatic's hands were shattered.


Dayin smashed to the ground, burst into pieces, and swept all directions.


Everyone was shocked, resisting the supernatural powers with physical strength, it was incredible.

Even Han Yu's physical body can't achieve this, right? Such questions flashed in the minds of Honghu, Li Weibai, and Golden Wing Dapeng at the same time.


Suddenly, the old madman vomited blood.

Although he stopped the Heaven-shaking Divine Seal, he still suffered a great shock, injuring the five internal organs and the eight channels of the odd meridian.

The Protoss master was overjoyed when he saw this. The old man surnamed Jin joined the other two masters of the Protoss, and rushed in, not giving the old madman a chance to breathe.

The master who displayed the Heaven-shaking Divine Seal hit the ground directly from the air because of prostration. He lay and panted, making it a bit unable to sit up.

"Boom boom boom..."

The war continued to erupt.

After the old lunatic was hit hard this time, his combat power was greatly reduced. Under the siege of the three, he seemed a little strenuous, and he was wounded and bleeding one after another.

Honghu, Li Weibai, and Golden Wing Roc all changed color slightly. They can only maintain their balance on the battlefield, and cannot withdraw to help the old madman. It can be said that the final victory of the battle between the two sides depends entirely on the result of the old madman's battlefield. Originally, the old madman’s strength gave them hope, but they didn’t expect that two punches would be hard to beat four hands.

Was desperately wounded by the opponent.

In a blink of an eye, the battle fought for most of the day.


A terrible breath swept across the world, the old man surnamed Jin and the gun master barely blocked the old madman, the third person withdrew from the battlefield and once again displayed the ultimate magical powers.


Honghu, Li Weibai, and Golden Wing Dapeng all changed their colors.

The extreme magical power came, shaking the earth.

The old madman confronted with the giant axe again, his hands were shattered, the giant axe was shaken flying, the extreme magical power hit the old madman, and the old madman smashed half of his body, severely injured and dying.


The man laughed. Although he collapsed to the ground after using this supernatural power, he already saw the hope of victory.

Before the aftermath of energy dissipated, the two protoss masters eagerly killed the old madman. The old madman only had one arm and one leg, still roaring and fighting with his opponent.


Suddenly, the old madman was hammered on the waist by the old man surnamed Jin, and he flew out and hit the ground, vomiting blood, and the blood was flowing like water.


The spear came out through the void, and the old madman hurriedly turned over. Just now he dodged his body. Sparks were flying from the spot just now. Immediately afterwards, the sledgehammer of the old man surnamed Jin was smashed down again.


Li Weibai shouted, shook his two opponents back, and rushed towards the old lunatic.

"Shit!" A sword light flashed, piercing Li's white vest, suddenly blood splashed. Li Weibai was distracted, but was seized by his opponent.

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