Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2223: Zhundi Peak


In the underground chamber, Han Yu's body shook suddenly, and the breath on his body was like a volcanic eruption.

After more than 13,000 shocks, Han Yu finally broke through the barrier.

Breakthrough, the pinnacle of the emperor!

In the distance, Lingyin, Baihu, Xuanwu, Sun God Child, and Feng God Child are all happy. Once Han Yu completes the breakthrough, he can enter that realm without hindrance.

As the barrier was broken, the capacity of Han Yu's physical body instantly increased several times. The physical body was already saturated, but now no matter how much energy rushed from the Heaven Swallowing Devil Gourd, it could be quickly refined into vitality by Han Yu.

The movement of Han Yu's breakthrough was so great that it caused violent tremors in an area of ​​several thousand feet centered on the secret room, which was incredible in Baidi City.

However, this movement is so insignificant that compared to the four major battlefields that have been smashed, no one noticed the situation here.


The old madman was hit by the old man surnamed Jin again. He was already at the end of the crossbow, and had no resistance.

Honghu, Li Weibai, Golden Wing Dapeng and others are so dilapidated. They tried to help the old madman several times. They were hit hard by their opponents because of distraction. The situation is not optimistic.

"go to hell!"

The master of the protoss spear pierced the void with one shot, and the spear pierced the old lunatic's eyebrows.

The old madman is inevitable and unable to fight back, so he can only raise his axe to resist.


The spear hit the giant axe, and the giant axe was smashed by the powerful force on the old madman’s head, directly smashing the old madman’s head, the old madman roared in pain, and flew out to hit a wall. , The body is full of holes and blood flow.


The old man surnamed Jin waved the sledgehammer, slamming it at the old madman like a pendulum.

The old madman raised his great axe again to resist, and the sledgehammer hit the great axe, and the great axe hit the old madman again. The old madman was dizzy and almost died.

The old madman hates madness, if it hadn't been severely injured by the two masters of the Protoss with the supernatural powers, he would not be so.

The old man surnamed Jin and the master with guns, you strike me with one strike, cross your hands, without giving the old madman a chance to breathe.

Before a cup of tea, the old madman suffered 33 severe injuries. Only half of the body was left, almost turned into blood mud, and the remaining arm lost its combat power. He could only leaned his back against the wall and blocked his head with a giant axe. It blocked the killing blow several times and escaped. .

Now, he can only become a living target after losing his combat power. It is only a matter of time before he is killed.

Suddenly, the Golden Winged Dapeng made a long roar, and all the feathers on his body flew out and turned into thousands of golden flying swords, partly blocking his two opponents, and partly killing the old man surnamed Jin and the gun master.


The old man surnamed Jin and the gun master wielded the giant hammer alone, and the spear in turn, no matter how many golden flying swords were killed, they were all blown together.


A blade of air slashed from the sky to the ground, and it slashed directly on the left wing of the golden winged roc, directly splitting the left wing of the golden winged roc, and the golden winged roc flew out and hit the ground. The golden sword feather he launched into a killer move was instantly broken.

"Ten thousand swords up to the sky, kill!"

Li Weibai slammed his hands together, and the sword in his hand spun quickly. Then he was transformed into a hundred to a million. Soon he was wrapped in countless flying swords. Those flying swords looked bigger than golden wings. Peng's thousands of sword feathers are even terrifying three points.

Li Weibai turned into a sword tide, stunned his opponent, and attacked and killed the old man named Jin and the master with a gun like a rainbow.

The old man surnamed Jin turned the giant hammer to form a huge golden Hong Zhong, which enveloped him.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless flying swords came and hit the big clock with terrible loud noises. Suddenly, Li Weibai blocked the four masters with one person's power, giving the old madman a chance to breathe.

However, this situation only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour, and Li Weibai's sword tide was broken, fell out, coughed up blood, and his face became ugly.

"You all have to die today!"

The old man surnamed Jin shouted arrogantly, and the sledgehammer opened and closed in his hands, sweeping across the army. Li Weibai confronted him several times, but was shocked to pale and kept backing away.

The old man surnamed Jin and two other protoss masters besieged Li Weibai and killed Xiang the old lunatic with a gun master.


A shot swept over, the old madman's giant axe was blown away by him, and then another shot pierced the old madman's eyebrows, preparing to break the old madman.

"Ah!" At this moment, a scream sounded, the Honghu flew out like a cannonball, the Qitian armor shattered, and a huge blood hole was punched in his chest. I saw the gods Qitian master shaking his hand, a net-like magic weapon flew into the air, facing the storm, and shrouded them underneath, actually blocking the Honghu

Qi Tianshi's aura was not sensed by Heaven's Dao, and he sent a punishment from Heaven.

Honghu's face was blue, unable to attract God's punishment, his death would be worthless.


Immediately afterwards, a ray of blood shot up into the sky, the golden blood stained a large area, and a paw of the Golden Winged Roc was shaved off raw.

Almost at the same time, using the gun master's long spear, pierced the old madman's eyebrows, smashed the old madman's head, and hit the holy palace.


The sound of metal transfer sounded, but the old madman's holy palace was hard and was not broken by a single shot. However, the three masters of Honghu, Li Weibai, and Golden Wing Dapeng instantly fell to the bottom of their mood. The old madman's holy palace was beaten out, and it was a matter of time before he died.


When it was too late, Li Weibai's younger generation was hit by the old man surnamed Jin and swooped out. His back bone was crushed, he spurted blood from his mouth, and hit the ground, making him unable to stand up for a while.

The master of the gun grabbed the old madman's holy palace in his hands, and laughed up to the sky, preparing to end the old madman's life.


At this moment, somewhere in the corner of Baidi City, a terrible breath burst out, as if the ground suddenly exploded and the underground volcano erupted.

I saw a black gas rushing straight above the nine heavens. In the black gas, there was a monstrous magical nature, and the magical threats frightened the gods and Buddhas, so that several protoss masters couldn't help but shudder.

In the black gas, there was a terrible purple thunder and lightning, which turned into a black dragon and wandered in the black gas, exuding a terrible destructive atmosphere.

"Is this?" Everyone stopped and looked at the black air column in unison.

The master of Protoss trembled a little. The eyes of Honghu, Li Weibai, and Golden Wing Dapeng were all filled with ecstasy.

"Have you broken through?" The three peak powers all breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a sharp sound of breaking through the air came, and the black air column quickly condensed, and a golden light rushed from under the black air column, as fast as lightning, even with the eyesight of Emperor Zhun’s peak. I didn't see exactly what this golden light was, I heard a scream, the master gunner holding the old madman's holy palace, standing motionless, his head exploded abruptly.

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