Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2357: Fire smart hands

After Shishan stabilized, the gaze that looked at Han Yu no longer seemed to be contemptuous, instead, he was filled with admiration.

Shi Shan had no doubts about his own strength, and Han Yu was able to hurt him so easily, showing how powerful Han Yu was.

Shishan's broken palms came out quietly, and he arched his hands towards Han Yu, saying: "I am convinced that I lose, and I Shishan will do what I say, and I will not pester you again in the future."

After speaking, she glanced at Xuan Xuan, turned her head and left.

Han Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head. The misunderstanding was getting deeper and deeper, but he didn't bother to explain, and walked back to the cave under everyone's attention.

In the following days, Han Yu began to recuperate, the training materials on his body had been exhausted, and Han Yu's recovery became very slow. But after learning about the outside world, Han Yu was not in a hurry and decided to live here for a while.

Time is like quicksand at your fingertips, flowing away unconsciously.

In three months, with a flick of a finger.

Xuan Xuan gave Han Yu some training materials. After Han Yu refining and absorbing it, she finally returned to her peak state.

During the period Xuan Xuan went out to inquire about the news, Dongyang Star Territory and Galaxy Star Territory were still chasing Han Yu frantically. Nowadays, even the wild star Territory can be seen everywhere in the Protoss.

Han Yu's several large-scale bombardments have already made the Protoss restless.

Han Yu lived here for a while, before the old banyan tree woke up, Han Yu decided to leave.

There is not enough training materials to supply Han Yu to practice. Han Yu is a waste of time here, and countless protoss masters outside are the best training materials for Han Yu.

Han Yu didn't care about the crazy pursuit of the Protoss. Today, in Dongyang Star Field and Milky Way Star Field, Han Yu is not afraid of anyone except Xiao Taiyi and Lang Haotian.

Knowing that Han Yu was leaving, Xuan Xuan was a little bit disappointed. She repeatedly tried to stay, but Han Yu had no choice but to send her away.

Knowing that Han Yu wanted to go out and hunt the Protoss, Shi Shan, Yu Zhongzi and others were eager to try and asked Han Yu to take them with them, but Han Yu refused. The situation outside is very dangerous, Han Yu can't let them take risks.

They are not like Han Yu, who need a large amount of training materials to cultivate, and meditation here is undoubtedly the best choice.

With everyone's greetings, Han Yu and Xuan Xuan flew out of Wan Lingxing and headed south.

Near the sea of ​​flames, you can feel the heat waves.

Xuan Xuan approached Han Yu, then took out a piece of talisman paper and smashed it into pieces, and suddenly a red light radiated from Xuan Xuan's hand, turning into a red mask, covering her and Han Yu.

Xuan Xuan saw that Han Yu looked at herself curiously, and explained: "This is a magic talisman given by Lord Huo Ling. With a magic talisman, we will not be attacked by the sea of ​​fire when we walk through the Star Sea Fire Region. Master Huo Ling also knows. It’s one's own and will not come forward to intercept it."

Han Yu nodded.

The two walked side by side, toward the sea of ​​fire. The heat wave is getting stronger and stronger, but after encountering the red mask, automation is invisible.

Xuan Xuan deliberately slowed down, and took the time of a stick of incense to the distance that could have been passed in tea time. Han Yu also did not make any comments on this.

Finally, the two walked into the sea of ​​fire, and the raging fire automatically lined up on both sides, giving up a road, and the two passed smoothly.

Where the two walked, the flames separated automatically, and where they passed, the flames closed again, as if there was life. And this depends on the power of that rune paper.

After almost half of the journey, the flames in front of them suddenly stopped separating, and the surrounding flames began to spin, turning into a whirlpool, enveloping Han Yu and Xuan Xuan.

"What's going on?" Xuan Xuan frowned. This is the first time I have seen this situation.

Han Yu thought this was a normal phenomenon, but after seeing Xuan Xuan's expression, he knew it was not, and he secretly guarded.

Xuan Xuan said to the burning sea: "Master Huo Ling, this is Xuan Xuan, please let us pass."

Xuan Xuan's voice was quickly shattered by the vortex formed by the flame, without any response.

The vortex formed by the flame rolled faster and faster. With a sudden bang, the mask covering Xuan Xuan and Han Yu exploded, and a powerful tearing force began to tear the bodies of Han Yu and Xuan Xuan.

Xuan Xuan changed her color slightly and said, "Brother Han, let's rush out!"

While speaking, Xuan Xuan hit the wall of fire in front of her with a palm.


The palm print exploded, and the wall of fire remained unchanged.

Xuan Xuan's face instantly became difficult to look at, her eyes looked a little guilty when she looked at Han Yu, but she didn't expect such a change to happen.

Han Yu comforted: "Don't worry, there is still me."

Han Yu shook his hand into a fist and blasted it out.

Heavenly domineering fist.

The power of Han Yu's punch was tens of thousands of times that of Xuan Xuan's palm. However, even if it was such a powerful boxing technique, hitting the wall of fire would only shake the wall of fire, but did not break it.

Han Yu couldn't help changing his color slightly, and shouted loudly, "Huo Ling, what do you want?"

You don't need to think about it, this is the fire spirit making a ghost.

Suddenly, a terrifying tearing force came from above, and Han Yu was directly sucked by the force. Xuan Xuan exclaimed, trying to catch up, suddenly a flame rushed around her, making her unmovable.

"Master Huo Ling, Brother Han is your own, don't hurt him." Xuan Xuan shouted, crying in a hurry.

Huo Ling did not respond, and directly sent Xuan Xuan out of the fire.

Xuan Xuan rushed back to Wan Lingxing, now only the old Banyan tree can save Han Yu.

"Miss Xuan Xuan, why are you back so soon?" Rose said with a smirk.

"Something has happened, hurry up and wake up Grandpa with me." Xuan Xuan's face was pale, with a deep look of anxiety.

"What's the matter?" Rose realized that something was wrong and asked hurriedly.

"I don't know why, Master Huo Ling captured Big Brother Han." Xuan Xuan said anxiously.

"What?" Rose was shocked, and hurriedly flew to the old banyan tree with Xuan Xuan.

The old banyan tree covered the sky with countless roots and branches. Xuan Xuan and roses flew under the trunk of the old banyan tree. Xuan Xuan hurriedly shouted: "Grandpa wakes up soon. Brother Han was taken away by Master Huo Ling. Go save him."

Old Banyan didn't answer, and fell into a deep sleep.

Rose thought for a while, walked forward, stretched out her hand for fear of hitting the trunk of the old banyan tree, and shouted: "Grandpa, you wake up!"

Upon seeing this, Xuan Xuan also went up and patted with her hand.

When Shishan, Yuzhongzi and others heard the sound, they all flew over. They didn't dare to delay when they learned the whole story, and helped call the old banyan tree.

After more than three months of getting along with each other, Shi Shan, Yu Zhongzi and others have no malicious intent towards Han Yu, and naturally they do not want to see Han Yu die. "Don't shoot, if you shoot my old arms and legs, you will be crippled by you!" After a while, an angry voice sounded.

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